官方建议使用vSphere ESXI Image Builder,但使用过于复杂,不过有第三方封装工具:ESXi-Customizer,github地址
驱动程序下载地址:https://vibsdepot.v-front.de/wiki/index.php/Welcome,选择对应驱动在Direct Download links页面进行下载

2.8.0 ESXi-Customizer-PS

# ESXi-Customizer-PS.ps1 - a script to build a customized ESXi installation ISO using ImageBuilder
# Version:       2.8.0
# Author:        Andreas Peetz (ESXi-Customizer-PS@v-front.de)
# Info/Tutorial: https://esxi-customizer-ps.v-front.de/
# Contributors:  Alex Lopez, Andre Pett
# License:
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
# as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty
# of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.
[string]$iZip = "",
[string]$pkgDir = "",
[string]$outDir = $(Split-Path $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path),
[string]$ipname = "",
[string]$ipvendor = "",
[string]$ipdesc = "",
[switch]$vft = $false,
[string[]]$dpt = @(),
[string[]]$load = @(),
[string[]]$remove = @(),
[switch]$test = $false,
[switch]$sip = $false,
[switch]$nsc = $false,
[switch]$help = $false,
[switch]$ozip = $false,
[switch]$v50 = $false,
[switch]$v51 = $false,
[switch]$v55 = $false,
[switch]$v60 = $false,
[switch]$v65 = $false,
[switch]$v67 = $false,
[switch]$v70 = $false,
[switch]$update = $false,
[string]$pZip = "",
[string]$log = ($env:TEMP + "\ESXi-Customizer-PS-" + $PID + ".log")
# Constants
$ScriptName = "ESXi-Customizer-PS"
$ScriptVersion = "2.8.0"
$ScriptURL = "https://ESXi-Customizer-PS.v-front.de"
$AccLevel = @{"VMwareCertified" = 1; "VMwareAccepted" = 2; "PartnerSupported" = 3; "CommunitySupported" = 4}
# Online depot URLs
$vmwdepotURL = "https://hostupdate.vmware.com/software/VUM/PRODUCTION/main/vmw-depot-index.xml"
$vftdepotURL = "https://vibsdepot.v-front.de/"
# Function to update/add VIB package
function AddVIB2Profile($vib) {
$AddVersion = $vib.Version
$ExVersion = ($MyProfile.VibList | where { $_.Name -eq $vib.Name }).Version
# Check for vib replacements
$ExName = ""
if ($ExVersion -eq $null) {
foreach ($replaces in $vib.replaces) {
$ExVib = $MyProfile.VibList | where { $_.Name -eq $replaces }
if ($ExVib -ne $null) {
$ExName = $ExVib.Name + " "
$ExVersion = $ExVib.Version
if ($AccLevel[$vib.AcceptanceLevel.ToString()] -gt $AccLevel[$MyProfile.AcceptanceLevel.ToString()]) {
write-host -F Yellow -nonewline (" [New AcceptanceLevel: " + $vib.AcceptanceLevel + "]")
$MyProfile.AcceptanceLevel = $vib.AcceptanceLevel
If ($MyProfile.VibList -contains $vib) {
write-host -F Yellow " [IGNORED, already added]"
} else {
Add-EsxSoftwarePackage -SoftwarePackage $vib -Imageprofile $MyProfile -force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null
if ($?) {
if ($ExVersion -eq $null) {
write-host -F Green " [OK, added]"
} else {
write-host -F Green (" [OK, replaced " + $ExName + $ExVersion + "]")
} else {
write-host -F Red " [FAILED, invalid package?]"
# Function to test if entered string is numeric
function isNumeric ($x) {
$x2 = 0
$isNum = [System.Int32]::TryParse($x, [ref]$x2)
return $isNum
# Clean-up function
function cleanup() {
Stop-Transcript | Out-Null
if ($DefaultSoftwaredepots) { Remove-EsxSoftwaredepot $DefaultSoftwaredepots }
# Write info and help if requested
write-host ("`nThis is " + $ScriptName + " Version " + $ScriptVersion + " (visit " + $ScriptURL + " for more information!)")
if ($help) {
write-host "`nUsage:"
write-host "  ESXi-Customizer-PS [-help] |  [-izip <bundle> [-update]] [-sip] [-v70|-v67|-v65|-v60|-v55|-v51|-v50]"
write-host "                                [-ozip] [-pkgDir <dir>] [-outDir <dir>] [-vft] [-dpt depot1[,...]]"
write-host "                                [-load vib1[,...]] [-remove vib1[,...]] [-log <file>] [-ipname <name>]"
write-host "                                [-ipdesc <desc>] [-ipvendor <vendor>] [-nsc] [-test]"
write-host "`nOptional parameters:"
