Lab Week 18 实验报告


  • 编写一个 C 程序模拟实现课件 Lecture25 中的硬盘磁头调度算法,包括

    • FCFS、SSTF、SCAN 和 C-LOOK 调度策略。
    • 固定一个硬盘柱面数;
    • 输入一批随机的硬盘柱面请求序列,计算各个调度策略下的磁头移动平均总距离 (假设磁头运动是理想匀速的,可以把移动距离看作是移动时间,将总时间除以请求数得到平均响应时间)。
  • 分析上述实验结果。

I. 硬盘磁头调度算法






  • 寻道时间:是磁臂移动磁头到包含目标扇区的柱面的时间;
  • 旋转延迟:是磁盘旋转目标扇区到磁头下的额外时间;


1. 先来先服务(First Come First Served, FCFS)算法



void set_request(int *cylinders, int *request, int req_num){for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int req_id = request[i];cylinders[req_id]++; //对应的磁道请求数加1}



void FCFS(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num){printf("===============FCFS=============\n");int move_sum = 0;memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);//设置磁道请求printf("Head location: %d\n", head);printf("Processing sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int req_id = request[i];printf("%d ", req_id);cylinders[req_id]--;move_sum += abs(head - req_id); //计算移动距离head = req_id; //磁头移动}printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}




the queue with requests for cylinders: 98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67

the head's position of cylinder: 53

2. 最短寻道时间优先(Shortest Seek Time First, SSTF)算法




void SSTF(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num){printf("===============SSTF=============\n");int move_sum = 0;int dis_list[req_num];int dis_idx[req_num];int init_head = head;for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int dis = abs(head - request[i]);dis_list[i] = dis;dis_idx[i] = i;}memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);//对dis_list从小到大进行排序,作为磁道请求序列for(int i = 0; i < req_num - 1; i++){for(int j = 0; j < req_num - i - 1; j++){if(dis_list[j] > dis_list[j+1]){int temp = dis_list[j];int temp_idx = dis_idx[j];dis_list[j] = dis_list[j+1];dis_idx[j] = dis_idx[j+1];dis_list[j+1] = temp;dis_idx[j+1] = temp_idx;} }}printf("Processing sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int req_id = request[dis_idx[i]];printf("%d ", req_id);cylinders[req_id]--;move_sum += abs(head - req_id);head = req_id;}printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}




the queue with requests for cylinders: 98 183 37 122 14 124 65 67

the head's position of cylinder: 53




对于扫描算法,磁臂从磁盘的一端开始,向另一端移动;在移过每个柱面时,处理请求。当到达磁盘的另一端时,磁头移动方向反转,并继续处理。磁头连续来回扫描磁盘。SCAN 算法有时称为电梯算法,因为磁头的行为就像大楼里面的电梯,先处理所有向上的请求,然后再处理相反方向的请求。


void SCAN(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num, int dir){if(dir != 1 && dir != 0){printf("Direction Error\n");return;}printf("===============SCAN=============\n");int move_sum = 0;int dis_list[req_num];int dis_idx[req_num];int pre_head = head;for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int dis = abs(head - request[i]);dis_list[i] = dis;dis_idx[i] = i;}memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);printf("Head moving sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }if(head == -1) head++;else if(head == CYLINDER_MAX) head--;//移动到磁道尽头后, pre_head修改为head的位置,以便磁头换方向移动if(pre_head != head){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;}if(dir == 1) dir = 0;else dir = 1;//反向移动磁头while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}




Head location: 100

Head moving sequence: 55 58 39 18 90 160 150 38 184

Head moving direction: right






void C_LOOK(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num, int dir){if(dir != 1 && dir != 0){printf("Direction Error\n");return;}printf("===============C-LOOK=============\n");int move_sum = 0;int pre_head = head;int left = 0, right = 0;//记录最远两端的请求int flag = 0;memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);//获取最远两端的请求left和rightfor(int i = 0; i < CYLINDER_MAX; i++){if(cylinders[i] && !flag) {left = i;flag = 1;}if(flag && cylinders[i]){right = i;}}printf("Left Bound: %d, Right Bound: %d\n", left, right);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);printf("Head moving sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){//当磁头到达最远端的请求if(head == right && dir){ cylinders[head]--;break;}if(head == left && !dir) {cylinders[head]--;break;}while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}//磁头按指定方向移动if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }// 移动到磁道尽头后, pre_head修改为head的位置,以便磁头换方向移动if(pre_head != head){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;}//直接移动到另一端最远的请求,过程中不处理请求if(dir == 1){head = left;cylinders[head]--;}else{head = right;cylinders[head]--;}printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;//磁头继续沿着最初指定的方向移动while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));




