

# 在Mysql中取消外键约束
DROP TABLE customers;
DROP TABLE orderitems;
DROP TABLE orders;
DROP TABLE products;
DROP TABLE vendors;
DROP TABLE productnotes;
# 然后再设置外键约束
(cust_id      int       NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '唯一的顾客ID',cust_name    char(50)  NOT NULL COMMENT '顾客名',cust_address char(50)  NULL COMMENT '顾客的地址',cust_city    char(50)  NULL COMMENT '顾客的城市',cust_state   char(5)   NULL COMMENT '顾客的州',cust_zip     char(10)  NULL COMMENT '顾客的邮政编码',cust_country char(50)  NULL COMMENT '顾客的国家',cust_contact char(50)  NULL COMMENT '顾客的联系名',cust_email   char(255) NULL COMMENT '顾客的联系email地址',PRIMARY KEY (cust_id)
CREATE TABLE orderitems
(order_num  int          NOT NULL COMMENT '订单号',order_item int          NOT NULL COMMENT '订单物品号',prod_id    char(10)     NOT NULL COMMENT '产品ID',quantity   int          NOT NULL COMMENT '物品数量',item_price decimal(8,2) NOT NULL COMMENT '物品价格',PRIMARY KEY (order_num, order_item)
(order_num  int      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '唯一订单号',order_date datetime NOT NULL COMMENT '订单日期',cust_id    int      NOT NULL COMMENT '订单顾客ID',PRIMARY KEY (order_num)
(prod_id    char(10)      NOT NULL COMMENT '唯一的产品ID',vend_id    int           NOT NULL COMMENT '产品供应商ID',prod_name  char(255)     NOT NULL COMMENT '产品名',prod_price decimal(8,2)  NOT NULL COMMENT '产品价格',prod_desc  text          NULL COMMENT '产品描述',PRIMARY KEY(prod_id)
(vend_id      int      NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '唯一的供应商ID',vend_name    char(50) NOT NULL COMMENT '供应商名',vend_address char(50) NULL COMMENT '供应商的地址',vend_city    char(50) NULL COMMENT '供应商的城市',vend_state   char(5)  NULL COMMENT '供应商的州',vend_zip     char(10) NULL COMMENT '供应商的邮政编码',vend_country char(50) NULL COMMENT '供应商的国家',PRIMARY KEY (vend_id)
CREATE TABLE productnotes
(note_id    int           NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT '唯一注释ID',prod_id    char(10)      NOT NULL COMMENT '产品ID',note_date datetime       NOT NULL COMMENT '增加注释的日期',note_text  text          NULL COMMENT '注释文本',PRIMARY KEY(note_id),FULLTEXT(note_text)
ALTER TABLE orderitems ADD CONSTRAINT fk_orderitems_orders FOREIGN KEY (order_num) REFERENCES orders (order_num);
ALTER TABLE orderitems ADD CONSTRAINT fk_orderitems_products FOREIGN KEY (prod_id) REFERENCES products (prod_id);
ALTER TABLE orders ADD CONSTRAINT fk_orders_customers FOREIGN KEY (cust_id) REFERENCES customers (cust_id);
ALTER TABLE products ADD CONSTRAINT fk_products_vendors FOREIGN KEY (vend_id) REFERENCES vendors (vend_id);##########################
# Populate customers table
INSERT INTO customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country, cust_contact, cust_email)
VALUES(10001, 'Coyote Inc.', '200 Maple Lane', 'Detroit', 'MI', '44444', 'USA', 'Y Lee', 'ylee@coyote.com');
INSERT INTO customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country, cust_contact)
VALUES(10002, 'Mouse House', '333 Fromage Lane', 'Columbus', 'OH', '43333', 'USA', 'Jerry Mouse');
INSERT INTO customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country, cust_contact, cust_email)
VALUES(10003, 'Wascals', '1 Sunny Place', 'Muncie', 'IN', '42222', 'USA', 'Jim Jones', 'rabbit@wascally.com');
INSERT INTO customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country, cust_contact, cust_email)
VALUES(10004, 'Yosemite Place', '829 Riverside Drive', 'Phoenix', 'AZ', '88888', 'USA', 'Y Sam', 'sam@yosemite.com');
INSERT INTO customers(cust_id, cust_name, cust_address, cust_city, cust_state, cust_zip, cust_country, cust_contact)
VALUES(10005, 'E Fudd', '4545 53rd Street', 'Chicago', 'IL', '54545', 'USA', 'E Fudd');########################
# Populate vendors table
INSERT INTO vendors(vend_id, vend_name, vend_address, vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country)
VALUES(1001,'Anvils R Us','123 Main Street','Southfield','MI','48075', 'USA');
INSERT INTO vendors(vend_id, vend_name, vend_address, vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country)
VALUES(1002,'LT Supplies','500 Park Street','Anytown','OH','44333', 'USA');
INSERT INTO vendors(vend_id, vend_name, vend_address, vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country)
VALUES(1003,'ACME','555 High Street','Los Angeles','CA','90046', 'USA');
INSERT INTO vendors(vend_id, vend_name, vend_address, vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country)
VALUES(1004,'Furball Inc.','1000 5th Avenue','New York','NY','11111', 'USA');
INSERT INTO vendors(vend_id, vend_name, vend_address, vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country)
VALUES(1005,'Jet Set','42 Galaxy Road','London', NULL,'N16 6PS', 'England');
INSERT INTO vendors(vend_id, vend_name, vend_address, vend_city, vend_state, vend_zip, vend_country)
VALUES(1006,'Jouets Et Ours','1 Rue Amusement','Paris', NULL,'45678', 'France');#########################
