Insecure CAPTCHA

Insecure CAPTCHA,意思是不安全的验证码,CAPTCHA是Completely Automated Public Turing Test to Tell Computers and Humans Apart (全自动区分计算机和人类的图灵测试)的简称。验证码是没有问题的,关键是代码写的有问题,可以绕过。

环境需要把中的recaptcha_public_key \recaptcha_private_key补充。




Unknown Vulnerability Source
<?phpif( isset( $_POST[ 'Change' ] ) && ( $_POST[ 'step' ] == '1' ) ) {// Hide the CAPTCHA form$hide_form = true;// Get input$pass_new  = $_POST[ 'password_new' ];$pass_conf = $_POST[ 'password_conf' ];// Check CAPTCHA from 3rd party$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key'],$_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);// Did the CAPTCHA fail?if( !$resp ) {// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly$html     .= "<pre><br />The CAPTCHA was incorrect. Please try again.</pre>";$hide_form = false;return;}else {// CAPTCHA was correct. Do both new passwords match?if( $pass_new == $pass_conf ) {// Show next stage for the userecho "<pre><br />You passed the CAPTCHA! Click the button to confirm your changes.<br /></pre><form action=\"#\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"2\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password_new\" value=\"{$pass_new}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password_conf\" value=\"{$pass_conf}\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Change\" value=\"Change\" /></form>";}else {// Both new passwords do not match.$html     .= "<pre>Both passwords must match.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}}
}if( isset( $_POST[ 'Change' ] ) && ( $_POST[ 'step' ] == '2' ) ) {// Hide the CAPTCHA form$hide_form = true;// Get input$pass_new  = $_POST[ 'password_new' ];$pass_conf = $_POST[ 'password_conf' ];// Check to see if both password matchif( $pass_new == $pass_conf ) {// They do!$pass_new = ((isset($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $pass_new ) : ((trigger_error("[MySQLConverterToo] Fix the mysql_escape_string() call! This code does not work.", E_USER_ERROR)) ? "" : ""));$pass_new = md5( $pass_new );// Update database$insert = "UPDATE `users` SET password = '$pass_new' WHERE user = '" . dvwaCurrentUser() . "';";$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $insert ) or die( '<pre>' . ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)) . '</pre>' );// Feedback for the end userecho "<pre>Password Changed.</pre>";}else {// Issue with the passwords matchingecho "<pre>Passwords did not match.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_close($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]))) ? false : $___mysqli_res);

recaptcha_check_answer(privkey,privkey,privkey,remoteip, challenge,challenge,challenge,response)参数privkey是服务器申请的privatekey,privkey是服务器申请的private key ,privkey是服务器申请的privatekey,remoteip是用户的ip,challenge是recaptchachallengefield字段的值,来自前端页面,challenge 是recaptcha_challenge_field 字段的值,来自前端页面 ,challenge是recaptchac​hallengef​ield字段的值,来自前端页面,response是 recaptcha_response_field 字段的值。






Unknown Vulnerability Source
<?phpif( isset( $_POST[ 'Change' ] ) && ( $_POST[ 'step' ] == '1' ) ) {// Hide the CAPTCHA form$hide_form = true;// Get input$pass_new  = $_POST[ 'password_new' ];$pass_conf = $_POST[ 'password_conf' ];// Check CAPTCHA from 3rd party$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ],$_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);// Did the CAPTCHA fail?if( !$resp ) {// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly$html     .= "<pre><br />The CAPTCHA was incorrect. Please try again.</pre>";$hide_form = false;return;}else {// CAPTCHA was correct. Do both new passwords match?if( $pass_new == $pass_conf ) {// Show next stage for the userecho "<pre><br />You passed the CAPTCHA! Click the button to confirm your changes.<br /></pre><form action=\"#\" method=\"POST\"><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"step\" value=\"2\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password_new\" value=\"{$pass_new}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"password_conf\" value=\"{$pass_conf}\" /><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"passed_captcha\" value=\"true\" /><input type=\"submit\" name=\"Change\" value=\"Change\" /></form>";}else {// Both new passwords do not match.$html     .= "<pre>Both passwords must match.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}}
}if( isset( $_POST[ 'Change' ] ) && ( $_POST[ 'step' ] == '2' ) ) {// Hide the CAPTCHA form$hide_form = true;// Get input$pass_new  = $_POST[ 'password_new' ];$pass_conf = $_POST[ 'password_conf' ];// Check to see if they did stage 1if( !$_POST[ 'passed_captcha' ] ) {$html     .= "<pre><br />You have not passed the CAPTCHA.</pre>";$hide_form = false;return;}// Check to see if both password matchif( $pass_new == $pass_conf ) {// They do!$pass_new = ((isset($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $pass_new ) : ((trigger_error("[MySQLConverterToo] Fix the mysql_escape_string() call! This code does not work.", E_USER_ERROR)) ? "" : ""));$pass_new = md5( $pass_new );// Update database$insert = "UPDATE `users` SET password = '$pass_new' WHERE user = '" . dvwaCurrentUser() . "';";$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $insert ) or die( '<pre>' . ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)) . '</pre>' );// Feedback for the end userecho "<pre>Password Changed.</pre>";}else {// Issue with the passwords matchingecho "<pre>Passwords did not match.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_close($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]))) ? false : $___mysqli_res);