Head location: 100

Head moving sequence: 55 58 39 18 90 160 150 38 184

Head moving direction: right




Head location: 25

Head moving sequence: 20 30 12 20 30 12 20 30 12 30

Head moving direction: right

请求序列工作集 = {12, 20, 30}


Head location: 50

Head moving sequence: 10 100 5 10 100 5 10 100 5 10 100 5

Head moving direction: right

请求序列工作集 = {5, 10, 100}

在这个带有局部性的柱面请求序列中,工作集为 {5, 10, 100},可以看到请求5和100之间的距离相对较大;





优点 缺点
FCFS 公平、简单 平均寻道距离大,仅应用在磁盘I/O较少的场合
SSTF 性能比FCFS好 不能保证平均寻道时间最短(TSP问题)、容易产生“饥饿”现象
SCAN 寻道性能较好、可避免”饥饿“现象 不利于远离磁头一端的访问请求
C-LOOK 消除了对两端磁道请求的不公平 ------------------------------------------------------------


#define CYLINDER_MAX 200 //最大磁道数
#define REQUEST_MAX 20  //最大请求数//设置磁道请求
void set_request(int *cylinders, int *request, int req_num){for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int req_id = request[i];cylinders[req_id]++; //对应的磁道请求数加1}
}void FCFS(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num){printf("===============FCFS=============\n");int move_sum = 0;memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);printf("Processing sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int req_id = request[i];printf("%d ", req_id);cylinders[req_id]--;move_sum += abs(head - req_id);head = req_id;}printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}void SSTF(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num){printf("===============SSTF=============\n");int move_sum = 0;int dis_list[req_num];int dis_idx[req_num];int init_head = head;for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int dis = abs(head - request[i]);dis_list[i] = dis;dis_idx[i] = i;}memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);//对dis_list从小到大进行排序,作为磁道请求序列for(int i = 0; i < req_num - 1; i++){for(int j = 0; j < req_num - i - 1; j++){if(dis_list[j] > dis_list[j+1]){int temp = dis_list[j];int temp_idx = dis_idx[j];dis_list[j] = dis_list[j+1];dis_idx[j] = dis_idx[j+1];dis_list[j+1] = temp;dis_idx[j+1] = temp_idx;} }}printf("Processing sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);for(int i = 0; i < req_num; i++){int req_id = request[dis_idx[i]];printf("%d ", req_id);cylinders[req_id]--;move_sum += abs(head - req_id);head = req_id;}printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}void SCAN(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num, int dir){if(dir != 1 && dir != 0){printf("Direction Error\n");return;}printf("===============SCAN=============\n");int move_sum = 0;int pre_head = head;memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);printf("Head moving sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }if(head == -1) head++;else if(head == CYLINDER_MAX) head--;// 移动到磁道尽头后, pre_head修改为head的位置,以便磁头换方向移动if(pre_head != head){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;}if(dir == 1) dir = 0;else dir = 1;while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}void C_LOOK(int head, int *request, int *cylinders, int req_num, int dir){if(dir != 1 && dir != 0){printf("Direction Error\n");return;}printf("===============C-LOOK=============\n");int move_sum = 0;int pre_head = head;int left = 0, right = 0;int flag = 0;memset(cylinders, 0, CYLINDER_MAX * sizeof(int));set_request(cylinders, request, req_num);for(int i = 0; i < CYLINDER_MAX; i++){if(cylinders[i] && !flag) {left = i;flag = 1;}if(flag && cylinders[i]){right = i;}}printf("Left Bound: %d, Right Bound: %d\n", left, right);printf("Head location: %d\n", head);printf("Head moving sequence: ");printf("%d ", head);while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){//当磁头到达最远端的请求if(head == right && dir){ cylinders[head]--;break;}if(head == left && !dir) {cylinders[head]--;break;}while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}//磁头按指定方向移动if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }// 移动到磁道尽头后, pre_head修改为head的位置,以便磁头换方向移动if(pre_head != head){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;}//直接移动到另一端最远的请求,过程中不处理请求if(dir == 1){head = left;cylinders[head]--;}else{head = right;cylinders[head]--;}printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;//磁头继续沿着指定方向移动while(head >= 0 && head < CYLINDER_MAX){while(cylinders[head] > 0){printf("%d ", head);move_sum += abs(pre_head - head);pre_head = head;cylinders[head]--;}if(dir == 0) head--;else head++; }printf("\nAverage total distance of head movement = %d\n", move_sum);printf("Average average response time = %f\n\n", (double)(move_sum/req_num));}int main(){int request[REQUEST_MAX];int cylinders[CYLINDER_MAX];int N, head, dir;printf("Please enter the number of requests for cylinders: ");scanf("%d", &N);printf("Please enter the queue with requests for cylinders: ");for(int i =0 ; i < N; i++){scanf("%d", &request[i]);}printf("Please input the head's position of cylinder: ");scanf("%d", &head);printf("Please enter the moving direction of the head (0: left, 1: right): ");scanf("%d", &dir);printf("\n");FCFS(head, request, cylinders, N);SSTF(head, request, cylinders, N);SCAN(head, request, cylinders, N, dir);C_LOOK(head, request, cylinders, N, dir);}

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