write-host "   -help              : display this help"
write-host "   -izip <bundle>     : use the VMware Offline bundle <bundle> as input instead of the Online depot"
write-host "   -update            : only with -izip, updates a local bundle with an ESXi patch from the VMware Online depot,"
write-host "                        combine this with the matching ESXi version selection switch"
write-host "   -pzip              : use an Offline patch bundle instead of the Online depot with -update."
write-host "   -pkgDir <dir>      : local directory of Offline bundles and/or VIB files to add (if any, no default)"
write-host "   -ozip              : output an Offline bundle instead of an installation ISO"
write-host "   -outDir <dir>      : directory to store the customized ISO or Offline bundle (the default is the"
write-host "                        script directory. If specified the log file will also be moved here.)"
write-host "   -vft               : connect the V-Front Online depot"
write-host "   -dpt depot1[,...]  : connect additional Online depots by URL or local Offline bundles by file name"
write-host "   -load vib1[,...]   : load additional packages from connected depots or Offline bundles"
write-host "   -remove vib1[,...] : remove named VIB packages from the custom Imageprofile"
write-host "   -sip               : select an Imageprofile from the current list"
write-host "                        (default = auto-select latest available standard profile)"
write-host "   -v70 |"
write-host "   -v67 | -v65 | -v60 |"
write-host "   -v55 | -v51 | -v50 : Use only ESXi 7.0/6.7/6.5/6.0/5.5/5.1/5.0 Imageprofiles as input, ignore other versions"
write-host "   -nsc               : use -NoSignatureCheck with export"
write-host "   -log <file>        : Use custom log file <file>"
write-host "   -ipname <name>"
write-host "   -ipdesc <desc>"
write-host "   -ipvendor <vendor> : provide a name, description and/or vendor for the customized"
write-host "                        Imageprofile (the default is derived from the cloned input Imageprofile)"
write-host "   -test              : skip package download and image build (for testing)`n"
} else {
write-host "(Call with -help for instructions)"
if (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('log')) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('outDir')) {
write-host ("`nTemporarily logging to " + $log + " ...")
} else {
write-host ("`nLogging to " + $log + " ...")
# Stop active transcript
try { Stop-Transcript | out-null } catch {}
# Start own transcript
try { Start-Transcript -Path $log -Force -Confirm:$false | Out-Null } catch {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Log file cannot be opened. Bad file path or missing permission?`n"
# The main try ...
$isModule = @{}
try {
# Check for and load required modules/snapins
foreach ($comp in "VMware.VimAutomation.Core", "VMware.ImageBuilder") {
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name $comp -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {
$isModule[$comp] = $true
if (!(Get-Module -Name $comp -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
if (!(Import-Module -PassThru -Name $comp -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Failed to import the $comp module!`n"
} else {
$isModule[$comp] = $false
if (Get-PSSnapin -Registered -Name $comp -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue) {
if (!(Get-PSSnapin -Name $comp -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
if (!(Add-PSSnapin -PassThru -Name $comp -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue)) {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Failed to add the $comp snap-in!`n"
} else {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: $comp is not available as a module or snap-in! It looks like there is no compatible version of PowerCLI installed!`n"
