


Minkyu Lee(李珉奎)(韩国)。StarUML开发团队负责人。StarUML(http://www.staruml.com)的前身是Plastic,从1996年开始开发。1998年开始,Plastic转变为UML建模工具。2005年改名为StarUML。


(2006.03.23)(15:18:14)*umlchina_seminar与所有人说:iamlixinfeng与所有人说:I had tried StarUML these days, it seems there is many bugs of StarUML,

(2006.03.23)(15:18:26)*umlchina_seminar与所有人说:iamlixinfeng与所有人说:Will the develop team do more work on debug for the next version?

(2006.03.23)(15:19:48)李珉奎 enter this room.




(2006.03.23)(15:20:36)juis enter this room.



(2006.03.23)(15:21:34)李珉奎与所有人说:sure....but, de-velopers of StarUML is employeed by com-pany...so, full-time working for StarUML




(2006.03.23)(15:22:30)李珉奎与所有人说:we expect more and more de-veloper-'s par-ti-cip-a-tion...


(2006.03.23)(15:22:48)李珉奎与所有人说:we work focus on fixing bugs rather than new features.

(2006.03.23)(15:22:53)wikey8 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:23:38)wikey8 enter this room.


(2006.03.23)(15:25:09)icydf2002 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:25:10)loya2006与李珉奎说:can you introduce the future of staruml?

(2006.03.23)(15:25:27)iamlixinfeng与所有人说:Thanks, I would like do the translae work of Simplified Chinese of StarUML.

(2006.03.23)(15:25:43)loya2006与李珉奎说:such as chinese version?

(2006.03.23)(15:25:49)loya2006与李珉奎说:and the document

(2006.03.23)(15:26:14)hjackey enter this room.


(2006.03.23)(15:26:29)yfghdfg27135 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:27:49)loya2006与李珉奎说:the voice is not very clear

(2006.03.23)(15:28:10)李珉奎与所有人说:I expect that StarUML be a most popular UML tools. so, we will trying easy and con-vini-ent feature

(2006.03.23)(15:28:20)lichd与yfghdfg27135说:get out!

(2006.03.23)(15:28:29)flyingcicada与李珉奎说:The code generation feature of star UML seems limited. Do you plan to improve it?

(2006.03.23)(15:28:33)李珉奎与loya2006说:We can only communicat in written. No voice actually.

(2006.03.23)(15:28:35)icydf2002 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:28:46)jasonwww与所有人说:I feel starUML is good, I am expiring it

(2006.03.23)(15:29:04)yfghdfg23799 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:29:05)loya2006与李珉奎说:now who speaking?

(2006.03.23)(15:29:20)李珉奎与loya2006说:chinese version of doc-u-ment-a-tion is in work-ing...



(2006.03.23)(15:30:06)李珉奎与所有人说:the chinese doc-u-ment-a-tion project is leaded by Frank Yang.

(2006.03.23)(15:30:07)loya2006与李珉奎说:oh, it is great

(2006.03.23)(15:30:32)icydf2002 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:30:42)flyingcicada与李珉奎说:Code generation of staruml seems to be limited compared to ROSE things, do you plan to improve?

(2006.03.23)(15:30:58)李珉奎与所有人说:We have no concrete plan to improve code gen-er-a-tion cap-ab-il-ity.

(2006.03.23)(15:31:37)李珉奎与所有人说:we think that in-teg-ra-tion with other open--source code generator lik as AndroMDA.

(2006.03.23)(15:31:57)李珉奎与所有人说:OpenMDX(www.openmdx.org) also maybe a can-did-ate.

(2006.03.23)(15:32:41)flyingcicada与李珉奎说:Thank you.

(2006.03.23)(15:32:52)李珉奎与所有人说:StarUML cannot support all and perfect features.

(2006.03.23)(15:33:40)loya2006与李珉奎说:how many developers in staruml team?

(2006.03.23)(15:34:02)iamlixinfeng与所有人说:Thanks, I think that StarUML could be the most popular UML tool on windows platform.

(2006.03.23)(15:34:11)李珉奎与所有人说:it is needed StarUML's key role in de-vel-op-ment tools.

(2006.03.23)(15:34:42)李珉奎与所有人说:4 active de-velopers are working..

(2006.03.23)(15:35:29)sunshineormer与李珉奎说:which dev tools are you using?

(2006.03.23)(15:35:36)icy2002 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:35:49)李珉奎与所有人说:but, some of them is working in company's other project.

