计算机科学技术专业简介(Introduction to computer science and technology).doc

计算机科学技术专业简介(Introduction to computer science and technology)

Introduction to computer science and technology

Training objectives and specifications

This major aims to cultivate the application-oriented higher specialized talents who are required to develop socialism, intellectually and physically, and meet the needs of the market economy, and are able to meet the needs of the market economy.

In politics, ideology and morality, we support the basic line of the party, love the motherland, have the spirit of serving the people wholeheartedly, observe the law and discipline, and have good social, public and professional ethics.

In the professional knowledge and ability, master the necessary mathematics, foreign language, computer circuit, computer composition principle, assembly and high-level language programming, data structure, operating system, computer network theory, using the method of computer operation skills and OFFICE office software, image processing software, the software tools and skilled; have a certain ability to learn and follow the new technology development.

1. computer control direction:

(1) after graduation, can be engaged in computer hardware system application and maintenance, and small control system application, development and maintenance work.

(2) necessary to master the direction of computer circuit, microcomputer interface technology, microcontroller technology, computer peripherals, computer control technology and the realization of basic knowledge; and master the basic method of programming and system debugging skills.

2. direction of computer application software development:

(1) after graduation, can be engaged in general application software and CAD, CAI software development, application and maintenance work.

(2) to master the basic knowledge of multimedia technology, multimedia programs necessary for the direction of the design, software engineering, software development and application technology; familiar with the development platfor

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