
  • General introduction
  • Problem definition
  • Gaps in literature
  • Problems solution
  • Study motivation
  • Aims & objectives
  • Significance and advantages of your work
  • 参考资料

General introduction

However, we found that simply combing these two approcaches leads to subpar performance.---
Research on __ has a long tradition
For decades, one of the most popular ideas in __ literature is the idea that __
Recent theoretical developments have revealed that __
A common strategy used to study __ is to __
This research constitutes a relatively new area which has emerged  from __
These approaches have been influential in the field because of __
In the past several decades, __ have played an important  role in __
There are growing appeals for __
This is the field of study that deals with __
Most of the theories of __ are however focused on explaining __
There are three major theoretical and conceptual frameworks for __
The field has gradually broadened as __
This field of study is sometimes referred as __
This has been widely adopted in the field of __
This thesis considers the field of __ as the main subject of its study
One of the major topics to be investigated in this field is __
This is now a mature field which is now being spun out into commercial applications __
This field is maturing, with a wealth of well-understood methods and algorithms __
This field closely follows the paradigm of __
The field has met with great success in many problems __
The field only really took off in the late __ as it became more accessible to __
This is not particularly new and has been used for many years in the field of __
This field closely follows the paradigm of __
Widely considered to be a good way to __
This has been widely adopted in the field of __
This is more widely used at the time of __
This phenomenon has been widely observed
A common technique is to __
This is a technique common in __
There are several common kinds of __

Problem definition

This seems to be a common problem in __
This leads to myriad problems in __
The main problem is that __
There is a further problem with __
One primary problem with __ is that __
The methods are not without their problems as will be discussed in __
The foremost problems are the facts that __
This makes up for the problem of __
This seems to be a common problem in __
This is a complex problem and to simplify it requires __
A challenging problem which arises in this domain is __
These problems are difficult to handle __
This is typically a complex problem __
A well-known problem with __  is that it does not take into account the __
One of the problems is that it considers only the __
The key problem with this technique is __
It is usually an ill-posed problem in the case of __
This problem is well-posed and does not require to impose __
This appears as a more straightforward problem compared to the __
This turns out to be even more problematic because __
The problem with such an implementation is that __
This poses some problems when carrying out the __
This problem  has attracted more attention in the field of __
This is a basic chicken-and-egg problem because __
Unfortunately, this approach results in problems related to __
These constraints make the problem difficult to __
Most of the research in this field is aimed at solving this problem.
This remains an open problem in the area.
This problem has received substantial interest.
These examples highlight the problem that __
The main practical problem that confronts us is __

Gaps in literature

There is no previous research using __ approach.
As far as we know, no previous research has investigated __
There has been less previous evidence for __
Other studies have failed to __
To our knowledge, no study has yielded __
No study to date has examined __
Only a few studies have shown __
However, __ has rarely been studied directly.
Moreover, few studies have focussed on __
In particular no study, to our knowledge, has considered __

Problems solution

One way to overcome these problems is to __
There are many alternative methods are available for solving these problems.
In order to rectify the problem of __
A solution to this problem is proposed in __
One approach to solve this problem involves the use of __
An alternative approach to the problem is __
This can be applied to solve these problems.
A number of works have shown that this problem can be overcome by using __
A large number of alternative approaches have been developed over the last few decades to __
To overcome this problem, in the next section we demonstrate __
One way to overcome this problem is to __
To overcome this problem, some approaches have been made __
One way of recovering from this problem could be to __
This has been proposed to surmount the problems caused by __
A different approach to the traditional problem is given in __
A whole range of different approaches to the problem are available.
These techniques have potential to solve contemporary problems in __
We should tailor specific solutions to specific problems __
The standard solution to the problem is based on __
The solution proposed here addresses only the problem of __
There are techniques that have been developed to solve this problem __
This problem is usually overcome by __
There have been several attempts to solve the problem __
There exist many methods for dealing with this problem __
Broadly speaking, the problem can be addressed by __
One of the simplest ways of tackling this problem is __
This problem has been largely studied and many viable solutions have been found.
In general, this problem can be tackled in two different ways.
Other approaches have been shown to cope with the problem more efficiently.
We will review the main approaches to solve this problem.
Recently, a more general solution has been proposed for this problem.
Both these works provide a solution to the problem.
Recent methods focus on overcoming the problems by proposing different schemes for __
This strategy is not uncommon in this kind of problems.
We can apply our algorithm to solve this difficult problem.
This is how the problem can be tackled __
We have developed this generic method to solve a variety of problems.
We will now demonstrate our method on some specific problems.
Here we solve several problems simultaneously.
We have undergone a rethinking of the problem by __
A possible solution to the problem at hand is __
It is clear that the problem could be easily tackled by __

Study motivation

It is of interest to know whether __  still hold true.
It would be of special interest to__
We therefore analyzed __ and investigated whether __
For this study, it was of interest to investigate __
We investigated whether __ can be partly explained by __
To examine the impact of __, we tested __
We have investigated the effect of __
We characterize different aspects of __
One way to investigate __ was to __
A new approach is therefore needed for __
To illuminate this uncharted area, we examined __

Aims & objectives

The aim is to develop more sophisticated methods for __
The aim of this work is to develop __
The aims in this chapter are twofold: First __, Second __
For our first goal, we focus on two problems __
The aim here is to investigate __
The overall goal of this work was to __
This project aims to develop an overarching framework to __
The aim of the experiment is to compare __
The ultimate goal is to produce a __
The overall goal of this thesis was to pursue __
After defining the problem we explain the goals of the thesis.
With this aim in mind, in this paper we present a new method for __
Our research aims at finding a solution for this challenging problem of  __
There is no overall goal, apart from __
We examine some previous work and propose a new method for __
There are too many simultaneous goals making it difficult to __
One of the major aims of this work was to create __
The main objective is to investigate methods for improving __
The objectives can be restated in the light of __
The objective is to devise and implement a system for __
The objectives were partially met by developing a method to __
The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of __
One of the objectives is to improve the __

Significance and advantages of your work

This thesis documents several key contributions made to the fields of __
This thesis has made a number of significant contributions to the field of __
The contributions made here have wide applicability.
The contributions made should be of wide interest.
The first main contribution proposed in this field is a __
The contributions of this work are presented as follows: __
The main achievements, including contributions to the field can be summarised as follows: __
We summarize the main contributions of this thesis.
The key contribution of this work is the solution it provides __
It has numerous advantages as explained here __
It has significant benefits in terms of __
There is a clear advantage in following the methods of __
This has particular advantages over other __
All of these advantages make it particularly valuable in __
One of the primary benefits of this algorithm is __
This gives a significant advantage because __
These point out the advantages and practicability of __
One of the key benefits of the algorithm is __
The main advantage compared to previous method is __
This present some practical advantages.
The main advantage is the simplified pattern.
One practical advantage of the method is that it can be used in __
The advantage becomes all the more significant when __
In comparison with other techniques, this method has the advantage of __
The most important advantage of this method is that it can perform very well in __
It yielded significant speed advantages when __
The benefit of using the __ is expected to __
The main advantage is that we are able to __
To give some idea of the benefits of this method __
The additional advantage of using this method is that it results in __
This is an important advantage of this algorithm __
These are the main advantages of this method.


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