(2006.03.23)(15:36:03)flyingcicada与李珉奎说:What's special do you suppose to be over other case tools?

(2006.03.23)(15:36:11)李珉奎与所有人说:in last month, brazilian developer commited some feature.

(2006.03.23)(15:36:28)loya2006与李珉奎说:I suggest that staruml focus on convience tool for design and document

(2006.03.23)(15:36:48)yfghdfg3445 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:36:50)loya2006与李珉奎说:not a integraton develop tool

(2006.03.23)(15:37:32)loya2006与李珉奎说:a visual design document tool

(2006.03.23)(15:37:33)李珉奎与所有人说:I'm using Eclipse, CVS, Tor-toi-seCVS, Mantis and so on...

(2006.03.23)(15:38:01)李珉奎与所有人说:great!. I agree with loya2006.

(2006.03.23)(15:39:00)李珉奎与所有人说:actually, I think that StarUML covers too many fea-tures...

(2006.03.23)(15:39:02)jswqg_542 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:39:06)loya2006与李珉奎说:so, improve the usecase doc and design interface, not limited by uml

(2006.03.23)(15:39:34)jswqg_574 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:39:35)李珉奎与所有人说:it is weakpoint of StarUML. because main-tain-ance is very dif-fi-cult.

(2006.03.23)(15:39:44)sunshineormer与李珉奎说:but I saw there are some .pas files in your project .It seems you are using delphi? Am I right?

(2006.03.23)(15:39:55)acmilan enter this room.


(2006.03.23)(15:40:33)loya2006与李珉奎说:actual, a few project can continue maintain uml model

(2006.03.23)(15:40:38)李珉奎与所有人说:use case doc-u-ment-a-tion feature is really needed also to me.

(2006.03.23)(15:41:03)李珉奎与所有人说:Right! StarUML is developed by Delphi 7.

(2006.03.23)(15:41:07)haha enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:41:22)yfghdfg19922 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:42:00)ali2 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:42:07)xiaobw enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:42:26)李珉奎与所有人说:in most of projects, UML is used for doc-u-ment-a-tion in the closing phase of the project.

(2006.03.23)(15:42:58)李珉奎与所有人说:and then, they are not maintain UML models and doc-u-ment-s.

(2006.03.23)(15:43:30)iamlixinfeng与所有人说:I don't think that's a right way for using of UML

(2006.03.23)(15:43:55)iamlixinfeng与所有人说:I'm now doing design work using StarUML

(2006.03.23)(15:44:02)李珉奎与所有人说:it's an obstacle of UML pop-ular-iz-a-tion.

(2006.03.23)(15:44:28)loya2006与李珉奎说:so document is most important. understand the design is object of uml

(2006.03.23)(15:45:03)hjackey与所有人说:i agree

(2006.03.23)(15:45:34)李珉奎与所有人说:you(iam-lix-in-feng) are right!. but that is reality.

(2006.03.23)(15:45:41)loya2006与所有人说:so i wish startuml used in all project like ms word

(2006.03.23)(15:46:04)yfghdfg7419 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:46:36)loya2006与所有人说:best technology maybe not most popular

(2006.03.23)(15:47:15)loya2006与所有人说:so we need simple, easy to use and understand tool

(2006.03.23)(15:47:47)李珉奎与所有人说:most of de-vel-op-ment project suffers from lack of time. so, it is difficult to work well

(2006.03.23)(15:47:51)李珉奎与所有人说:using UML

(2006.03.23)(15:48:31)sunshineormer与李珉奎说:For commnuication and documentation,are your team using UML and use case?

(2006.03.23)(15:48:32)李珉奎与所有人说:I aggree. with loy-a2006与所有人说:best tech-no-logy maybe not most popular

(2006.03.23)(15:49:02)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:and a low hardware requirement tool,it's very important too

(2006.03.23)(15:50:06)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:That's why I use StarUML,because it's the fastest UML tool I found

(2006.03.23)(15:51:11)李珉奎与所有人说:Delphi is really good de-vel-op-ment tool. it's op-tim-iz-a-tion cap-ab-il-ity is best of best.

(2006.03.23)(15:53:29)wikey8_409 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:53:39)minkyulee enter this room.


(2006.03.23)(15:54:07)icy2002 enter this room.


(2006.03.23)(15:54:20)*幻魔蓝灯℃与所有人说:Could StarUML be used in the project which are not OO project ?

