SoX(Sound eXchange)是命令行下的一套音频处理组件,号称“音频处理领域内的瑞士军刀。

它有windows、linux、MacOS X等平台下的多个版本。


SoX − Sound eXchange, the Swiss Army knife of audio manipulation


sox [global-options] [format-options] infile1

[[format-options] infile2] ... [format-options] outfile

[effect [effect-options]] ...

play [global-options] [format-options] infile1

[[format-options] infile2] ... [format-options]

[effect [effect-options]] ...

rec [global-options] [format-options] outfile

[effect [effect-options]] ...


SoX reads and writes audio files in most popular formats and can optionally apply effects to them; it can

combine multiple input sources, synthesise audio, and, on many systems, act as a general purpose audio

player or a multi-track audio recorder. It also has limited ability to split the input in to multiple output files.

All SoX functionality is available using just the sox command, however, to simplify playing and recording

audio, if SoX is invoked as play the output file is automatically set to be the default sound device and if

invoked as rec the default sound device is used as an input source. Additionally, the soxi(1) command provides

a convenient way to just query audio file header information.

The heart of SoX is a library called libSoX. Those interested in extending SoX or using it in other programs

should refer to the libSoX manual page: libsox(3).

SoX is a command-line audio processing tool, particularly suited to making quick, simple edits and to batch

processing. If you need an interactive, graphical audio editor, use audacity(1).

* * *

The overall SoX processing chain can be summarised as follows:

Input(s) ® Combiner ® Effects ® Output(s)

Note however, that on the SoX command line, the positions of the Output(s) and the Effects are swapped

w.r.t. the logical flow just shown. Note also that whilst options pertaining to files are placed before their

respective file name, the opposite is true for effects. To show how this works in practice, here is a selection

of examples of how SoX might be used. The simple

sox recital.wav

translates an audio file in Sun AU format to a Microsoft WAV file, whilst

sox -b 16 recital.wav channels 1 rate 16k fade 3 norm

performs the same format translation, but also applies four effects (down-mix to one channel, sample rate

change, fade-in, nomalize), and stores the result at a bit-depth of 16.

sox -r 16k -e signed -b 8 -c 1 voice-memo.raw voice-memo.wav

converts ‘raw’ (a.k.a. ‘headerless’) audio to a self-describing file format,

sox slow.aiff fixed.aiff speed 1.027

adjusts audio speed,

sox short.wav long.wav longer.wav

concatenates two audio files, and

sox -m music.mp3 voice.wav mixed.flac



  1. sox处理mp3_音频处理常用Linux命令总结(一)

    今天总结一下常用的linux音频处理工具 soX - Sound eXchange soxi soxi 常用选项soxi: SoX vUsage: soxi [-V[level]] [-T] [-t| ...

  2. sox+linux查录音格式,linux-使用SOX和sox FAIL格式混合音频:无法打开输入文件`audio_recorded.wav’:WAVE:找不到RIFF标头...

    我想在Linux中使用SOX混合音频.这是我的剧本. 我是这个东西的初学者. time sox --buffer 128000 --combine mix audio1.mp3 audio_recor ...

  3. sox处理mp3_SoX 音频处理工具使用方法

    一.简介 SoX 可以读取和写入常见格式的音频文件,并在此过程中选择性的加入一些声音效果.它可以组合多个输入源及合成音效,在许多系统上也可以作为音频播放器或多轨录音机使用. SoX 工具在大部分 Li ...

  4. sox和lame音频处理器

    前两天想在ubuntu上录个音频文件,无意发现了一个有趣的音频处理器sox sudo apt-get install sox 先安装了sox之后发现有些文件不能play (比如mp3) sudo ap ...

  5. sox处理mp3_SoX — 音频处理工具里的瑞士军刀

    SoX(即 Sound eXchange)是一个跨平台(Windows,Linux,MacOS 等)的命令行实用程序,可以将各种格式的音频文件转换为需要的其他格式. SoX 还可以对输入的音频文件应用 ...

  6. 音频处理工具 sox 使用

    1. sox 使用方式 sudo apt-get install sox 通过 play 查看音频格式 play male_audio.wav play WARN alsa: can't encode ...

  7. Linux音频转换工具包sox

    Linux音频转换工具包 yum -y install sox sox # 音频转换工具包 # 把m4a格式转为wav sox -t raw -c 1 -e signed-integer -b 16 ...

  8. sox处理mp3_使用SoX将mp3文件拆分为TIME秒

    I need to split mp3 file into slices TIME sec each. I've tried mp3splt, but it doesn't work for me i ...

  9. 怎么转换html文件为mp3,如何把音频转换成mp3_音频文件怎么转mp3格式-系统城

    随着计算机技术的发展,网络上的音频文件的格式会随着音质的好坏决定存储的格式,一些朋友想要把某些音频文件转化成mp3格式,却不知道怎么操作.那么我们该如何把音频文件转换成mp3呢?接下来小编就给大家带来 ...

  10. qmc0文件怎么转换mp3_音频转换器哪个好 怎么剪切MP3音频制作手机铃声

    在生活中比较常见的音频格式就是MP3格式了,因为这种格式使用范围广泛,所以我们也会经常需要对其进行编辑,比如说设置手机铃声,大家都知道,手机的自带铃声很少,而且比较单一,如果想要自己制作铃声就需要一款 ...


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