


0down vote

I was having the same issue after uninstalling fcitx from Ubuntu 14.04.

I am giving you the main steps as I remember them.

A) Fix the boot loop first:

  1. at login screen type Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2 .. F6)

  2. you will enter a terminal in full black screen. From there you install fcitx AGAIN by

    sudo apt-get install fcitx
  3. Go back to the normal login screen and now log in into your account

B) Uninstall fcitx cleanly:

  1. Refer to this manual with Google translator.

  2. Open terminal again and you only need following commands:

    sudo dpkg -l so*sudo apt-get purge sogoupinyinsudo apt-get purge fcitxsudo apt-get autoremove
  3. Restart your computer.

0down vote

I was having the same issue after uninstalling fcitx from Ubuntu 14.04.

I am giving you the main steps as I remember them.

A) Fix the boot loop first:

  1. at login screen type Ctrl+Alt+F1 (or F2 .. F6)

  2. you will enter a terminal in full black screen. From there you install fcitx AGAIN by

    sudo apt-get install fcitx
  3. Go back to the normal login screen and now log in into your account

B) Uninstall fcitx cleanly:

  1. Refer to this manual with Google translator.

  2. Open terminal again and you only need following commands:

    sudo dpkg -l so*sudo apt-get purge sogoupinyinsudo apt-get purge fcitxsudo apt-get autoremove
  3. Restart your computer.


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