【论文阅读】8-Non-local Scan Consolidation for 3D Urban Scenes

  • 1、重要思想
  • 2、算法步骤
    • 2.1、Get repeated instance
    • 2.2、Instance --- plane
    • 2.3、Plane cluster
    • 2.4、Get representative plane( for cluster)
    • 2.5、Point project ---remove point
    • 2.6、Plane ----line ---region ( remove the points ---denoise)
      • 2.6.1、Plane—line:
      • 2.6.2、Line- cluster :
      • 2.6.3、denoise


  1. 本文要点:基于重复结构的检测与变换,实现3D model 的合并与巩固
  2. Non-local filtering :
Apply to denoise ( remove points)
Key: average similar neighborhoods irrespective of their spatial proximity
算法步骤中2-6均为 denoise!!!
  1. Noise 来源:outliers \ varying sampling density


2.1、Get repeated instance

Using user guidance repeated facade elements are extracted as instances.


Description – encoding – configuration ( using (rigid invariant) relative coordinates
at some pivot point of configuration.)
-- to finding similar configuration of descriptor types
Relative coordinate --- vote for absolute coordinates
4x4x4 cube
0/1: point number vs threshold
matches: bitwise && Di AND Dj > threshold

2.2、Instance — plane

Each instance is segmented into a set of planes.

原因:Our scans, originating from urban buildings, largely consist of flat faces.

Plane weight / confidence:
W = w1*w2*w3
W1: area 面积
W2: 同质性—平面点密度的变化(ps: 点密度计算:K-nearest)
W3: 各向异性 —平面点集协方差矩阵特征值比例

本文中ICP的作用 :

Repetitive instance  -Planes –alignment 重复单元对应平面的配准!!
采用weighted ICP ( point - confidence)In each ICP iteration,
we subsample the point cloud and associate each point with
its nearest point in the base based on the L2 deviation of their normal

2.3、Plane cluster

The instances are registered to a consistent coordinate system, and corresponding planes across instances are identified using parameter space clustering.
Plane space : (nx, ny, d)
Plane measure : L2 norm

方法:按照plane confidence 排序,incrementally add cluster ( cluster R: user assign, according to the data quality)

2.4、Get representative plane( for cluster)

Representative planes are selected for groups of clustered ones, and off-plane denoising performed.


权重快速衰减因子,权重—plane density:

ps:( outliers: ----average & L1-media 不行)

2.5、Point project —remove point

Point—project –representative plane
Off-plane:  remove
In- plane: keep

2.6、Plane ----line —region ( remove the points —denoise)

Using a similar scheme in 2D, occupied polygonal regions are identified in respective planes in the in-plane denoising phase.


  1. Plane—boundary point
根据点的局部领域的分布: 点邻域 协方差矩阵 特征值 比例 vs 阈值
  1. Boundary point- line
Line weight: local point density && length
Line—碎片化:由于remove unsampled points

2.6.2、Line- cluster :

将correspondence plane 的lines 进行聚类,聚类方式同 plane cluster( order\incrementally)
得到representative line(weight-L1-media)representative line—regularize: !! prefer orthogonal arrangement ( 正交排列)


Out-liers: remove---一般处于sparse region or transparent element( 透明的物体)
In -lier: up-sample

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