
硬盘录像机(Digital Video Recorder,简称DVR),即数字视频录像机,相对于传统的模拟视频录像机,采用硬盘录像,故常常被称为硬盘录像机,也被称为DVR。







vhost your_vhost {# DVR RTMP stream to file,# start to record to file when encoder publish,# reap flv/mp4 according by specified {# whether enabled dvr features# default: offenabled         on;# the filter for dvr to apply to.#       all, dvr all streams of all apps.#       <app>/<stream>, apply to specified stream of app.# for example, to dvr the following two streams:#       live/stream1 live/stream2# default: alldvr_apply       all;# the dvr plan. canbe:#       session reap flv/mp4 when session end(unpublish).#       segment reap flv/mp4 when flv duration exceed the specified dvr_duration.# @remark The plan append is removed in SRS3+, for it's no use.# default: sessiondvr_plan        session;# the dvr output path, *.flv or *.mp4.# we supports some variables to generate the filename.#       [vhost], the vhost of stream.#       [app], the app of stream.#       [stream], the stream name of stream.#       [2006], replace this const to current year.#       [01], replace this const to current month.#       [02], replace this const to current date.#       [15], replace this const to current hour.#       [04], replace this const to current minute.#       [05], replace this const to current second.#       [999], replace this const to current millisecond.#       [timestamp],replace this const to current UNIX timestamp in ms.# @remark we use golang time format "2006-01-02 15:04:05.999" as "[2006]-[01]-[02]_[15].[04].[05]_[999]"# for example, for url rtmp:// and time 2015-01-03 10:57:30.776# 1. No variables, the rule of SRS1.0(auto add [stream].[timestamp].flv as filename):#       dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html;#       =>#       dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream.1420254068776.flv;# 2. Use stream and date as dir name, time as filename:#       dvr_path /data/[vhost]/[app]/[stream]/[2006]/[01]/[02]/[15].[04].[05].[999].flv;#       =>#       dvr_path /data/;# 3. Use stream and year/month as dir name, date and time as filename:#       dvr_path /data/[vhost]/[app]/[stream]/[2006]/[01]/[02]-[15].[04].[05].[999].flv;#       =>#       dvr_path /data/;# 4. Use vhost/app and year/month as dir name, stream/date/time as filename:#       dvr_path /data/[vhost]/[app]/[2006]/[01]/[stream]-[02]-[15].[04].[05].[999].flv;#       =>#       dvr_path /data/;# 5. DVR to mp4:#       dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream].[timestamp].mp4;#       =>#       dvr_path ./objs/nginx/html/live/livestream.1420254068776.mp4;# @see @see       segment,session apply it.# default: ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream].[timestamp].flvdvr_path        ./objs/nginx/html/[app]/[stream].[timestamp].flv;# the duration for dvr file, reap if exceed, in seconds.#       segment apply it.#       session,append ignore.# default: 30dvr_duration    30;# whether wait keyframe to reap segment,# if off, reap segment when duration exceed the dvr_duration,# if on, reap segment when duration exceed and got keyframe.#       segment apply it.#       session,append ignore.# default: ondvr_wait_keyframe       on;# about the stream monotonically increasing:#   1. video timestamp is monotonically increasing,#   2. audio timestamp is monotonically increasing,#   3. video and audio timestamp is interleaved monotonically increasing.# it's specified by RTMP specification, @see 3. Byte Order, Alignment, and Time Format# however, some encoder cannot provides this feature, please set this to off to ignore time jitter.# the time jitter algorithm:#   1. full, to ensure stream start at zero, and ensure stream monotonically increasing.#   2. zero, only ensure stream start at zero, ignore timestamp jitter.#   3. off, disable the time jitter algorithm, like atc.# apply for all dvr plan.# default: fulltime_jitter             full;# on_dvr, never config in here, should config in http_hooks.# for the dvr http callback, @see http_hooks.on_dvr of vhost @read @read}


  • session:按照session来关闭flv文件,即编码器停止推流时关闭flv,整个session录制为一个flv。
  • segment:按照时间分段录制,flv文件时长配置为dvr_duration和dvr_wait_keyframe。注意:若不按关键帧切flv(即dvr_wait_keyframe配置为off),所以会导致后面的flv启动时会花屏。
  • time_jitter: 时间戳抖动算法。full使用完全的时间戳矫正;zero只是保证从0开始;off不矫正时间戳。
  • dvr_path: 录制的路径


vhost __defaultVhost__ {rtc {enabled     on;bframe      discard;}dvr {enabled             on;dvr_path            /home/srs/[app]/[stream]/[2006]/[01]/[02]/[15].[04].[05].[999].flv;dvr_plan            segment;dvr_duration        600;dvr_wait_keyframe   on;}http_remux {enabled     on;mount       [vhost]/[app]/[stream].flv;}





  • SRS配置DVR后默认会对所有的视频流进行记录(后面看看能不能指定流进行记录)
  • 如果文件存储的太多,可以设置一个定时清理的方法(只保留一个月的视频)


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