# Parameter sanity check
if ( ($v50 -and ($v51 -or $v55 -or $v60 -or $v65 -or $v67 -or $v70)) -or ($v51 -and ($v55 -or $v60 -or $v65 -or $v67 -or $v70)) -or ($v55 -and ($v60 -or $v65 -or $v67 -or $v70)) -or ($v60 -and ($v65 -or $v67 -or $70)) -or ($v65 -and ($v67 -or $v70)) -or ($v70 -and ($v51 -or $v55 -or $v60 -or $v65 -or $v67)) ) {
write-host -F Yellow "`nWARNING: Multiple ESXi versions specified. Highest version will take precedence!"
if ($update -and ($izip -eq "")) {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: -update requires -izip!`n"
# Check PowerShell and PowerCLI version
if (!(Test-Path variable:PSVersionTable)) {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: This script requires at least PowerShell version 2.0!`n"
$psv = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion | select Major,Minor
if ($isModule["VMware.VimAutomation.Core"]) {
$pcmv = (Get-Module VMware.PowerCLI).Version | select Major,Minor,Build,Revision
write-host -F Yellow ("`nRunning with PowerShell version " + $psv.Major + "." + $psv.Minor + " and VMware PowerCLI version " + $pcmv.Major + "." + $pcmv.Minor + "." + $pcmv.Build + " build " + $pcmv.Revision )
} else {
$pcv = Get-PowerCLIVersion | select major,minor,UserFriendlyVersion
write-host -F Yellow ("`nRunning with PowerShell version " + $psv.Major + "." + $psv.Minor + " and " + $pcv.UserFriendlyVersion)
if ( ($pcv.major -lt 5) -or (($pcv.major -eq 5) -and ($pcv.minor -eq 0)) ) {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: This script requires at least PowerCLI version 5.1 !`n"
if ($update) {
# Try to add Offline bundle specified by -izip
write-host -nonewline "`nAdding Base Offline bundle $izip (to be updated)..."
if ($upddepot = Add-EsxSoftwaredepot $izip) {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
} else {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Cannot add Base Offline bundle!`n"
if (!($CloneIP = Get-EsxImageprofile -Softwaredepot $upddepot)) {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: No Imageprofiles found in Base Offline bundle!`n"
if ($CloneIP -is [system.array]) {
# Input Offline bundle includes multiple Imageprofiles. Pick only the latest standard profile:
write-host -F Yellow "Warning: Input Offline Bundle contains multiple Imageprofiles. Will pick the latest standard profile!"
$CloneIP = @( $CloneIP | Sort-Object -Descending -Property @{Expression={$_.Name.Substring(0,10)}},@{Expression={$_.CreationTime.Date}},Name )[0]
if ($update -and $pzip -ne "") {
$vmwdepotURL = $pZip
if (($izip -eq "") -or $update) {
# Connect the VMware ESXi base depot
write-host -nonewline "`nConnecting the VMware ESXi Software depot ..."
if ($basedepot = Add-EsxSoftwaredepot $vmwdepotURL) {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
} else {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Cannot add VMware ESXi Online depot. Please check your Internet connectivity and/or proxy settings!`n"
} else {
# Try to add Offline bundle specified by -izip
write-host -nonewline "`nAdding base Offline bundle $izip ..."
if ($basedepot = Add-EsxSoftwaredepot $izip) {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
} else {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Cannot add VMware base Offline bundle!`n"
if ($vft) {
# Connect the V-Front Online depot
write-host -nonewline "`nConnecting the V-Front Online depot ..."
if ($vftdepot = Add-EsxSoftwaredepot $vftdepotURL) {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
} else {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Cannot add the V-Front Online depot. Please check your internet connectivity and/or proxy settings!`n"
if ($dpt -ne @()) {
# Connect additional depots (Online depot or Offline bundle)
$AddDpt = @()
for ($i=0; $i -lt $dpt.Length; $i++ ) {
