清除应用缓存是 APP 常用的功能之一。清除缓一般只有 2 个操作:

  • 获取缓存大小
  • 清除缓存数据



缓存管理类,是一个简单的缓存管理封装,他通过几个接口共 APP 组件使用。


  • path_provider:获取目录;


/// 缓存管理类
/// ./lib/utils/cache_util.dart
class CacheUtil {/// 获取缓存大小static Future<int> total() async {}/// 清除缓存static Future<int> clear() async {}/// 递归缓存目录,计算缓存大小static Future<int> _reduce() async {}/// 递归删除缓存目录和文件static Future<int> _delete() async {}



/// 获取缓存大小
static Future<int> total() async {Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();if (tempDir == null) return 0;int total = await _reduce(tempDir);return total;


/// 递归缓存目录,计算缓存大小
static Future<int> _reduce(final FileSystemEntity file) async {/// 如果是一个文件,则直接返回文件大小if (file is File) {int length = await file.length();return length;}/// 如果是目录,则遍历目录并累计大小if (file is Directory) {final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();int total = 0;if (children != null && children.isNotEmpty)for (final FileSystemEntity child in children)total += await _reduce(child);return total;}return 0;



/// 清除缓存
static Future<void> clear() async {Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();if (tempDir == null) return;await _delete(tempDir);


/// 递归删除缓存目录和文件
static Future<void> _delete(FileSystemEntity file) async {if (file is Directory) {final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();for (final FileSystemEntity child in children) {await _delete(child);}} else {await file.delete();}



import 'dart:io';
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';/// 缓存管理类
/// ./lib/utils/cache_util.dart
class CacheUtil {/// 获取缓存大小static Future<int> total() async {Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();if (tempDir == null) return 0;int total = await _reduce(tempDir);return total;}/// 清除缓存static Future<void> clear() async {Directory tempDir = await getTemporaryDirectory();if (tempDir == null) return;await _delete(tempDir);}/// 递归缓存目录,计算缓存大小static Future<int> _reduce(final FileSystemEntity file) async {/// 如果是一个文件,则直接返回文件大小if (file is File) {int length = await file.length();return length;}/// 如果是目录,则遍历目录并累计大小if (file is Directory) {final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();int total = 0;if (children != null && children.isNotEmpty)for (final FileSystemEntity child in children)total += await _reduce(child);return total;}return 0;}/// 递归删除缓存目录和文件static Future<void> _delete(FileSystemEntity file) async {if (file is Directory) {final List<FileSystemEntity> children = file.listSync();for (final FileSystemEntity child in children) {await _delete(child);}} else {await file.delete();}}


实战中,我们添加 filesize 依赖用来友好显示文件尺寸。使用 ValueNotifierValueListenableBuilder 更新界面。实现过程如下:

  • 定义一个 cacheSizeValueNotifier<int> cacheSize = ValueNotifier(0);
  • 定义一个 initCache 异步方法,用来刷新缓存,在 initStat 和 清除缓存 时调用,已实现实时刷新。
  • 定义一个 清除缓存 的方法,用来调用清除缓存和刷新缓存。

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 11 - 2021-03-27 at 13.06.05.png


ValueListenableBuilder(valueListenable: cacheSize,builder: (BuildContext context, int size, Widget _) {return Tile(title: Text('本地缓存'),titleSub: Text('点击清除缓存,但不会清除已下载的歌曲'),detail: size != null && size > 0 ? filesize(size) : '',action: SizedBox(width: 16),onPressed: handleClearCache,);},


Future<void> initCache() async {/// 获取缓存大小int size = await CacheUtil.total();/// 复制变量cacheSize.value = size ?? 0;


Future<void> handleClearCache() async {try {if (cacheSize.value <= 0) throw '没有缓存可清理';/// 给予适当的提示/// bool confirm = await showDialog();/// if (confirm != true) return;/// 执行清除缓存await CacheUtil.clear();/// 更新缓存await initCache();AppUtil.showToast('缓存清除成功');} catch (e) {AppUtil.showToast(e);}

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