
Have you ever thought about what makes a good blog comment? Want to know of a sure-fire way to bypass the spam comment filter in WordPress? In this article, we will show you how to write a good blog comment and bypass the spam filter in WordPress.

您是否考虑过什么才能引起博客的好评? 想知道一种绕过WordPress中垃圾邮件评论过滤器的可靠方法吗? 在本文中,我们将向您展示如何编写良好的博客评论并绕过WordPress中的垃圾邮件过滤器。

Comments are a great way to interact with the blogs you read. Most site owners love and crave comments. In their eyes, comments show that readers found their content engaging and useful.

评论是与您阅读的博客进行交互的一种好方法。 大多数网站所有者喜欢并渴望评论。 在他们看来,评论表明读者发现他们的内容引人入胜且有用。

Sadly, comments are now being used by spammers and bots as a promotional mechanism rather than a micro-conversation tool. We get tons of comments here on WPBeginner, and those that stand out share several common traits.

可悲的是,垃圾邮件发送者和漫游器现在正在使用评论作为促销机制,而不是微型对话工具。 我们在WPBeginner上获得了大量评论,而那些引人注目的评论共有几个共同特征。

Let’s take a look at how to write a good blog comment and get noticed.


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1.为什么要发表评论? (1. Why Do You Want to Comment?)

Before you leave a comment, you need to ask yourself why do you want to leave that comment? Some people want to become friends with the blog owner to explore networking opportunities. Others may just want to say thank you, while some might disagree and want to express their own views.

在发表评论之前,您需要问自己为什么要发表评论? 有些人希望与博客所有者成为朋友,以探索交流机会。 其他人可能只想说谢谢,而其他人可能会不同意并表达自己的观点。

Think out loud what you want your comment to accomplish before you write it. This will help you gather your thoughts more precisely and will allow you to be more eloquent.

在撰写评论之前,请先三思而后行。 这将帮助您更准确地收集思想,并使您更有说服力。

2.恭敬有礼 (2. Be Respectful and Courteous)

It goes without saying that if you want to be heard and noticed, then you should be polite, respectful, and kind.


Even if you disagree with the post, you should express your views without being rude to the site owner or other users.


Remember the site owner can delete your comment, mark it as spam, and/or block your IP altogether.


Friends and good manners will carry you where money won’t go.


– Margaret Walker


3.不要评论反向链接 (3. Don’t Comment for a Backlink)

Comments with backlinks in the message are more likely to be marked as spam.


Some users try to leave signature links to their site in their comments. This is a waste of your time, and more likely than not your comment will be caught by a spam filter or in a moderation queue.

一些用户尝试在其评论中保留指向其网站的签名链接。 这浪费您的时间,而且您的评论很有可能会被垃圾邮件过滤器或审核队列捕获。

First of all, you need to understand that all links in blog comments are nofollow by default. You will not get the SEO bump that you are hoping for.

首先,您需要了解默认情况下博客评论中的所有链接都是nofollow。 您将不会获得想要的SEO优势。

Second, why waste your time writing comments when you can get featured on any blog in the world. If you have great writing skills and all you want is publicity, then writing guest posts will benefit you a lot more than leaving backlinks in comments.

其次,当您可以在世界上任何博客上发表文章时,为什么要浪费时间写评论。 如果您具有出色的写作技巧,并且只想宣传,那么写访客留言将比在评论中留下反向链接大得多。

If you must leave a link, then make sure that it is relevant to the post. Self-promotional links are usually deleted unless you’re a regular user of the website.

如果必须留下链接,请确保它与帖子相关。 除非您是网站的常规用户,否则通常会删除自我促销链接。

4.为讨论增值 (4. Add Value to The Discussion)

When writing your comment, your #1 goal should be to add value to the original discussion. There are plenty of ways to do that.

在写评论时,您的第一目标应该是为原始讨论增加价值。 有很多方法可以做到这一点。

For example, if you are commenting on a list post, then add more information about an item already in the list or perhaps suggest an alternative item.


Asking relevant questions can help other readers, and it is also the easiest way to add value to a discussion. However, you need to be smart about it and only ask if you really have a question.

提出相关问题可以为其他读者提供帮助,这也是增加讨论价值的最简单方法。 但是,您需要对此保持精明,只问您是否确实有问题。

It’s crucial that you read the comments that are already published. This will give you an idea of where the conversation is heading, and you would avoid repeating the things that others have already said.

阅读已发布的评论至关重要。 这将使您了解对话的方向,并且避免重复别人已经说过的话。

5.拼写检查和校对 (5. Spellcheck and Proofread)

You should never use ALL CAPS in your comment (that’s simply rude).

您绝对不应在评论中使用ALL CAPS(这很粗鲁)。

Some site owners are very strict about grammar and spelling, so you may want to do your best there.


All browsers come with built-in spell-check tools that you can use to correct mistakes as you write. You can also install Chrome extensions like Grammarly or After the Deadline to proofread your comments.

所有浏览器都带有内置的拼写检查工具,可用于在编写时纠正错误。 您也可以安装Chrome扩展程序(如语法或“截止日期”之后)以校对您的评论。

6.转推,共享和重新博客 (6. Retweet, Share, and Reblog)

If you think of a post worthy enough of your comment, then why not share it with the rest of the world. Tweet a link to the post or your own comment. You can also share it on Facebook or reblog on your own blog. This also allows you to get more people involved in the discussion.

如果您认为某个帖子值得您发表评论,那么为什么不与世界其他地方分享。 鸣叫链接到帖子或您自己的评论。 您也可以在Facebook上分享它或在自己的博客上重新博客。 这也使您可以吸引更多的人参与讨论。

It also shows the site owner that you liked their article, and you care. It’s one of the great ways to start networking with an influencer and get in their radar.

它还向网站所有者显示您喜欢他们的文章,并且您会在意。 这是与影响者建立联系并进入他们的雷达的绝佳方法之一。

7.私人反馈 (7. Private Feedback)

Comments are supposed to be about the article and post you are reading. If you want to address the site owner or have another suggestion, then it’s best to use the contact form instead of leaving it all in the comment.

评论应该与您正在阅读的文章和帖子有关。 如果您想与网站所有者联系或有其他建议,那么最好使用联系表格,而不要在评论中保留所有内容。

It’s a bonus when you leave a great comment and then send helpful feedback through the contact form. Two quick touch-points can go long way in helping you get noticed by the writer.

当您留下很好的评论,然后通过联系表发送有用的反馈时,这是一种奖励。 两个快速接触点可以帮助您引起作者的注意。

We hope this article helped you learn how to write a good blog comment and hopefully your comments will bypass the spam filters. You may also want to see our free WordPress beginner workshop recordings.

我们希望本文能帮助您学习如何撰写好的博客评论,并希望您的评论能够绕过垃圾邮件过滤器。 您可能还想查看我们的免费WordPress初学者讲习班录音 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/beginners-guide/how-to-write-a-good-blog-comment-and-bypass-the-spam-filter-in-wordpress/



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