If you’re still running XP, currently have Office 2003 installed on your machine, and skipped Office 2007, you might want to upgrade to Office 2010. In this guide we will show you the upgrade process or how to run them side by side.

如果您仍在运行XP,当前在计算机上安装了Office 2003,而跳过了Office 2007,则可能要升级到Office2010。在本指南中,我们将向您展示升级过程或如何并行运行它们。

In this example we are upgrading from Office 2003 Standard to Office Professional Plus 2010 RTM (Final) on XP Professional.

在此示例中,我们将从XP Professional上的Office 2003 Standard升级到Office Professional Plus 2010 RTM(最终版)。

System Requirements


To run Office 2010 on your XP machine you have to make sure you have Service Pack 3 and Microsoft Silverlight installed (links below). Or you can just install them through Windows Update.

要在XP计算机上运行Office 2010,必须确保已安装Service Pack 3和Microsoft Silverlight (下面的链接)。 或者,您也可以通过Windows Update安装它们。

Recommended Hardware


  • 1GHZ CPU or higher 1GHZ CPU或更高
  • 512 MB of RAM or higher 512 MB RAM或更高
  • 1024×768 Resolution or higher 1024×768分辨率或更高
  • DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with 64 MB of memory or higher兼容DirectX 9.0c的图形卡,具有64 MB或更高的内存

Installing Office 2010

安装Office 2010

Simply kick off the Office Professional Plus 2010 installation.

只需启动Office Professional Plus 2010安装即可。

Enter in your product key…


Agree to the EULA…


Select the Customize button…


Setup will detect Office 2003 and allow you to remove all applications, keep them, or select only the ones you want to keep. In this example we’re going to remove Excel and PowerPoint, and keep Outlook and Word 2003.

安装程序将检测Office 2003,并允许您删除所有应用程序,保留它们或仅选择要保留的应用程序。 在此示例中,我们将删除Excel和PowerPoint,并保留Outlook和Word 2003。

Next, click the Installation Options tab and select Office programs you want to install. Since we’re keeping Outlook 2003 and don’t want to use Outlook 2010, we’re making sure not to install Outlook 2010. However, we want to run Word 2003 and 2010 on the same machine. After you’ve made your selections click the Upgrade button.

接下来,单击“安装选项”选项卡,然后选择要安装的Office程序。 由于我们保留Outlook 2003,并且不想使用Outlook 2010,因此请确保不要安装Outlook2010。但是,我们希望在同一台计算机上运行Word 2003和2010。 做出选择后,单击“升级”按钮。

The installation begins and you’re shown the progress. The amount of time it takes to install will vary between systems.

安装开始,并显示进度。 安装所需的时间会因系统而异。

Installation is complete and you can close out of the installer.


Now when you go into the Start menu under Microsoft Office, you’ll see both versions of the Office apps available.

现在,当您进入Microsoft Office下的“开始”菜单时,将看到两个版本的Office应用程序可用。

Here is a shot of Word 2003 and 2010 running together on our XP machine.

这是Word 2003和2010在我们的XP计算机上一起运行的快照。



If you’re moving from Office 2003 to 2010, this allows you to install both versions side by side. It gives you a chance to learn 2010 features, and still work in the familiar 2003 environment when you need to get things done quickly. If you’re having problems installing Office 2010 make sure to check out our article on how to fix problems upgrading Office 2010 beta to RTM (Final) release.

如果您要从Office 2003迁移到2010,则可以并行安装两个版本。 它为您提供了学习2010功能的机会,并且在您需要快速完成工作时仍可以在熟悉的2003环境中工作。 如果您在安装Office 2010时遇到问题,请务必查看有关如何解决将Office 2010 beta升级到RTM(最终版)的问题的文章。

Also, if you were using Office 2007 and are currently using the 2010 beta, we have a guide on how to switch back to Office 2007 after the 2010 beta ends.

另外,如果您使用的是Office 2007并且当前使用的是2010 Beta,那么我们将提供有关如何在2010 Beta结束后切换回Office 2007的指南。



XP Service Pack 3

XP Service Pack 3

Microsoft Silverlight


Details on Office 2010 System Requirements

有关Office 2010系统要求的详细信息

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/17342/upgrade-office-2003-to-2010-on-xp-or-run-them-side-by-side/

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