
I’m a big fan of film photography, but one problem is that physical photos are hard to share. Everyone uses Instagram or Facebook now. Thankfully, it’s relatively simple—though not necessarily cheap—to digitize film photos. So, whether you’ve found a box of old photos in your parent’s basement you want to put online, or you just shot a roll of 35mm film last week, here’s what to do.

我是电影摄影的忠实拥护者 ,但一个问题是实体照片难以共享。 现在每个人都使用Instagram或Facebook。 值得庆幸的是,数字化胶片照片相对简单(尽管不一定便宜)。 因此,无论您是在父母的地下室中找到了一盒想要放到网上的旧照片,还是上周刚拍摄了35毫米胶卷,都可以这样做。

Film photos come in two forms: developed photo prints and the original slides or negatives. Photo prints are easier, and cheaper, to digitize but you’ll get better results with the negatives. If you’ve got both, which you go with is up to you.

电影照片有两种形式:冲印照片和原始幻灯片或底片。 照片冲印更容易,更便宜地进行数字化处理,但使用底片可获得更好的打印效果。 如果两者兼而有之,则取决于您自己。

如果您有照片 (If You’ve Got the Photos)

If you’ve got the photo prints, then things are really simple. You can just take a photo with your phone if you want—but let’s look at the better options.

如果您有照片打印件,那么事情真的很简单。 您可以根据需要使用手机拍照,但是让我们看看更好的选择。

使用扫描仪 (Use Your Scanner)

Most modern scanners are more than capable of scanning photos. A good one will probably have a dedicated photo scanning mode. You might need to make some small color adjustments or crop away any border, but it’s easy and reliable, if not necessarily a quick option.

大多数现代扫描仪都具有扫描照片的能力。 一个好的人可能会拥有专用的照片扫描模式 。 您可能需要进行一些小的颜色调整或裁剪掉任何边框,但这很容易且可靠,即使不一定是快速的选择。

If you do go with your scanner, the best thing to do is add all the photos to a catalog app like Apple Photos or Adobe Lightroom. They’ll keep them all sorted, and you can also use them to make whatever color fixes are needed.

如果您确实要使用扫描仪,最好的办法是将所有照片添加到Apple Photos或Adobe Lightroom之类的目录应用程序中。 他们将对它们进行排序,您也可以使用它们来进行所需的任何颜色修复。

使用Google Photoscan (Use Google Photoscan)

Google’s Photoscan app, available for iOS and Android, is one of their lesser-known projects. It uses your smartphone’s camera to scan and digitize photos by taking a series of images to eliminate glare and then combining them. Here’s a photo I scanned with it today.

Google的Photoscan应用可用于iOS和Android ,是他们鲜为人知的项目之一。 它使用智能手机的相机通过拍摄一系列图像以消除眩光然后将它们组合在一起,从而对照片进行扫描和数字化。 这是我今天用它扫描的照片。

Photoscan is a clever app that removes glare well and is pretty quick to use. Unfortunately, I found it washed out my images—especially skin tones—a bit too much. I think it’s designed for use with older, faded images, rather than the brand new prints with which I was working.

Photoscan是一款聪明的应用程序,可以很好地消除眩光,并且使用起来非常快捷。 不幸的是,我发现它使我的图像(尤其是肤色)褪色了太多。 我认为它是为与较旧的,褪色的图像一起使用而设计的,而不是与我正在使用的全新印刷品一起使用。

If you just want to scan a handful of photos to upload to social media, it’s the way to do it.


致电专业人员 (Call the Professionals)

Scanning and color correcting a big box of photos can be pretty time-consuming. If you’ve got a lot of images to scan and want to make sure it’s done right, the best thing to do is go with a professional service. There are plenty available online, and prices are normally between $0.20 and $0.40 a photo depending on how many images you want to be scanned, the quality you need, and whether or not you want them color corrected.

扫描和校正大盒照片可能非常耗时。 如果您要扫描很多图像并希望确保正确完成,最好的做法是提供专业服务。 网上有很多可用的产品 ,价格通常在一张照片0.20美元至0.40美元之间,具体取决于要扫描的图像数量,所需的质量以及是否要对其进行色彩校正。

Before going online, however, I’d recommend checking whether your local camera shop offers photo scanning. Photography is one of those things where going local still makes sense; the shops are staffed by experts who are almost always willing to help and give advice. They’ll be able to recommend exactly what your photos need, even if it costs a little more.

但是,在上线之前,建议您检查您当地的照相馆是否提供照片扫描功能。 摄影是去本地化仍然有意义的事情之一。 商店配备了专家,他们几乎总是愿意提供帮助和建议。 他们将能够准确建议您的照片需求,即使花费更多。

如果您有底片或幻灯片 (If You’ve Got the Negatives or Slides)

With film negatives or slides, things aren’t as simple as just running them through your document scanner. The upside is that if you digitize them, the resulting images will most likely be higher quality than if you scanned the original photos.

使用胶卷底片或幻灯片,事情并不像通过文档扫描仪运行它们那样简单。 好处是,如果将它们数字化,则与扫描原始照片相比,生成的图像最有可能具有更高的质量。

获取负扫描仪 (Get a Negative Scanner)

If you have a lot of slides or negatives to scan, the most cost-effective solution might be to buy a negative scanner. While the color might not be the best, the Jumbl 22MP Film and Slide Scanner costs just $80. If getting photos online is more important than having them look perfect, it’s a great option. You could also consider going with a high-quality document and photo scanner that can also scan negatives and slides like the Epson Perfection V600 ($190).

如果您要扫描许多幻灯片或底片,最经济有效的解决方案可能是购买底片扫描仪。 虽然颜色可能不是最好的, 但Jumbl 22MP胶片和幻灯片扫描仪的价格仅为80美元 。 如果让在线照片比让照片看起来完美更重要,那么这是一个不错的选择。 您还可以考虑使用高质量的文档和照片扫描仪,该扫描仪还可以扫描底片和幻灯片,例如Epson Perfection V600 (190美元)。

与专业人士同行 (Go With the Professionals)

As with scanning photo prints, the best option, if you have a huge collection you want to be digitized, is probably to go with the professionals. Expect to pay between about $0.30 and $1.50 per image depending on the format of the photos are, the quality you need, and how many you have. The bulk discounts are not to be sniffed at.

与扫描照片打印一样,如果要收集大量照片并进行数字化,最好的选择是与专业人士一起使用。 预计每张图像的价格在0.30美元至1.50美元之间,具体取决于照片的格式,所需的质量以及数量。 批量折扣不容小at。

As always, I’d suggest checking out your local camera shop before going with an online service. The staff there will be able to advise you on the best course of action.

与往常一样,我建议您在使用在线服务之前先去当地的照相馆看看。 那里的员工将能够为您提供最佳行动建议。

Photos only deteriorate over time. If you’ve got a large collection of old photos, the sooner you digitize them—and back them up—the less likely they are to get ruined by time or mistreatment.

照片只会随着时间而变差。 如果您有大量的旧照片,则越早将它们数字化并备份 ,就越不会因时间或虐待而损坏它们。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/398333/how-to-digitize-your-old-film-photos/



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