write-host -nonewline ("`nConnecting additional depot " + $dpt[$i] + " ...")
if ($AddDpt += Add-EsxSoftwaredepot $dpt[$i]) {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
} else {
write-host -F Red "`nFATAL ERROR: Cannot add Online depot or Offline bundle. In case of Online depot check your Internet"
write-host -F Red "connectivity and/or proxy settings! In case of Offline bundle check file name, format and permissions!`n"
write-host -NoNewLine "`nGetting Imageprofiles, please wait ..."
$iplist = @()
if ($iZip -and !($update)) {
Get-EsxImageprofile -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v70) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-7.0*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v67) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-6.7*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v65) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-6.5*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v60) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-6.0*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v55) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-5.5*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v51) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-5.1*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
if ($v50) {
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-5.0*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
} else {
# Workaround for http://kb.vmware.com/kb/2089217
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-5.0*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-5.1*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-5.5*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-6.0*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-6.5*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-6.7*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
Get-EsxImageprofile "ESXi-7.0*" -Softwaredepot $basedepot | foreach { $iplist += $_ }
if ($iplist.Length -eq 0) {
write-host -F Red " [FAILED]`n`nFATAL ERROR: No valid Imageprofile(s) found!"
if ($iZip) {
write-host -F Red "The input file is probably not a full ESXi base bundle.`n"
} else {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
$iplist = @( $iplist | Sort-Object -Descending -Property @{Expression={$_.Name.Substring(0,10)}},@{Expression={$_.CreationTime.Date}},Name )
# if -sip then display menu of available image profiles ...
if ($sip) {
if ($update) {
write-host "`nSelect Imageprofile to use for update:"
} else {
write-host "`nSelect Base Imageprofile:"
write-host "-------------------------------------------"
for ($i=0; $i -lt $iplist.Length; $i++ ) {
write-host ($i+1): $iplist[$i].Name
write-host "-------------------------------------------"
do {
$sel = read-host "Enter selection"
if (isNumeric $sel) {
if (([int]$sel -lt 1) -or ([int]$sel -gt $iplist.Length)) { $sel = $null }
} else {
$sel = $null
} until ($sel)
$idx = [int]$sel-1
} else {
$idx = 0
if ($update) {
$updIP = $iplist[$idx]
} else {
$CloneIP = $iplist[$idx]
write-host ("`nUsing Imageprofile " + $CloneIP.Name + " ...")
write-host ("(Dated " + $CloneIP.CreationTime + ", AcceptanceLevel: " + $CloneIP.AcceptanceLevel + ",")
write-host ($CloneIP.Description + ")")
# If customization is required ...
if ( ($pkgDir -ne "") -or $update -or ($load -ne @()) -or ($remove -ne @()) ) {
# Create your own Imageprofile
if ($ipname -eq "") { $ipname = $CloneIP.Name + "-customized" }
if ($ipvendor -eq "") { $ipvendor = $CloneIP.Vendor }
if ($ipdesc -eq "") { $ipdesc = $CloneIP.Description + " (customized)" }
$MyProfile = New-EsxImageprofile -CloneProfile $CloneIP -Vendor $ipvendor -Name $ipname -Description $ipdesc
# Update from Online depot profile
if ($update) {
write-host ("`nUpdating with the VMware Imageprofile " + $UpdIP.Name + " ...")
