
Staying social while your mobile doesn’t mean you have to pay for a data plan. Using SMS, you can update and receive status messages from your favorite social networks using the messaging plan you probably already have.

在移动设备上保持社交状态并不意味着您需要为数据计划付费。 使用SMS,您可以使用可能已有的消息计划来更新和接收来自您最喜欢的社交网络的状态消息。

Using social networks via Short Message Service (SMS) will not only cut down on your mobile phone bill, it will also increase your phone’s battery life, and allow you to stay up to date with social networks without needing a smartphone. Being able to send a simple SMS makes updating fast and available on every mobile phone available today (so long as your plan supports it). During busy situations like natural disasters and large events, SMS is also much more reliable than data plans which makes it ideal if you just need to get the word out about where you are.

通过短消息服务(SMS)使用社交网络不仅可以减少手机账单,还可以延长手机的电池使用时间,并使您无需使用智能手机就可以随时了解社交网络的最新信息。 能够发送简单的SMS可以使更新Swift,并且可以在当今的每部移动电话上进行更新(只要您的计划支持)。 在诸如自然灾害和大事件之类的繁忙情况下,SMS也比数据计划更可靠,这使它成为理想的解决方案,如果您只需要知道自己的位置。

After a full week of using social networks this way, there were a couple of benefits I didn’t expect.


  • I didn’t find myself anxious to check my social networks when I was at my computer. All of the people I cared to hear from, I already got notified.当我在计算机旁时,我并不急于检查社交网络。 我很想听到所有的人,我已经收到通知。
  • I didn’t randomly check my phone when with other people; my phone now tells me when there is something worth checking.与他人在一起时,我并没有随机检查手机; 现在,我的电话会告诉我什么时候值得检查。
  • I am able to check all of my social networks in a “unified app.” Managing updates and replies are all handled the same way weather they are for Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.我可以在“统一应用”中检查我所有的社交网络。 管理更新和回复的方式与处理Facebook,Twitter或Google+时的处理方式相同。

There are a few downsides of using social networks via SMS:


  • Some social network don’t supports MMS messaging for pictures or videos. If your friends post pictures or videos, you’ll still need to load an app or visit the web page.某些社交网络不支持图片或视频的MMS消息传递。 如果您的朋友发布图片或视频,您仍然需要加载应用程序或访问网页。
  • SMS messages have a 160 character limit, this is fine for services like Twitter and foursquare, but if you have long posts on Facebook or Google+, your message may lose formatting or be split into smaller updates.SMS消息的字符数限制为160个字符,这对于Twitter和foursquare之类的服务来说是很好的选择,但是如果您在Facebook或Google+上发布了较长的帖子,则您的消息可能会失去格式或分成较小的更新。
  • You need to be selective in what notifications you get. Your phone may never stop getting messages if you got a text for every Facebook, Google+, Twitter, and Foursquare update.您需要对收到的通知保持选择性。 如果您收到有关Facebook,Google +,Twitter和Foursquare的每个更新的短信,则手机可能永远不会停止接收消息。
  • There is some setup required, it’s not very hard and we’ll walk you through the steps below.需要进行一些设置,这并不难,我们将逐步指导您完成以下步骤。
  • It will be impossible to distinguish between social network SMSs and normal SMSs. This means, if you are getting a lot of messages from social networks, you might miss important SMSs from friends.不可能区分社交网络SMS和普通SMS。 这意味着,如果您从社交网络中收到大量消息,则可能会错过朋友的重要短信。
  • Some functionality is limited such as autofilling a friends name or replying to a post depending on what network you are on.某些功能受到限制,例如根据您所在的网络自动填写朋友姓名或回复帖子。
  • To our knowledge, all of the numbers below only work in the United States. Sorry, rest of the world.据我们所知,以下所有数字仅适用于美国。 抱歉,世界其他地方。

All that aside, with some careful planning this method has worked great for me for the past week and I have fully cancelled my data plan saving me almost $600 a year.


If you give this system a try, let us know what your experience is like or if you have any other tips in the comments.


Facebook (32665)


Facebook not only allows you to subscribe to your friend’s updates and post updates via SMS, but they also allow you to use Facebook chat. First you need to activate SMS messaging in Facebook’s settings. Get started by logging into your account and going to your account settings.

Facebook不仅允许您订阅朋友的更新并通过短信发布更新,而且还允许您使用Facebook聊天。 首先,您需要在Facebook的设置中激活SMS消息传递。 通过登录帐户并转到帐户设置来开始使用。

Click on mobile on the left and then add a phone using the steps Facebook provides.


Now that your phone is authorized, edit the settings so they are exactly how you want.


In the screenshot below we recommend checking the box by number 1, add whatever friends you want to receive notifications from on number 2, and set your settings for Facebook instant messages and daily limit next to number 3.


If you want to send pictures or videos to Facebook from your phone you’ll need to click number 4 to get your unique email address that will let you upload media messages.


After you click on link four, look for your unique mobile upload email.


