问题: 使用 @hapi/joi 报错 “message”: “Cannot mix different versions of joi schemas”

npm install @hapi/joi@17.1.0npm i @escook/express-joi
// 导入 定义验证规则的包
const joi = require('@hapi/joi');//定义 用户名和密码验证规则
const username = joi.string().alphanum().min(1).max(10).required();
const password = joi.string().pattern(/^[\S]{6,12}$/).required();


{"status": 1,"message": "Cannot mix different versions of joi schemas"

查看 @hapi/joi 文档 :

这个程序包已经被弃用 改为 npm i joi

重新下载 joi

npm i joi
npm WARN big_event_api_server@1.0.0 No description
npm WARN big_event_api_server@1.0.0 No repository field.+ joi@17.4.1
updated 1 package in 1.283s


// 导入 定义验证规则的包
const joi = require('joi');//定义 用户名和密码验证规则
const username = joi.string().alphanum().min(1).max(10).required();
const password = joi.string().pattern(/^[\S]{6,12}$/).required();

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