我正在为一个作业编写一个程序,它使用urllib3下载一个网页并将其存储在词典中。(我用的是spyder 3.6)

程序给了我一个“AttributeError”,我不知道我做错了什么。这是我的代码和我为作业编写的一步一步的注释。在#Downloading a webpage

import urllib3

import sys

#these import statements allow us to use 'modules' aka 'libraries' ....

#code written by others that we can use

urlToRead = 'http://www.google.com'

#This value won't actually get used, because of the way the while loop

#below is set up. But while loops often need a dummy value like this to

#work right the first time

crawledWebLinks = {}

#Initialize an empty dictionary, in which (key, value) pairs will correspond to (short, url) eg

#("Goolge" , "http://www.google.com")

#Ok, there is a while loop coming up

#Here ends the set up

while urlToRead != ' ':

#This is a condition that dictates that the while loop will keep checking

#as long as this condition is true the loop will continue, if false it will stop


urlToRead = input("Please enter the next URL to crawl")

#the "try" prevents the program from crashing if there is an error

#if there is an error the program will be sent to the except block

if urlToRead == '':

print ("OK, exiting loop")


#if the user leaves the input blank it will break out of the loop

shortName = input("Please enter a short name for the URL " + urlToRead)

webFile = urllib3.urlopen(urlToRead).read()

#This line above uses a ready a readymade function in the urllib3 module to

#do something super - cool:

#IT takes a url, goes to the website for the url, downloads the

#contents (which are in the form of HTML) and returns them to be

#stored in a string variable (here called webFile)

crawledWebLinks[shortName] = webFile

#this line above place a key value pair (shortname, HTML for that url)

#in the dictionary


#this bit of code - the indented lines following 'except:' will be

#excecuted if the code in the try block (the indented following lines

#the 'try:' above) throw and error

#this is an example of something known as exeption-handling

print ("*************\nUnexpected Error*****", sys.exc_info()[0])

#The snip 'sys.exc_info()[0]' return information about the last

#error that occurred -

#this code is made available through the sys library that we imported above

#Quite Magical :)

stopOrProceed = input("Hmm..stop or proceed? Enter 1 to stop, enter anything else to continue")

if stopOrProceed ==1 :

print ('OK...Stopping\n')


#this break will break out of the nearest loop - in this case,

#the while loop


print ("Cool! Let's continue\n")


# this continue will skip out of the current iteration of this

#loop and move to the next i.e. the loop will reset to the start

print (crawledWebLinks.keys())


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