



2017年9月—2018年9月,纽约大学工学院,联合培养博士,导师Prof. Ivan Selesnick(IEEE Fellow)







2017年9月—2018年9月,纽约大学工学院,联合培养博士,导师Prof. Ivan Selesnick(IEEE Fellow)













Zhichao Zhang. Choi–Williams distribution in linear canonical domains and its application in noisy LFM signals detection, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (IF: 3.967) 82 (3): 105025, 2020.

Zhichao Zhang. Uncertainty principle for real functions in free metaplectic transformation domains, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (IF: 1.394) 25 (6): 2899-2922, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. Linear canonical Wigner distribution based noisy LFM signals detection through the output SNR improvement analysis, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IF: 5.23) 67 (21): 5527-5542, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. Convolution theorems for two-dimensional LCT of angularly periodic functions in polar coordinates, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF: 3.268) 26 (8): 1142-1146, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. The optimal linear canonical Wigner distribution of noisy linear frequency-modulated signals, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF: 3.268) 26 (8): 1127-1131, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. Uncertainty principle for linear canonical transform using matrix decomposition of absolute spread matrix, Digital Signal Processing (IF: 2.792) 89 (6): 145-154, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang, Tao Yu, Maokang Luo, Ke Deng*. Estimating instantaneous frequency based on phase derivative and linear canonical transform with optimized computational speed, IET Signal Processing (IF: 1.754) 12 (5): 574-580, 2018.

Zhichao Zhang. Algebraic representation for fractional Fourier transform on one dimensional discrete signal models, IET Signal Processing (IF: 1.754) 12 (2): 143-148, 2018.

Zhichao Zhang. Tighter uncertainty principles for linear canonical transform in terms of matrix decomposition, Digital Signal Processing (IF: 2.792) 69 (10): 70-85, 2017.

Zhichao Zhang, Tao Yu, Maokang Luo, Ke Deng*. Multichannel sampling expansions in the linear canonical transform domain associated with explicit system functions and finite samples, IET Signal Processing (IF: 1.754) 11 (7): 814-824, 2017.

Zhichao Zhang. New Wigner distribution and ambiguity function based on the generalized translation in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Processing (IF: 4.086) 118 (1): 51-61, 2016.

Zhichao Zhang. Unified Wigner-Ville distribution and ambiguity function in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Processing (IF: 4.086) 114 (9): 45-60, 2015.

Zhichao Zhang. Sampling theorem for the short-time linear canonical transform and its applications, Signal Processing (IF: 4.086) 113 (8): 138-146, 2015.

Zhichao Zhang, Maokang Luo*. New integral transforms for generalizing the Wigner distribution and ambiguity function, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF: 3.268) 22 (4): 460-464, 2015.


Zhichao Zhang. Choi–Williams distribution in linear canonical domains and its application in noisy LFM signals detection, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation (IF: 3.967) 82 (3): 105025, 2020.

Zhichao Zhang. Uncertainty principle for real functions in free metaplectic transformation domains, Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications (IF: 1.394) 25 (6): 2899-2922, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. Linear canonical Wigner distribution based noisy LFM signals detection through the output SNR improvement analysis, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (IF: 5.23) 67 (21): 5527-5542, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. Convolution theorems for two-dimensional LCT of angularly periodic functions in polar coordinates, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF: 3.268) 26 (8): 1142-1146, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. The optimal linear canonical Wigner distribution of noisy linear frequency-modulated signals, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF: 3.268) 26 (8): 1127-1131, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang. Uncertainty principle for linear canonical transform using matrix decomposition of absolute spread matrix, Digital Signal Processing (IF: 2.792) 89 (6): 145-154, 2019.

Zhichao Zhang, Tao Yu, Maokang Luo, Ke Deng*. Estimating instantaneous frequency based on phase derivative and linear canonical transform with optimized computational speed, IET Signal Processing (IF: 1.754) 12 (5): 574-580, 2018.

Zhichao Zhang. Algebraic representation for fractional Fourier transform on one dimensional discrete signal models, IET Signal Processing (IF: 1.754) 12 (2): 143-148, 2018.

Zhichao Zhang. Tighter uncertainty principles for linear canonical transform in terms of matrix decomposition, Digital Signal Processing (IF: 2.792) 69 (10): 70-85, 2017.

Zhichao Zhang, Tao Yu, Maokang Luo, Ke Deng*. Multichannel sampling expansions in the linear canonical transform domain associated with explicit system functions and finite samples, IET Signal Processing (IF: 1.754) 11 (7): 814-824, 2017.

Zhichao Zhang. New Wigner distribution and ambiguity function based on the generalized translation in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Processing (IF: 4.086) 118 (1): 51-61, 2016.

Zhichao Zhang. Unified Wigner-Ville distribution and ambiguity function in the linear canonical transform domain, Signal Processing (IF: 4.086) 114 (9): 45-60, 2015.

Zhichao Zhang. Sampling theorem for the short-time linear canonical transform and its applications, Signal Processing (IF: 4.086) 113 (8): 138-146, 2015.

Zhichao Zhang, Maokang Luo*. New integral transforms for generalizing the Wigner distribution and ambiguity function, IEEE Signal Processing Letters (IF: 3.268) 22 (4): 460-464, 2015.

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