

  1. Stack Implementation
    Time Limit: 1 secs, Memory Limit: 256 MB , Framework Judge

Implement the following Stack:

typedef int Stack_entry;

class Stack {
// Standard Stack methods
bool empty() const;
/* Returns true if the stack is empty, otherwise, returns false.
int size() const;
Returns the number of elements in the stack.
void push(const Stack_entry &item);
/*item is pushed into the stack and it becomes the new top element.
void pop();
/*The top item is removed if the stack is not empty.
Otherwise, nothing happens.

Stack_entry & top() const;
/* The top element is returned by item if the stack is not empty,
and the stack remains unchanged.
Nothing happens if the stack is empty.
// Safety features
Stack(const Stack &original);
void operator =(const Stack &original);

typedef Stack MyStack;

//or if your are using templates

typedef Stack MyStack;

Submit your implementations only.

Problem Source
ADTs: Implementations and Applications



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