
Amazon’s Fire Tablets offer arguably some of the best value in tablets today. The company also offers various sizes and builds of these tablets—including “Kids Edition” tablets designed for, well, kids. But what makes these different than the standard edition tablets?

亚马逊的Fire Tablets可以说是当今平板电脑中一些最物有所值的产品。 该公司还提供各种尺寸和型号的平板电脑-包括专为儿童设计的“儿童版”平板电脑。 但是,这些与标准版平板电脑有何不同?

This is not an unreasonable question, because at first blush they seem to be pretty similar devices, save for the Kid Proof Case that ships with the Kids Edition. Considering the price difference, however, it can bring about a scratch of the head as you ask yourself “why should I buy this one when the standard edition is so much cheaper?”

这不是一个不合理的问题,因为乍一看它们看上去很相似,除了Kids Edition随附的Kid Proof Case。 但是,考虑到价格差异,当您问自己“当标准版便宜得多时,为什么我应该买这个?”

The truth is, the difference entails a lot more than just the case. In fact, the Fire Tablet Kids Edition tablets provide an excellent value, even when compared to their “regular” counterparts.

事实是,差异不仅限于情况。 实际上,即使与“常规”平板电脑相比,Fire Tablet Kids Edition平板电脑也具有出色的价值。

We’ll be using the Fire HD 8 (starting price of $80) and Fire HD 8 Kids Edition (starting price of $130) for the majority of this comparison, but the ideas expressed can generally be considered valid across all the various sizes of the device. It’s also worth mentioning that for all intents and purposes, these tablets are the same: in terms of hardware, they’re identical (aside from storage options, which we’ll talk about below).

在大多数情况下,我们将使用Fire HD 8 (起始价格为$ 80)和Fire HD 8 Kids Edition (起始价格为$ 130),但表示出来的想法通常可以认为在所有尺寸的设备。 还值得一提的是,就所有意图和目的而言,这些平板电脑都是相同的:就硬件而言,它们是相同的(除了存储选项,我们将在下面讨论)。

储存和特别优惠 (Storage and Special Offers)

You have a few choices when you buy a regular Fire Tablet. You can usually choose different storage capacities, and you can choose whether you want Amazon’s “Special Offers”. Both of these affect the base price of the tablet, so let’s talk about them first.

购买常规Fire Tablet时,您有几种选择。 通常,您可以选择不同的存储容量,还可以选择是否要使用Amazon的“特价商品”。 这两个因素都会影响平板电脑的基本价格,因此让我们先谈谈它们。

Using the Fire HD 8 as an example, you have two choices of storage: 16GB and 32GB. The 32GB option costs $30 more than the 16GB version. The Fire HD 8 Kids Edition only comes in the 32GB flavor, however, so that’s baked into the price.

以Fire HD 8为例,您有两种存储选择:16GB和32GB。 32GB选件的价格比16GB版本高30美元。 Fire HD 8 Kids Edition仅提供32GB版本,因此价格合理。

Similarly, Fire tablets can come with or without “Special Offers”—which are basically ads on your lock screen and in your notifications. Buying a tablet without these ads costs about $15 more.

同样,Fire平板电脑可以带有或不带有“特别优惠”-基本上是锁定屏幕和通知中的广告。 如果购买没有这些广告的平板电脑,则需要多花费15美元。

The Fire Tablet Kids Editions tablets never come with Special Offers, which only makes sense. These are put in place to get you to buy more things from Amazon, and the last thing we want our kids doing is buying things from Amazon.

Fire Tablet Kids Editions平板电脑永远不会提供特殊优惠,这仅是有意义的。 这些已经到位,可以让您从亚马逊购买更多商品,而我们希望我们的孩子做的最后一件事就是从亚马逊购买商品。

So, with that in mind, the Kids Edition of the Fire HD 8 is a Fire HD 8 with 32GB of storage and without special offers. The non-Kids version of this tablet would cost $125—so the Kids Edition only costs $5 more than its non-Kids counterpart.

因此,考虑到这一点,Fire HD 8的儿童版是具有32GB存储空间且没有特殊优惠的Fire HD 8。 这款平板电脑的非儿童版售价为125美元,因此,儿童版仅比非儿童版售价高出5美元。

Here’s what you get for that $5.


自由时间无限 (FreeTime Unlimited)

All Fire Tablets come with FreeTime, which is Amazon’s advanced parental control feature for governing what child accounts can do on the device. But the Kids Edition tablets also come with a year of FreeTime Unlimited. This subscription service offers access to a slew of additional content—videos, books, and educational games—that would normally cost money on a per-use basis. Think of it as a sort of all-you-can-eat buffet of digital goodies instead of a the normal a la carte model for app, book, and video purchasing.