If you want to receive messages from Facebook pages, you’ll need to go to that page, and click “get updates via SMS” on the left hand column.


You are ready to receive updates now. To send updates we recommend you add a contact named fbook to your phone with the mobile number 32665 and email address for mobile uploads.

您现在就可以接收更新。 要发送更新,我们建议您在手机中添加一个名为fbook的联系人,手机号码为32665,手机上传的电子邮件地址。

To send updates just make a new SMS message to 32665 with your status in the message body. Upload photos and videos by sending them via MMS to the email address provided. You can also reply to someones update by replying to the SMS message that was sent to you.

要发送更新,只需向您的状态在消息正文中发送一条新的SMS消息到32665。 通过MMS将照片和视频发送到提供的电子邮件地址,以上传照片和视频。 您还可以通过回复发送给您的SMS消息来回复某人的更新。

There are a few other commands you can send which you can find in the Facebook help section. You can also send an SMS message with the word “help” to be sent the commands. Just don’t try to update your status when you need “help” as the only word.

您还可以发送其他一些命令,这些命令可以在Facebook帮助部分中找到。 您也可以发送带有“ help”字样的SMS消息,以发送命令。 仅在您需要“帮助”作为唯一字时,不要尝试更新您的状态。

推特(40404) (Twitter (40404))

Twitter works much the same way for setup. Log in and go to settings -> mobile. Add your number and change the settings you want below.

Twitter的安装方式大致相同。 登录并转到设置->移动。 添加您的号码并在下面更改所需的设置。

Now go to your list of followers and turn on mobile notifications for people you want SMS messages for.


You should now add a twitter contact in your phone with the mobile number 40404. This will identify all incoming messages and allow you to quickly send messages to the contact.


You can send text or picture (MMS) to your new twitter contact and they will automatically be posted to your feed.


One downside to Twitter SMS is if you reply to a tweet via SMS, it does not automatically send an @reply to the user who sent the message. You will need to manually add the @username information manually.

Twitter SMS的一个缺点是,如果您通过SMS回复一条推文,它不会自动向发送该消息的用户发送@reply。 您将需要手动添加@username信息。

There are also some extra commands you can use with Twitter. Just like the other social networks, send an SMS with the world “help” to receive the following commands.

Twitter还可以使用一些其他命令。 就像其他社交网络一样,向世界发送带有“帮助”的SMS来接收以下命令。

Google+(33669) (Google+ (33669))

Log in to Google+ and go to settings to add your phone number; enter the verification number they will send to you.

登录Google+并转到设置以添加您的电话号码; 输入他们将发送给您的验证码。

Change your settings and notification settings from the main settings page.


Text messages will send updates just like they do for Facebook and Twitter. Picture messages are not supported via MMS at this time for Google+. Instead you can log into, go to settings and set up a secret email address for your photo uploads.

短信将发送更新,就像对Facebook和Twitter一样。 Google+目前不支持通过彩信发送彩信。 相反,您可以登录,转到设置并为您上传的照片设置秘密电子邮件地址。

Once you send a picture via email, it will be automatically added to a drop box album in Picasa. By default this album is not shared with anyone, but you can easily change its visibility from within Google+.

通过电子邮件发送图片后,该图片将自动添加到Picasa中的收件箱相册中。 默认情况下,此相册不与任何人共享,但您可以在Google+中轻松更改其可见性。

New pictures will not generate new posts automatically, but the pictures will still be visible if someone browses your albums.


By default, SMS posts are shared with everyone in your circles, but you can add or remove circles using the + or @ symbol


You can get a list of available commands by sending the “help” command to 33669.

您可以通过将“ help”命令发送到33669来获得可用命令的列表。

四方(368266) (Foursquare (368266))

To activate Foursquare on your phone you need to go to DotGo and authorize their app to access your Foursquare account.


Once you receive your authorization pin, send an SMS to DOTCOM (368266) with the message “foursquare +pin.” You will then be sent a menu of commands you can use with Foursquare.

收到授权密码后,将SMS消息“ foursquare + pin”发送到DOTCOM(368266)。 然后,您将收到可与Foursquare一起使用的命令菜单。

The basic command you will probably use is “foursquare at place [zip code]”. The “foursquare at” command checks you in to the first search result for the place you specified. If you are not sure the place name you can use the “foursquare checkin place [zip code]” and you will be messaged back with a list of location that match your search. You can then check in to one of the returned results by just replying to the message with the number of the returned result.

您可能会使用的基本命令是“在地方放置Foursquare [邮政编码]”。 “ foursquare at”命令可将您签入您指定位置的第一个搜索结果。 如果不确定地名,则可以使用“ foursquare签到地[邮政编码]”,然后会向您发送消息,提示您与搜索相匹配的位置。 然后,您可以通过仅返回带有返回结果编号的消息来签入返回的结果之一。

Foursquare isn’t as intuitive as some of the other social networks, but we found it to be usable even without GPS assistance or a smartphone.


If you need help, you can message 368266 with the word foursquare to get a list of commands.




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