write-host ("(Dated " + $UpdIP.CreationTime + ", AcceptanceLevel: " + $UpdIP.AcceptanceLevel + ",")
write-host ($UpdIP.Description + ")")
$diff = Compare-EsxImageprofile $MyProfile $UpdIP
$diff.UpgradeFromRef | foreach {
$uguid = $_
$uvib = Get-EsxSoftwarePackage | where { $_.Guid -eq $uguid }
write-host -nonewline "   Add VIB" $uvib.Name $uvib.Version
AddVIB2Profile $uvib
# Loop over Offline bundles and VIB files
if ($pkgDir -ne "") {
write-host "`nLoading Offline bundles and VIB files from" $pkgDir ...
foreach ($obundle in Get-Item $pkgDir\*.zip) {
write-host -nonewline "   Loading" $obundle ...
if ($ob = Add-EsxSoftwaredepot $obundle -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
$ob | Get-EsxSoftwarePackage | foreach {
write-host -nonewline "      Add VIB" $_.Name $_.Version
AddVIB2Profile $_
} else {
write-host -F Red " [FAILED]`n      Probably not a valid Offline bundle, ignoring."
foreach ($vibFile in Get-Item $pkgDir\*.vib) {
write-host -nonewline "   Loading" $vibFile ...
try {
$vib1 = Get-EsxSoftwarePackage -PackageUrl $vibFile -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
write-host -nonewline "      Add VIB" $vib1.Name $vib1.Version
AddVIB2Profile $vib1
} catch {
write-host -F Red " [FAILED]`n      Probably not a valid VIB file, ignoring."
# Load additional packages from Online depots or Offline bundles
if ($load -ne @()) {
write-host "`nLoad additional VIBs from Online depots ..."
for ($i=0; $i -lt $load.Length; $i++ ) {
if ($ovib = Get-ESXSoftwarePackage $load[$i] -Newest) {
write-host -nonewline "   Add VIB" $ovib.Name $ovib.Version
AddVIB2Profile $ovib
} else {
write-host -F Red "   [ERROR] Cannot find VIB named" $load[$i] "!"
# Remove selected VIBs
if ($remove -ne @()) {
write-host "`nRemove selected VIBs from Imageprofile ..."
for ($i=0; $i -lt $remove.Length; $i++ ) {
write-host -nonewline "      Remove VIB" $remove[$i]
try {
Remove-EsxSoftwarePackage -ImageProfile $MyProfile -SoftwarePackage $remove[$i] | Out-Null
write-host -F Green " [OK]"
} catch {
write-host -F Red " [FAILED]`n      VIB does probably not exist or cannot be removed without breaking dependencies."
} else {
$MyProfile = $CloneIP
# Build the export command:
$cmd = "Export-EsxImageprofile -Imageprofile " + "`'" + $MyProfile.Name + "`'"
if ($ozip) {
$outFile = "`'" + $outDir + "\" + $MyProfile.Name + ".zip" + "`'"
$cmd = $cmd + " -ExportTobundle"
} else {
$outFile = "`'" + $outDir + "\" + $MyProfile.Name + ".iso" + "`'"
$cmd = $cmd + " -ExportToISO"
$cmd = $cmd + " -FilePath " + $outFile
if ($nsc) { $cmd = $cmd + " -NoSignatureCheck" }
$cmd = $cmd + " -Force"
# Run the export:
write-host -nonewline ("`nExporting the Imageprofile to " + $outFile + ". Please be patient ...")
if ($test) {
write-host -F Yellow " [Skipped]"
} else {
write-host "`n"
Invoke-Expression $cmd
write-host -F Green "`nAll done.`n"
# The main catch ...
} catch {
write-host -F Red ("`n`nAn unexpected error occurred:`n" + $Error[0])
write-host -F Red ("`nIf requesting support please be sure to include the log file`n   " + $log + "`n`n")
# The main cleanup
} finally {
if (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('log')) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('outDir') -and ($outFile -like '*zip*')) {
$finalLog = ($outDir + "\" + $MyProfile.Name + ".zip" + "-" + (get-date -Format yyyyMMddHHmm) + ".log")
Move-Item $log $finalLog -force
write-host ("(Log file moved to " + $finalLog + ")`n")
} elseif (!($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('log')) -and $PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('outDir') -and ($outFile -like '*iso*')) {
$finalLog = ($outDir + "\" + $MyProfile.Name + ".iso" + "-" + (Get-Date -Format yyyyMMddHHmm) + ".log")
Move-Item $log $finalLog -force
write-host ("(Log file moved to " + $finalLog + ")`n")