所有Fire Tablets都具有FreeTime ,这是Amazon的高级父母控制功能,用于控制子帐户在设备上可以执行的操作。 但是,儿童版平板电脑还附带了一年的FreeTime Unlimited 。 这项订阅服务可提供一系列附加内容(视频,书籍和教育游戏)的访问权限,这些内容通常会按使用量收费。 可以将其视为一种可以随意享用的数字美食自助餐,而不是用于应用程序,书籍和视频购买的常规点菜模式。

Of course, it’s designed for kids, so it’s a very specifically curated catalog of content designed for ages three to thirteen. It’s broken down by age group and category, making it easy for you (and your child) to find age appropriate content.

当然,它是为孩子设计的,因此它是专门为三至十三岁的孩子精心设计的目录。 它按年龄组和类别细分,使您(和您的孩子)可以轻松找到适合年龄的内容。

FreeTime Unlimited normally costs $58 per year (if you’re a Prime member) and $83 per year (for non-Prime members). So getting a year for free is a pretty sweet deal, considering the Kids Edition is nearly the same price as the regular edition.

FreeTime Unlimited通常每年收费58美元(如果您是Prime会员),每年则需要83美元(对于非Prime会员)。 因此,考虑到儿童版的价格几乎与普通版相同,免费获得一年是一笔不小的交易。

两年无疑问的更换政策 (A Two Year, No-Questions-Asked Replacement Policy)

To me, this is the best reason to buy the Kids Edition tablet. Basically, if your child (or you, for that matter) breaks the Kids Edition tablet any time within the first two years, you can return it to Amazon and get a replacement—no questions asked. That’s a huge perk. Hell, even if you’re looking to buy a tablet for yourself and don’t plan on sharing it with your kid, this is a good reason to get the Kids Edition.

对我来说,这是购买Kids Edition平板电脑的最佳理由。 基本上,如果您的孩子(或您自己)在头两年内任何时候都损坏了Kids Edition平板电脑,则可以将其退还给亚马逊并获得替换产品-无需提出任何问题。 这是一个巨大的振作。 地狱,即使您想自己购买一台平板电脑,也不打算与您的孩子分享,这也是获得儿童版的一个很好的理由。

If you want to add an extended warranty to the standard Fire HD 8, you’re looking at an additional $18 cost for two years. This is an aftermarket add-on provided by SquareTrade, so it’s not even clear if it has the same “no questions asked” policy of the Kids Edition. It does, however, allow you to make up to three claims during the two years, which is nice.

如果您想为标准Fire HD 8添加扩展保修,则需要支付两年18美元的额外费用。 这是SquareTrade提供的售后附加组件,因此,尚不清楚其是否具有与儿童版相同的“不问任何问题”的政策。 但是,它确实允许您在两年内最多提出三项索赔,这很好。

防小孩案 (A Kid-Proof Case)

Finally, there’s the Kid-Proof Case. This foam bumper is designed to protect the tablet in the event of a fall (or throw, no judgement here) and other unfortunate mishaps that may occur during the device’s life. This is a $30 add-on for the standard Fire HD 8, but it’s included on all Kids Edition tablets.

最后是“防儿童案” 。 这款泡沫缓冲器的设计旨在在摔落(或摔倒,在此处无法判断)和在设备使用寿命期间可能发生的其他不幸事故中保护平板电脑。 这是标准Fire HD 8的30美元附加组件,但它包含在所有Kids Edition平板电脑中。

So now, the standard Fire HD 8 along with everything the Kids Edition includes is up to $231, a full $99 more than the Kids Edition counterpart—for literally the same thing.

因此,现在,标准的Fire HD 8以及Kids Edition包含的所有内容的价格高达231美元,比Kids Edition对应的价格高出整整99美元-实际上是同一件事。

儿童版平板电脑的总节省额 (The Total Savings of a Kids Edition Tablet)

So, if you recall, the Fire HD 8 Kids Edition only costs $5 more than the equivalent Fire HD 8. But between the Kid-Proof case, two-year warranty, and year’s subscription to FreeTime Unlimited, you’re getting $99 worth of stuff for that $5. I’d call that a good deal.

因此,如果您还记得,Fire HD 8 Kids Edition的价格仅比同等的Fire HD 8高出5美元。但在儿童保护套,两年保修以及对FreeTime Unlimited进行一年订购之间,您将获得价值99美元的5美元的东西。 我会说很多。

Of course, you have to consider how much of this stuff you’ll actually use, too. For example, if FreeTime Unlimited doesn’t sound like a good deal to you, you don’t mind having Special Offers on your kid’s tablet, or you simply don’t care for the bumper, then by all means, buy the standard Fire Tablet. You’ll save yourself some money by omitting the crap you don’t want.

当然,您还必须考虑实际将使用多少这些东西。 例如,如果FreeTime Unlimited听起来对您来说不算什么,您不介意在您的孩子的平板电脑上享受特惠信息,或者根本不关心保险杠,那么一定要购买标准的Fire片剂。 省略不需要的废话,可以节省一些钱。

But if you want to share this with your kid, the excellent warranty alone makes it worthwhile. Consider the rest of the stuff a bonus.

但是,如果您想与您的孩子分享这一点,仅凭出色的保修就值得。 将其余的东西视为奖励。



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