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What is next-generation Java Plug-in and how can i switch between the old Java plug-in and new Java plug-in?

This article applies to:

  • Platform(s): Windows 2000 ,  Windows XP ,  Vista
  • Browser(s): Internet Explorer 6.x ,  Internet Explorer 7.x ,  Netscape 7 ,  Mozilla 1.4+ ,  Firefox
  • Java version(s): 6.0

Java 6 Update 10 (6u10) includes a brand-new implementation of the Java Plug-in, which is used by default as long as you are using Firefox 3 or Internet Explorer. Applets instead of being executed in a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) instance embedded in the web browser's process, are run in separate JVM instances which are launched by the plug-in's code. As a result the next-generation plug-in runs applets outside of the browser in one or more separate processes. Applets still appear inside of the web browser window, but now it is possible to use different Java versions and configurations to run different applets.

A new implementation of the Java Plug-In features:

  • Better Windows Vista support.
  • Improved reliability.
  • Improved user experience.
  • Improved Java/JavaScript communications.
  • Built-in JNLP support.

Switching between the old Java Plug-in and next-generation Java Plug-in
The new Java Plug-in is enabled by default. However if there are issues running applets with the new Java Plug-in, the user can switch to the old Java plug-in without any manual manipulation of the windows registry and moving files.
Steps to switch between Java Plug-ins

  1. Click Start.
  2. Click Control Panel.
  3. Double click on Java Control Panel.
  4. Click Advance tab in Java Control Panel.
  5. Scroll to Java Plug-in entry.
  6. Uncheck the check box for Enable next-generation Java Plug-in.
  7. Click Ok and restart the system.

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