QuicSocketAccept函数 返回一个套接字

QuicSocket newSocket = QuicSocketAccept(fd);


QuicSocket QuicSocketAccept(QuicSocket listenSock)
//判断传入的值auto socket = EntryBase::GetFdManager().Get(listenSock);if (!socket || socket->Category() != EntryCategory::Socket) {DebugPrint(dbg_api, "sock = %d, return = -1, errno = EBADF", listenSock);errno = EBADF;return -1;}
//重点是这个AcceptSocket函数 返回一个整数auto newSocket = ((QuicSocketEntry*)socket.get())->AcceptSocket();if (!newSocket) {DebugPrint(dbg_api, "sock = %d, return = -1, errno = %d", listenSock, errno);return -1;}DebugPrint(dbg_api, "sock = %d, newSocket = %d", listenSock, newSocket->Fd());return newSocket->Fd();


QuicSocketEntryPtr QuicSocketEntry::AcceptSocket()
//还是先判断一下状态if (socketState_ != QuicSocketState_Binded) {errno = EINVAL;return QuicSocketEntryPtr();}std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(acceptSocketsMtx_);if (acceptSockets_.empty()) {//判断是否为空errno = EAGAIN;return QuicSocketEntryPtr();}auto ptr = acceptSockets_.front();//返回这个列表的第一个元素acceptSockets_.pop_front();return ptr;

auto ptr = acceptSockets_.front();//返回这个列表的第一个元素

//返回这个列表的第一个元素// element access/***  Returns a read/write reference to the data at the first*  element of the %list.*/referencefront() _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT{ return *begin(); }/***  Returns a read-only (constant) reference to the data at the first*  element of the %list.*/const_referencefront() const _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT{ return *begin(); }


 /***  @brief  Removes first element.**  This is a typical stack operation.  It shrinks the %list by*  one.  Due to the nature of a %list this operation can be done*  in constant time, and only invalidates iterators/references to*  the element being removed.**  Note that no data is returned, and if the first element's data*  is needed, it should be retrieved before pop_front() is*  called.*/voidpop_front() _GLIBCXX_NOEXCEPT{ this->_M_erase(begin()); }/***  @brief  Add data to the end of the %list.*  @param  __x  Data to be added.**  This is a typical stack operation.  The function creates an*  element at the end of the %list and assigns the given data to*  it.  Due to the nature of a %list this operation can be done*  in constant time, and does not invalidate iterators and*  references.*/voidpush_back(const value_type& __x){ this->_M_insert(end(), __x); }

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