
According to statistics, seventy-eight percent of millennial business leaders say that they'd like to leverage technology to better manage the business. However, the implementation of new technologies may be even harder in family-owned companies compared to a corporation.

据统计 ,百分之七十八的千禧一代企业领导人表示,他们希望利用技术更好地管理企业。 但是,与公司相比,在家族企业中实施新技术可能会更加困难。

Another interesting fact: 37% of the next generation business leaders report struggling to get the business to understand the importance of having a digital strategy. Older people prefer not to fix things that are not broken, and so they might miss a lot of growth opportunities.

另一个有趣的事实:下一代商业领袖的37% 报告说努力让企业了解其数字战略的重要性。 老年人不愿修理那些没有破损的东西,因此他们可能会错过很多成长机会。

Today we will talk about three top tech trends affecting family businesses right now and may have a crucial impact in the future.


在线下线业务 (Moving offline business online)

Another top trend is reaching a wider audience by using technology. Very often, family-owned offline businesses are stuck in the past and miss a lot of opportunities to competitors who do not hesitate to go online.

另一个主要趋势是通过使用技术来达到更广泛的受众。 很多时候,家族拥有的离线业务陷入了过去,错过了很多毫不犹豫地上网的竞争对手的机会。

So, adding new technologically advanced communication channels is a crucial step towards success in the 21st century. For example, the company Ashely Douglas was a small jewelry store making wedding rings in Brisbane, Australia. Now the business has its own website, where customers can book a consultation, find information on all services and goods sold. The implementation of a website allowed the company to reach thousands of new potential customers.

因此,添加新的技术先进的通信渠道是迈向21世纪成功的关键一步。 例如,公司Ashely Douglas是一家小型珠宝店, 在澳大利亚布里斯班制作结婚戒指 。 现在,该公司拥有自己的网站,客户可以在该网站上预订咨询服务,查找有关所有服务和所售商品的信息。 网站的实施使公司能够接触到成千上万的新潜在客户。

人工智能以优化成本 (AI for cost optimization)

Artificial intelligence is a hot topic in multiple industries, and family businesses are often among them. AI-based tools allow management teams can make better decisions, assess data more efficiently, and reduce costs.

人工智能是多个行业的热门话题,家族企业通常是其中之一。 基于AI的工具使管理团队可以做出更好的决策,更有效地评估数据并降低成本。

However, the implementation of AI in a family business is a bit different thing. It would help if you took into account the processes and management style of the previous generation managers and family members. Often this means that instead of deploying the tech everywhere at once, it's better to implement it in those areas that need the most significant help.

但是,在家族企业中实施AI有点不同。 如果您考虑到上一代管理人员和家庭成员的流程和管理风格,将会有所帮助。 通常,这意味着与其立即将技术部署到各处,不如在需要最大帮助的领域中实施该技术更好。

An example of such step-by-step implementation is a Japanese family business called Snow Peak. This company produces outdoor gear and apparel. The industry is now using predictive analytics to gather and unify data in real-time across different markets. The management is now able to make targeted suggestions for future purchases and increased its revenue.

这种逐步实施的示例是一家名为Snow Snow的日本家族企业。 该公司生产户外装备和服装 。 该行业现在正在使用预测分析来跨不同市场实时收集和统一数据。 管理层现在能够针对未来的购买提出有针对性的建议并增加收入。

区块链提高透明度 (Blockchain for higher transparency)

AI is not the only innovative trend, blockchain is the one to mention also. The tech behind Bitcoin and other popular cryptocurrencies have also been adopted by family businesses. The main practical application of this tool is reaching high transparency, fighting fraud, and corruption, which is often hard to do with traditional means (especially for small companies).

人工智能不是唯一的创新趋势,区块链也是值得一提的。 家族企业也采用了比特币和其他流行加密货币背后的技术。 该工具的主要实际应用是达到高透明度,打击欺诈和腐败,而这通常是用传统手段很难做到的(尤其是对于小公司而言)。

Here is an example of a small family business using blockchain. Scheid Family Wines implemented the distributed ledger technology for tracking its supply chain. This means that you can scan a QR code at a wine bottle and get the complete information about the vineyard of the origin or harvest dates.

这是一个使用区块链的小型家族企业的示例。 Scheid Family Wines实施了分布式分类帐技术来跟踪其供应链。 这意味着您可以在葡萄酒瓶上扫描QR码,并获取有关起源或收获日期的葡萄园的完整信息。

最后的想法 (Final thoughts)

While it may seem that technology is something that corporations should implement and can really ripe the benefits, the practice tells that small family-owned company can jump on this bandwagon as well.


The process of new tech implementation might be harder than usual. Still, it is the millennial top managers' task to persuade their previous generation business partners and describe all opportunities that will take the business to a new level!

新技术的实施过程可能比平时更难。 说服他们的前几代业务合作伙伴并描述将业务提升到新水平的所有机会仍然是千禧一代高层管理人员的任务!

翻译自: https://habr.com/en/post/488526/



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