
添加国内站点 vim /etc/sysconfig/docker 如下图:



Docker pull镜像报错问题相关推荐

  1. mac上docker pull是报错Error response from daemon: Get https://xx.xx.xx.xx/v2/: Service Unavailable

    执行docker pull xx.xx.xx.xx/xx/xx,下载私有库的镜像时报错如下: Error response from daemon: Get https://xx.xx.xx.xx/v ...

  2. docker load镜像报错:open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-525555606/repositories: no such file or direc

    docker load镜像报错:open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-525555606/repositories: no such file or direc ...

  3. docker导入镜像报错:open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-970689518/bin/json: no such file or

    使用docker load导入镜像报错:open /var/lib/docker/tmp/docker-import-970689518/bin/json: no such file or direc ...

  4. docker 删除镜像报错 image is referenced in multiple repositories

    1.查看镜像 docker images rt@123:~# docker images REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ...

  5. mac系统docker发布镜像报错:错误the user name or passphrase you entered is not correct解决

    docker build镜像完成后,发布镜像时提示权限不足,使用命令docker login进行登录,输入用户名密码后报错:"the user name or passphrase you ...

  6. docker使用镜像报错:standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused “exec format error“

    在服务器使用镜像运行代码时出现了该报错.使用了docker run 后,由于是刚接触docker,不知道是什么原因.经网上查阅资料后,了解到原来有可能是我的镜像架构和机器架构不一致. 使用 docke ...

  7. docker导入镜像报错:invalid diffID for layer xxx: expected “sha256:xxx“, got “sha256:xxx“(文件被更改过)

    参考文章:Invalid diffID error on loading docker image [root@ubuntu /home/yg/H7 HEOP]4# docker image load ...

  8. docker保存镜像报错:Cowardly refusing to save to a terminal. Use the -o flag or redirect.

    今天要保存docker镜像时发现: [root@localhost ~]# docker save mjw_centos_image –o mjw_centos_image.tar Cowardly ...

  9. docker pull dubbo-admin 报错,各位大神请多多指教啊。。。

    错误如下: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for dubbo-admin, repository does not exist or m ...


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