
This last week at the SXSW (South by Southwest) conference I appeared on a panel that discussed "What can technology conferences do about diversity?" (the audio is up at that link also)

上周在SXSW(西南偏南)会议上,我出现在一个讨论“技术会议对多样性有何作用?”的小组讨论中。 (音频也在该链接上打开)

The picture at right is NOT that panel.


I speak at or attend between 12 and 20 conferences a year. Too often panels and speakers at conferences consist only of white males between the ages of 25 and 35. This year at SXSW we hosted a frank conversation attempting to answer some questions like "what is diversity (hint, it's not just color)", "how can we make technology conferences more inclusive," and "why should we value diversity at all?"

我每年参加或参加12至20个会议。 会议中的小组讨论和演讲者通常只包括25岁至35岁之间的白人男性。今年在SXSW,我们进行了坦率的对话,试图回答诸如“什么是多样性(提示,不仅是颜色)”,“我们如何使技术会议更具包容性?”和“为什么我们应该重视多样性?”

Our panel consisted of


  • Adria Richards - Technology Consultant

    Adria Richards-技术顾问

  • Anjuan Simmons - Principal, Adverlyze

    安华·西蒙斯(Anjuan Simmons )-Adverlyze校长

  • Corvida Raven - SheGeeks.NET, Catalyst at TED

    Corvida Raven-SheGeeks.NET,TED的催化剂

  • Scott Hanselman  - Microsoft (me)

    Scott Hanselman-微软(我)

It was expertly moderated by Latoya Peterson, Racialicious.com. Our panel was also mentioned in an article at Salon.com, although perhaps not for the reasons we would have liked.

它是通过熟练的主持拉托雅彼得森, Racialicious.com 。 Salon.com上的一篇文章中也提到了我们的小组,尽管可能不是出于我们想要的原因。

A number of interesting and compelling points were made during this panel.


Anjuan brought up the issue of the "pipeline" of potential technology workers and conferences attendees. We need to continue to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to access technology and express interest in technology. This starts with making sure schools put adequate focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) programs.

Anjuan提出了潜在技术工作者和会议参加者的“管道”问题。 我们需要继续确保每个人都有机会获得技术并表达对技术的兴趣。 首先要确保学校充分关注STEM(科学,技术,工程和数学)课程。

Anjuan also spoke about the pressure for minorities to be stewards for their respective groups. As a white male if I'm late for a meeting that reflects poorly on me, but if Anjuan is the only black male in a meeting and is late he feels that may reflect poorly not only on him, but any prospective future hires. While it's not the same, I relate somewhat as a Type 1 diabetic on a pump. I am aware that if I am unable to travel, am sick often, or am in some way unable to do my job effectively that may reflect poorly (and has in the past in my experience) on other diabetics. This could then make the company reticent to hire folks that follow in my footsteps.

安娟还谈到了迫使少数民族成为各自群体的压力。 作为白人男性,如果我参加会议迟到而对我的反映不佳,但是如果安娟是会议上唯一的黑人男性并且迟到了,他会觉得这不仅会影响到他,而且还会影响未来的新员工。 虽然不尽相同,但我有点像一台泵上的1型糖尿病患者。 我知道,如果我无法出行,经常生病或无法以某种方式有效地完成我的工作,可能会对其他糖尿病患者造成不良影响(并且根据我的经验)。 然后,这可能会使公司不愿雇用跟随我的脚步的人。

When I travel overseas and meet new people I am an American representative, and it's on me to be a good one. When I travel in the rural areas of Zimbabwe I want to leave a good impression of white Americans. We are all stewards of our respective groups, and PoC (People of Color) certainly feel that pressure more than others.

当我出国旅行并结识新朋友时,我是美国代表,成为我的好代表。 当我在津巴布韦的农村地区旅行时,我想给白人美国人留下好印象。 我们都是各自小组的管家,PoC(有色人种)肯定比其他人感到压力更大。

I offered my perspective as the only white panelist. I feel that many people say "I don't see color," but that's like saying "I don't see you. I don't see your experience." We are the sum of our experiences, our abilities and disabilities, our languages, our color, our place of birth and a thousand other characteristics. While color is an easy categorization, so is height, weight, gender, number of extremities and a bunch of other physical characteristics.