(2006.03.23)(15:54:36)minkyulee与所有人说:now, chatting site works well to me...



(2006.03.23)(15:56:38)*幻魔蓝灯℃与所有人说:I'am working on UNIX and C , could StarUML do some help to me ?

(2006.03.23)(15:56:52)loya2006与李珉奎说:I wish staruml can enlarge the draw area by double click like eclipse

(2006.03.23)(15:57:20)lennoncao enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:57:28)loya2006与李珉奎说:click on the blue bar

(2006.03.23)(15:58:57)李珉奎与*幻魔蓝灯℃说:sure! in my opinion, UML can be used in non-OO project.

(2006.03.23)(15:59:02)icy2002 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(15:59:18)loya2006与minkyulee说:what are you focus on staruml?

(2006.03.23)(15:59:53)李珉奎与所有人说:It is difficult to work with StarUML in UNIX en-vir-on-ment.

(2006.03.23)(16:00:42)李珉奎与所有人说:How about modeling job in windows and de-vel-op-ment in UNIX?

(2006.03.23)(16:01:09)容 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:01:18)李珉奎与所有人说:(loy-a2006)that good idea. I will think over.

(2006.03.23)(16:02:03)yfghdfg22533 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:02:35)*幻魔蓝灯℃与李珉奎说:yes , I will try to use StarUML do some modeling job in windows environment , and coding in UNIX

(2006.03.23)(16:05:06)lennoncao enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:05:10)李珉奎与所有人说:I don't want to make StarUML by my only idea. I want to hear many opinions about future of StarUML

(2006.03.23)(16:05:57)李珉奎与所有人说:so, It is hard to say what is focus on StarUML

(2006.03.23)(16:06:13)李珉奎与所有人说:Simply, I want StarUML can help many people.

(2006.03.23)(16:06:28)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:So there is not a roadmap for StarUML?

(2006.03.23)(16:06:47)mazz enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:07:24)*umlchina_seminar与李珉奎说:Borland will sell delphi...any impact on staruml

(2006.03.23)(16:07:53)李珉奎与所有人说:No, there exists roadmap for StarUML. but it is not im-mut-able.

(2006.03.23)(16:08:23)yfghdfg25400 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:08:39)loya2006与所有人说:I wish that startuml improve ER Diagram module, so it can used in real project


(2006.03.23)(16:10:43)李珉奎与所有人说:Borland and other de-vel-op-ment tool vendors are faced dif-fi-culty because of open source

(2006.03.23)(16:10:55)李珉奎与所有人说:de-vel-op-ment tools. I think StarUML will make impact to Borland.

(2006.03.23)(16:11:18)*幻魔蓝灯℃与李珉奎说:Does StarUML has some advanced features on produce document automatically ?

(2006.03.23)(16:12:05)李珉奎与所有人说:I need more help of world-wide de-veloper-s.

(2006.03.23)(16:13:57)李珉奎与所有人说:one of advanced feature for document gen-er-a-tion is Excel and Power-Point document gen-er-a-tion.

(2006.03.23)(16:14:11)李珉奎与所有人说:as I know, ... there is no tool that generates Excel and Power-Point...

(2006.03.23)(16:16:05)ericzhang enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:16:42)李珉奎与所有人说:I wish that many chinese de-velopers paticip-ate StarUML project.

(2006.03.23)(16:18:07)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:I think that I can do translate work only , *^_^*

(2006.03.23)(16:19:31)李珉奎与所有人说:Great! it is also great help...


(2006.03.23)(16:20:42)*幻魔蓝灯℃与李珉奎说:What kinds of document could it generates ?


(2006.03.23)(16:22:23)李珉奎与所有人说:StarUML can generates 4 types of doc-u-ment-s.

(2006.03.23)(16:22:32)*solderzzc enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:22:33)李珉奎与所有人说:Text, MS-Word, MS-Excel, MS--Power-Point.

(2006.03.23)(16:22:38)iambadboy enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:23:49)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:What about HTML generation?

(2006.03.23)(16:24:12)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:I think it is more common then MS-Office documents.

(2006.03.23)(16:24:58)loya2006与所有人说:html is a special format of text

(2006.03.23)(16:25:09)李珉奎与所有人说:HTML is also kind of ASCII Text. ^_^

(2006.03.23)(16:25:17)yfghdfg15053 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:25:32)*solderzzc与李珉奎说:Dos UML really Work?

