
Over time, old photos fade. The blacks become washed out and the whites go to grey. If there are colors, they fade too, turning different shades and making the photo look more like an antique than a representation of anything real.

随着时间的流逝,旧照片逐渐消失。 黑人被洗掉,白人变成灰色。 如果有颜色,它们也会褪色,变成不同的阴影,使照片看起来更像古董,而不是真实的东西。

If, however, you scan your old, faded photos, you can use a powerful editor like Photoshop (or one of its cheaper alternatives) to color correct them. Let’s look at how to do just that.

但是,如果您扫描褪色的旧照片,则可以使用功能强大的编辑器(例如Photoshop)(或其更便宜的替代品之一 )对它们进行颜色校正。 让我们看看如何做到这一点。

For this lesson, I’m going to assume you have some familiarity with Photoshop. If you don’t, check out our detailed eight part guide to learning Photoshop and our lessons on Layers and Masks, Adjustment Layers, and Curves. The technique is very simple, but it’s easier to use if you understand what is going on.

在本课中,我将假设您对Photoshop有所了解。 如果不这样做,请查看我们的详细的8部分学习Photoshop的指南,以及有关“ 图层和蒙版” ,“ 调整图层和曲线”的课程。 该技术非常简单,但是如果您了解发生了什么,它会更容易使用。

校正褪色的黑白图像的颜色 (Color Correcting a Faded Black and White Image)

It’s simpler to color correct a black and white photo, so let’s start there. I’m using this old photo from Flickr user Faith Goble. It’s a lovely portrait that’s started to fade and discolor.

对黑白照片进行色彩校正更简单,所以让我们从这里开始。 我正在使用Flickr用户Faith Goble的这张旧照片。 这是一张可爱的肖像,开始褪色和褪色。

Open the image you want to correct in Photoshop.


Next, go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Curves.


Select the black-point eyedropper, it’s circled below.


Click on what should be the darkest or black areas of the image. For this one, the feather just beside the model’s neck is perfect.

单击图像上最暗或最黑的区域。 为此,模特脖子旁边的羽毛非常完美。

That’s the black point set. Things should be starting to look a little less faded. Next, select the white-point eyedropper. Again, it’s circled below.

这就是黑点。 事情应该开始看起来褪色一些。 接下来,选择白点吸管。 再次在下面圈出。

Find an area of the image that should be really bright and click it. In this case, the model’s clothes look as if they’re very bright so that’s where I’m going to click.

找到应该真正明亮的图像区域,然后单击它。 在这种情况下,模型的衣服看起来非常明亮,这就是我要单击的地方。

The effects aren’t as dramatic this time because the bright areas of this image were already pretty okay.


Adding contrast like this can be pretty blunt and it’s easy to go too far. Select the Curves layer and lower its Opacity to around 90%. This will soften the effect a little.

像这样添加对比度可能会变得直截了当,而且很容易走得太远。 选择“曲线”层并将其“不透明度”降低到90%左右。 这会稍微减弱效果。

Now the image should look something like this. It’s definitely not faded any more. The last thing to do is get rid of the color cast.

现在图像应该看起来像这样。 绝对不再褪色。 最后要做的就是摆脱偏色。

Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation.


Drag the Saturation slider all the way to 0.


And that’s it, you’re done. The image is now a perfect, unfaded black and white.

就是这样,您就完成了。 图像现在是完美的,不褪色的黑白图像。

色彩校正褪色的彩色图像 (Color Correcting a Faded Color Image)

Let’s do this again with a color image. This photo comes courtesy of fellow How-To Geek writer Cameron Summerson.

让我们再次对彩色图像进行此操作。 这张照片是由How-To Geek作家Cameron Summerson友情提供的。

The process for correcting the contrast and color is the exact same. Open the image in Photoshop, add a Curves layer, and use the black-point and white-point eyedroppers to set the black and white points.

校正对比度和颜色的过程完全相同。 在Photoshop中打开图像,添加一个Curves层,然后使用黑点和白点吸管设置黑点和白点。

Once you do that, you should have something like this.


Note, to set the white point, I used the border around the image. Paper should always be very close to white. Whenever there is a border on an old image, it makes color correcting them much easier.

注意,要设置白点,我使用了图像周围的边框。 纸张应始终非常接近白色。 只要旧图像上有边框,就可以更轻松地进行色彩校正。

Although this already looks pretty good, the colors aren’t perfect. Go to Layer > New Adjustment Layer > Hue/Saturation.

尽管这看起来已经不错了,但颜色并不完美。 转到图层>新调整图层>色相/饱和度。

This time we can’t just remove all the saturation. We have to play around with the Hue slider until things look right. Drag the Hue slider left and right until things look good.

这次我们不能仅仅去除所有饱和度。 我们必须使用“色相”滑块,直到一切看起来正确为止。 左右拖动“色相”滑块,直到看起来不错为止。

Most values will look awful, but you should be able to hone in on a range that looks natural. For this photo, I found it to be around +13. It just makes everything look a little more real.

大多数值看起来都很糟糕,但是您应该能够在看起来自然的范围内进行磨练。 对于这张照片,我发现它大约是+13。 它只是使一切看起来更加真实。

Play around with your image and see what looks best. It will probably be a value between around -40 and +40, but try them all. This isn’t an exact science, so just go with something that you like the look of.

试一试您的图像,看看什么看起来最好。 大概在-40到+40之间,但是请尝试全部使用。 这不是一门精确的科学,因此只需使用您喜欢的外观即可。

And that’s it, you’re done. You’ve taken an old, faded photo and color corrected it so it looks a lot better with just a Curves and a Hue/Saturation layer. This technique should work on almost any image, no matter how faded or discolored it is.

就是这样,您就完成了。 您已经拍摄了一张褪色的旧照片,并对其进行了色彩校正,因此仅使用“曲线”和“色相/饱和度”图层,效果会更好。 不管其褪色或褪色多少,该技术都应适用于几乎所有图像。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/289928/how-to-color-correct-old-faded-photos/



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