# Populate products table
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('ANV01', 1001, '.5 ton anvil', 5.99, '.5 ton anvil, black, complete with handy hook');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('ANV02', 1001, '1 ton anvil', 9.99, '1 ton anvil, black, complete with handy hook and carrying case');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('ANV03', 1001, '2 ton anvil', 14.99, '2 ton anvil, black, complete with handy hook and carrying case');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('OL1', 1002, 'Oil can', 8.99, 'Oil can, red');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('FU1', 1002, 'Fuses', 3.42, '1 dozen, extra long');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('SLING', 1003, 'Sling', 4.49, 'Sling, one size fits all');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('TNT1', 1003, 'TNT (1 stick)', 2.50, 'TNT, red, single stick');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('TNT2', 1003, 'TNT (5 sticks)', 10, 'TNT, red, pack of 10 sticks');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('FB', 1003, 'Bird seed', 10, 'Large bag (suitable for road runners)');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('FC', 1003, 'Carrots', 2.50, 'Carrots (rabbit hunting season only)');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('SAFE', 1003, 'Safe', 50, 'Safe with combination lock');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('DTNTR', 1003, 'Detonator', 13, 'Detonator (plunger powered), fuses not included');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('JP1000', 1005, 'JetPack 1000', 35, 'JetPack 1000, intended for single use');
INSERT INTO products(prod_id, vend_id, prod_name, prod_price, prod_desc)
VALUES('JP2000', 1005, 'JetPack 2000', 55, 'JetPack 2000, multi-use');#######################
# Populate orders table
INSERT INTO orders(order_num, order_date, cust_id)
VALUES(20005, '2005-09-01', 10001);
INSERT INTO orders(order_num, order_date, cust_id)
VALUES(20006, '2005-09-12', 10003);
INSERT INTO orders(order_num, order_date, cust_id)
VALUES(20007, '2005-09-30', 10004);
INSERT INTO orders(order_num, order_date, cust_id)
VALUES(20008, '2005-10-03', 10005);
INSERT INTO orders(order_num, order_date, cust_id)
VALUES(20009, '2005-10-08', 10001);###########################
# Populate orderitems table
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20005, 1, 'ANV01', 10, 5.99);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20005, 2, 'ANV02', 3, 9.99);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20005, 3, 'TNT2', 5, 10);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20005, 4, 'FB', 1, 10);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20006, 1, 'JP2000', 1, 55);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20007, 1, 'TNT2', 100, 10);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20008, 1, 'FC', 50, 2.50);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20009, 1, 'FB', 1, 10);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20009, 2, 'OL1', 1, 8.99);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20009, 3, 'SLING', 1, 4.49);
INSERT INTO orderitems(order_num, order_item, prod_id, quantity, item_price)
VALUES(20009, 4, 'ANV03', 1, 14.99);#############################
# Populate productnotes table
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(101, 'TNT2', '2005-08-17',
'Customer complaint:
Sticks not individually wrapped, too easy to mistakenly detonate all at once.
Recommend individual wrapping.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(102, 'OL1', '2005-08-18',
'Can shipped full, refills not available.
Need to order new can if refill needed.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(103, 'SAFE', '2005-08-18',
'Safe is combination locked, combination not provided with safe.
This is rarely a problem as safes are typically blown up or dropped by customers.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(104, 'FC', '2005-08-19',
'Quantity varies, sold by the sack load.
All guaranteed to be bright and orange, and suitable for use as rabbit bait.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(105, 'TNT2', '2005-08-20',
'Included fuses are short and have been known to detonate too quickly for some customers.
Longer fuses are available (item FU1) and should be recommended.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(106, 'TNT2', '2005-08-22',
'Matches not included, recommend purchase of matches or detonator (item DTNTR).'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(107, 'SAFE', '2005-08-23',
'Please note that no returns will be accepted if safe opened using explosives.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(108, 'ANV01', '2005-08-25',
'Multiple customer returns, anvils failing to drop fast enough or falling backwards on purchaser. Recommend that customer considers using heavier anvils.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(109, 'ANV03', '2005-09-01',
'Item is extremely heavy. Designed for dropping, not recommended for use with slings, ropes, pulleys, or tightropes.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(110, 'FC', '2005-09-01',
'Customer complaint: rabbit has been able to detect trap, food apparently less effective now.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(111, 'SLING', '2005-09-02',
'Shipped unassembled, requires common tools (including oversized hammer).'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(112, 'SAFE', '2005-09-02',
'Customer complaint:
Circular hole in safe floor can apparently be easily cut with handsaw.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(113, 'ANV01', '2005-09-05',
'Customer complaint:
Not heavy enough to generate flying stars around head of victim. If being purchased for dropping, recommend ANV02 or ANV03 instead.'
INSERT INTO productnotes(note_id, prod_id, note_date, note_text)
VALUES(114, 'SAFE', '2005-09-07',
'Call from individual trapped in safe plummeting to the ground, suggests an escape hatch be added.
Comment forwarded to vendor.'


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