(2006.03.23)(16:25:33)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:No, I need HTML generation with pictures.

(2006.03.23)(16:25:37)李珉奎与所有人说:Text generator covers Source Codes, HTML, XML, Con-fig-ur-a-tion Files, and so on...

(2006.03.23)(16:26:24)iamlixinfeng与李珉奎说:include pictures such as the use cases,class diagrams

(2006.03.23)(16:26:32)李珉奎与所有人说:OK. I see what you want.

(2006.03.23)(16:26:35)*幻魔蓝灯℃与李珉奎说:sorry , maybe i should make the question more clear.

(2006.03.23)(16:26:39)*幻魔蓝灯℃与李珉奎说:I want know what kinds of documents ? such as model documents,flow chart , ER documents blablabla

(2006.03.23)(16:27:55)jamestak enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:27:59)chenyy enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:28:02)李珉奎与*幻魔蓝灯℃说:it is need to make Tex-t-tem-plate with some Script-ing. there is no feature that generates HTML

(2006.03.23)(16:28:12)chenyy enter this room.


(2006.03.23)(16:28:26)*solderzzc与李珉奎说:I know UML could generation code,

(2006.03.23)(16:28:31)*solderzzc与李珉奎说:but how about the code work?Could it work in industry requesting or

(2006.03.23)(16:29:01)*solderzzc与李珉奎说:Embedded environment?

(2006.03.23)(16:30:09)mazz:I think you can lead us to do some sample work

(2006.03.23)(16:30:15)jamestak与所有人说:no sound


(2006.03.23)(16:30:22)李珉奎与*幻魔蓝灯℃说:the answer is all kind doc-u-ment-s. ^_^ it is about how many document template do you have...

(2006.03.23)(16:30:40)lennoncao与mazz说:hehe,mazz is so rude....

(2006.03.23)(16:30:45)mazz与李珉奎说:a mistake

(2006.03.23)(16:30:58)李珉奎与mazz说:you are really cool.

(2006.03.23)(16:30:59)*solderzzc enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:31:06)mazz与李珉奎说:very sorry~~

(2006.03.23)(16:31:15)李珉奎与所有人说:StarUML supports templates for documents and codes. but you have to write template by yourself.

(2006.03.23)(16:31:30)lennoncao与李珉奎说:do u konw chinese?

(2006.03.23)(16:31:46)*sunny3320 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:32:46)李珉奎与所有人说:I can request to "Hyunsoo Kim" to provides more template. (he is developer of generator part) ^^

(2006.03.23)(16:32:54)solderzzc_774 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:33:08)*幻魔蓝灯℃与李珉奎说:thank you for the reply, i will try this software immediately

(2006.03.23)(16:33:40)李珉奎与所有人说:I don't know chinese char-ac-ters without very basic charators link as 東西南北. ^_^

(2006.03.23)(16:34:11)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:Hey,where 's my answer??

(2006.03.23)(16:35:09)李珉奎与*幻魔蓝灯℃说:I wish StarUML is helpful to you.

(2006.03.23)(16:35:33)mazz对李珉奎微微一笑:I believe if you want to extend this tool, u should introduce some real instance.

(2006.03.23)(16:35:42)李珉奎与*幻魔蓝灯℃说:oh sorry. I missed it! ^^

(2006.03.23)(16:36:12)李珉奎与solderzzc_774说:oh sorry. I missed it! ^^


(2006.03.23)(16:36:31)yingbikoudai enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:37:25)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:My work is code on Embedded hardware ,

(2006.03.23)(16:37:37)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:but it seems like that there's not a Goot Tool for me ?

(2006.03.23)(16:37:58)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:sorry ,Goot for Good

(2006.03.23)(16:38:03)李珉奎与solderzzc_774说:code gen-er-a-tion of StarUML is based on Code Template. so you can generate any forms of codes

(2006.03.23)(16:38:32)李珉奎与solderzzc_774说:I don't know it is right answer for you.

(2006.03.23)(16:38:49)李珉奎与solderzzc_774说:I don't know about enbedded software domain...

(2006.03.23)(16:39:46)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:That mean my compiler is very especially

(2006.03.23)(16:39:52)李珉奎与solderzzc_774说:so, it's hard to answer whether StarUML is good to you for not.

(2006.03.23)(16:40:01)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:Some people use rose for embeded system project.

(2006.03.23)(16:41:24)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:Code Template sounds great.