Install-Module -Name VMware.PowerCLI [-AllowClobber] [-Proxy http://ip:port]


set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned

以realtek 8168为例

.\ESXi-Customizer-PS.ps1 -izip .\VMware-ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-depot.zip -dpt .\net55-r8168-8.045a-napi-offline_bundle.zip -load net55-r8168

This is ESXi-Customizer-PS Version 2.8.0 (visit https://ESXi-Customizer-PS.v-front.de for more information!)
(Call with -help for instructions)
Logging to C:\Users\kami\AppData\Local\Temp\ESXi-Customizer-PS-68.log ...
Running with PowerShell version 5.1 and VMware PowerCLI version .. build
Adding base Offline bundle .\VMware-ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-depot.zip ... [OK]
Connecting additional depot .\net55-r8168-8.045a-napi-offline_bundle.zip ... [OK]
Getting Imageprofiles, please wait ... [OK]
Using Imageprofile ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-standard ...
(Dated 03/16/2020 10:48:54, AcceptanceLevel: PartnerSupported,
The general availability release of VMware ESXi Server 7.0.0 brings whole new levels of virtualization performance to datacenters and enterprises.)
Load additional VIBs from Online depots ...
Add VIB net55-r8168 8.045a-napi [New AcceptanceLevel: CommunitySupported] [OK, added]
Exporting the Imageprofile to 'C:\Users\kami\Desktop\ESXI\ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-standard-customized.iso'. Please be patient ...
警告: The image profile fails validation.  The ISO / Offline Bundle will still be generated but may contain errors and
may not boot or be functional.  Errors:
警告:   VIB Realtek_bootbank_net55-r8168_8.045a-napi requires com.vmware.driverAPI-, but the requirement cannot
be satisfied within the ImageProfile.
警告:   VIB Realtek_bootbank_net55-r8168_8.045a-napi requires vmkapi_2_2_0_0, but the requirement cannot be satisfied
within the ImageProfile.
All done.

如果是多个网卡驱动,将驱动放到 C:\xxx\xx 文件夹下.\ESXi-Customizer-PS.ps1 -izip .\VMware-ESXi-7.0.0-15843807-depot.zip -pkgDir D:\xxx\xx
如果是全局挂代理,可以直接在线安装.\ESXi-Customizer-PS.ps1 -v70 -vft -load net55-r8168
ps:虽然能打包成功,但部分驱动还是不可用的,譬如示例的realtek 8168


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    由于 Oracle 授权问题,Maven 中央仓库不提供 Oracle JDBC driver.Spring Boot 项目如果需要连接 Oracle 数据库,我们必须自行下载相应版本的 Oracle ...

  6. docker添加jar包_Maven系列教材 (七)- 如何添加第三方jar包

    Maven系列教材 (七)- 如何添加第三方jar包 步骤1:Maven项目用到第三方jar步骤2:修改App步骤3:给maven项目添加jar步骤4:保存再执行步骤5:重建本地仓库 步骤 1 : M ...

  7. Maven 手动添加第三方依赖包及编译打包和java命令行编译JAVA文件并使用jar命令打包...

    一,实例:新建了一个Maven项目,在eclipse中通过 build path –> configure path-.将依赖包添加到工程中后,eclipse不报错了.但是用Maven命令 mv ...

  8. springboot中如何添加第三方的jar包或者说如何配置本地jar

    首先推荐博客: spring-boot-maven-plugin 安装本地jar 包 http://www.cnblogs.com/acm-bingzi/p/mavenSpringBootPlugin ...

  9. esxi添加网卡驱动

    最近3215U安装ESXi 6.0,发现ESXi 6.0官方iso镜像中不含Intel I211网卡驱动 安装过程中会报错,找不到网卡: nfs41client failed to load No N ...

  10. java 手动编译打包_Maven 手动添加第三方依赖包及编译打包和java命令行编译JAVA文件并使用jar命令打包...

    一,实例:新建了一个Maven项目,在eclipse中通过 build path –> configure path-.将依赖包添加到工程中后,eclipse不报错了.但是用Maven命令 mv ...


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