我提供了我作为唯一的白人小组成员的观点。 我感觉很多人说“我看不到颜色”,但这就像在说“我看不到你。我看不见你的经历。 ”我们是我们的经验,能力和残障,语言,我们的肤色,我们的出生地以及其他上千个特征。 颜色是容易分类的,身高,体重,性别,四肢数量和许多其他身体特征也很容易分类。

We need to resist the temptation to move from all white panels and apply "pie-chart diversity" to our groups. Pie Chart Diversity is my term for when you have one Black man, an Asian girl, a blonde white person and a brunette, and perhaps a Latino in a arbitrary group. You see this pattern in sitcoms and cartoons time and time again. It might make for a nice Benetton ad but it doesn't make for a good tech conference.

我们需要抵制从所有白板中撤出并将“饼图多样性”应用于我们团队的诱惑。 当您有一个黑人,一个亚洲女孩,一个金发碧眼的白人和一个黑发以及一个任意群体中的拉丁美洲人时,饼图多样性就是我的用语。 您会一次又一次在情景喜剧和卡通片中看到这种模式。 它可能会制作精美的贝纳通广告,但不会带来良好的技术会议。

不要组装彩色面板,组装各种面板。 (Don't assemble colorful panels, assemble diverse panels.)

Value lies in diverse perspectives, not aesthetically pleasing color swatches. An all white panel can  be a diverse panel if it includes a variety of ages, genders, languages, education levels, countries of origin and more. Don't ask yourself questions like "Why is this panel only white men" but rather ask yourself "where are qualified women and people of color for this panel?"

价值在于不同的观点,而不是美学上令人愉悦的色板。 如果全白人小组成员包括不同年龄,性别,语言,受教育程度,原籍国等,则可以是多元化的小组。 不要问自己“为什么这个小组只有白人”这样的问题,而是问自己“该小组有资格的女性和有色人种在哪里?”

My point to the audience was that awareness is the key. If you are assembling a panel or conference it's OK if you are a white person to ask yourself "do we have a diverse and representative group of perspectives in this talk?" If you are participating in a talk, it's OK to ask the organizers or suggest friends who might bring an interesting perspective.

我对观众的意思是意识是关键。 如果您要召开小组会议或会议,那么如果您是白人,可以问自己:“我们在这次演讲中是否有各种各样的代表性代表?” 如果您参加演讲,可以问组织者或建议可能带来有趣观点的朋友。

Corvida brought up the importance of tapping your own network. If she is the only PoC at a conference, perhaps she needs to reach out to her own network and let them know that the conference even exists! Lots of people have never heard of CodeMash, SXSW, or OSCON. Spread the word and encourage folks to submit. There's also BarCamps and CodeCamps as a way of starting small.

Corvida提出了利用您自己的网络的重要性。 如果她是会议上唯一的PoC,也许她需要联系自己的网络,并让他们知道会议甚至存在! 许多人从未听说过CodeMash,SXSW或OSCON。 传播这个词并鼓励人们屈服。 还有BarCamps和CodeCamps作为从小处着手的方式。

Thanks to Adria for organizing the Panel, to Latoya for excellent moderation, and to Anjuan and Corvida for their unique perspectives! To those that attended, I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did. There should be video and audio of the event soon. I'll update this post when it's available.

由于亚德里亚组织专家组,对拉托雅优秀适度,并Anjuan和Corvida他们的独到见解! 对于那些与会人员,我希望您像我们一样喜欢它。 即将有该活动的视频和音频。 如有可用,我将对其进行更新。

推荐链接 (Recommended Links)

  • Hanselminutes Podcast 303 Improving Diversity in Technology with Kimberly Bryant from BlackGirlsCode.com

    来自BlackGirlsCode.com的Hanselminutes Podcast 303借助Kimberly Bryant改善了技术多样性

  • Hanselminutes Podcast 203 Women in Technology in the Muslim World


  • Hanselminutes Podcast 156 Dealing with Diversity in Agile Teams with Aslam Khan

    Hanselminutes Podcast 156与Aslam Khan处理敏捷团队中的多样性

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/on-pie-chart-diversity-at-technical-conferences



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