Unknown Vulnerability Source
<?phpif( isset( $_POST[ 'Change' ] ) ) {// Hide the CAPTCHA form$hide_form = true;// Get input$pass_new  = $_POST[ 'password_new' ];$pass_conf = $_POST[ 'password_conf' ];// Check CAPTCHA from 3rd party$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ],$_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);if ($resp || ($_POST[ 'g-recaptcha-response' ] == 'hidd3n_valu3'&& $_SERVER[ 'HTTP_USER_AGENT' ] == 'reCAPTCHA')){// CAPTCHA was correct. Do both new passwords match?if ($pass_new == $pass_conf) {$pass_new = ((isset($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $pass_new ) : ((trigger_error("[MySQLConverterToo] Fix the mysql_escape_string() call! This code does not work.", E_USER_ERROR)) ? "" : ""));$pass_new = md5( $pass_new );// Update database$insert = "UPDATE `users` SET password = '$pass_new' WHERE user = '" . dvwaCurrentUser() . "' LIMIT 1;";$result = mysqli_query($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $insert ) or die( '<pre>' . ((is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_error($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) : (($___mysqli_res = mysqli_connect_error()) ? $___mysqli_res : false)) . '</pre>' );// Feedback for userecho "<pre>Password Changed.</pre>";} else {// Ops. Password mismatch$html     .= "<pre>Both passwords must match.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}} else {// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectly$html     .= "<pre><br />The CAPTCHA was incorrect. Please try again.</pre>";$hide_form = false;return;}((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_close($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]))) ? false : $___mysqli_res);
}// Generate Anti-CSRF token




Unknown Vulnerability Source
<?phpif( isset( $_POST[ 'Change' ] ) ) {// Check Anti-CSRF tokencheckToken( $_REQUEST[ 'user_token' ], $_SESSION[ 'session_token' ], 'index.php' );// Hide the CAPTCHA form$hide_form = true;// Get input$pass_new  = $_POST[ 'password_new' ];$pass_new  = stripslashes( $pass_new );$pass_new  = ((isset($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $pass_new ) : ((trigger_error("[MySQLConverterToo] Fix the mysql_escape_string() call! This code does not work.", E_USER_ERROR)) ? "" : ""));$pass_new  = md5( $pass_new );$pass_conf = $_POST[ 'password_conf' ];$pass_conf = stripslashes( $pass_conf );$pass_conf = ((isset($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $pass_conf ) : ((trigger_error("[MySQLConverterToo] Fix the mysql_escape_string() call! This code does not work.", E_USER_ERROR)) ? "" : ""));$pass_conf = md5( $pass_conf );$pass_curr = $_POST[ 'password_current' ];$pass_curr = stripslashes( $pass_curr );$pass_curr = ((isset($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"]) && is_object($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"])) ? mysqli_real_escape_string($GLOBALS["___mysqli_ston"],  $pass_curr ) : ((trigger_error("[MySQLConverterToo] Fix the mysql_escape_string() call! This code does not work.", E_USER_ERROR)) ? "" : ""));$pass_curr = md5( $pass_curr );// Check CAPTCHA from 3rd party$resp = recaptcha_check_answer($_DVWA[ 'recaptcha_private_key' ],$_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);// Did the CAPTCHA fail?if( !$resp ) {// What happens when the CAPTCHA was entered incorrectlyecho "<pre><br />The CAPTCHA was incorrect. Please try again.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}else {// Check that the current password is correct$data = $db->prepare( 'SELECT password FROM users WHERE user = (:user) AND password = (:password) LIMIT 1;' );$data->bindParam( ':user', dvwaCurrentUser(), PDO::PARAM_STR );$data->bindParam( ':password', $pass_curr, PDO::PARAM_STR );$data->execute();// Do both new password match and was the current password correct?if( ( $pass_new == $pass_conf) && ( $data->rowCount() == 1 ) ) {// Update the database$data = $db->prepare( 'UPDATE users SET password = (:password) WHERE user = (:user);' );$data->bindParam( ':password', $pass_new, PDO::PARAM_STR );$data->bindParam( ':user', dvwaCurrentUser(), PDO::PARAM_STR );$data->execute();// Feedback for the end user - success!echo "<pre>Password Changed.</pre>";}else {// Feedback for the end user - failed!echo "<pre>Either your current password is incorrect or the new passwords did not match.<br />Please try again.</pre>";$hide_form = false;}}
}// Generate Anti-CSRF token

Impossible级别的代码增加了Anti-CSRF token 机制防御CSRF攻击,利用PDO技术防护sql注入,验证码无法绕过,同时要求用户输入旧密码,hacker不知道旧密码的情况下无法通过认证。

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