(2006.03.23)(16:41:51)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:But you still need to use oo language, so that you can plan your project.

(2006.03.23)(16:42:13)惠佳 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:42:15)李珉奎与所有人说:I know only that C is usually used in embedded domain...

(2006.03.23)(16:43:11)solderzzc_774与milkyway513kimo说:C ++ costs too much so that it's must be clipping.

(2006.03.23)(16:43:16)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:If you use OO language, you can use StarUML or rose or toghether to plan.

(2006.03.23)(16:43:53)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:C++/Java is using in some embeded field.

(2006.03.23)(16:44:06)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:U mean StarUML only support OO ?

(2006.03.23)(16:44:13)惠佳 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:44:48)solderzzc_774与milkyway513kimo说:Of course.But some real time os need c i think.

(2006.03.23)(16:45:05)李珉奎与所有人说:Code Template of StarUML can cover any language like C, PHP, Java, C++, Pascal, ...

(2006.03.23)(16:45:13)李珉奎与所有人说:StarUML's code generator does not tied to OO lan-guages.

(2006.03.23)(16:45:22)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:that's right.

(2006.03.23)(16:45:47)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:Thank u ,I got an idea.

(2006.03.23)(16:45:52)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:it's a good tool.

(2006.03.23)(16:46:50)solderzzc_774与milkyway513kimo说:Register won't be too fussy? :)

(2006.03.23)(16:46:52)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:But I heard some people told me, if you want to use UML, you have to use OO language.

(2006.03.23)(16:46:53)李珉奎与所有人说:ok ^_^

(2006.03.23)(16:47:08)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:why StarUML can support c?

(2006.03.23)(16:47:25)李珉奎与所有人说:milkyway513kimo与所有人说:why StarUML can support c?

(2006.03.23)(16:48:22)solderzzc_774与milkyway513kimo说:C is a language,but not method ,OO is .

(2006.03.23)(16:48:48)李珉奎与所有人说:Re-gister-a-tion is a way to know how many people use StarUML ^_^

(2006.03.23)(16:49:26)solderzzc_774与milkyway513kimo说:Some kid use c write C++ template as I know.

(2006.03.23)(16:49:39)*趣购客服 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:50:17)李珉奎与所有人说:StarUML doesn't support C language directly.

(2006.03.23)(16:50:37)milkyway513kimo与所有人说:what's the difference between starUML and other UML tools?

(2006.03.23)(16:52:50)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:So How ?

(2006.03.23)(16:53:00)jamestak_980 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:53:10)李珉奎与所有人说:In my opinion, UML can be used for non-OO language. UML is enoughly flexible and ex-tens-ible .

(2006.03.23)(16:53:13)惠佳 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:53:18)卡德尔 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:53:44)卡德尔 enter this room.

(2006.03.23)(16:53:45)李珉奎与所有人说:Key dif-fer-ence of StarUML and other UML tools is "Open--Source". ^_^

(2006.03.23)(16:54:15)李珉奎与所有人说:and second dif-fer-ence is StarUML in-teg-rates MDA cap-ab-il-ity.

(2006.03.23)(16:54:20)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:Sounds great,hacker does.

(2006.03.23)(16:54:44)李珉奎与所有人说:by using UML Profile, you can model any-thing...

(2006.03.23)(16:55:23)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:I think You'd better do a greatful and useful docs.

(2006.03.23)(16:56:40)李珉奎与所有人说:You're right. I am not good at English, so it is very hard to write doc-u-ment-s... ^_^

(2006.03.23)(16:57:06)李珉奎与所有人说:I will try write more and more... ^^

(2006.03.23)(16:57:49)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:Thank u!If somebody want to join u,gate open ??


(2006.03.23)(16:59:36)solderzzc_774与李珉奎说:HAHA interesting

(2006.03.23)(17:00:34)李珉奎与所有人说:In fact, I requested to UMLChina interview by writing, not by chatting. ^_^

(2006.03.23)(17:00:46)李珉奎与所有人说:because I'm not good at english.

(2006.03.23)(17:01:45)李珉奎与所有人说:But now, I'm very happy because of chatting with you.


(2006.03.23)(17:02:10)李珉奎与所有人说:Please make attention and cheers up our StarUML project and de-veloper-s.


(2006.03.23)(17:02:24)李珉奎与所有人说:Thank you very much. ^_^









中文书籍中对《人月神话》的引用(完结,共110本):软件工程通史1930-2019、实用Common Lisp编程……




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