下载: zoom-master

项目地址: https://github.com/jackmoore/zoom

Compatible with: jQuery 1.7+ in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Internet Explorer 7+.

Install via NPM
npm install jquery-zoom


Zoom appends html inside the element it is assigned to, so that element has to be able to accept html, like <a>, <span>, <li>, <div>, etc. This excludes <img> elements (see below).

// Example:
$(document).ready(function(){$('a.photo').zoom({url: 'photo-big.jpg'});
});// Using Colorbox with Zoom
$(document).ready(function(){$('a.photo').zoom({url: 'photo-big.jpg', callback: function(){$(this).colorbox({href: this.src});}});

To use zoom with img elements, they will need to be wrapped with another element. It is impossible to read some layout related CSS styles from JavaScript (percent-based width and height, margins set to auto, etc.) so the safe thing to do is to defer this change to individual site owners. The following is all that is needed in some cases:

$(document).ready(function(){$('img').wrap('<span style="display:inline-block"></span>').css('display', 'block').parent().zoom();

Removing Zoom

Trigger the zoom.destroy event to remove zoom from an element:

$('#example').zoom(); // add zoom
$('#example').trigger('zoom.destroy'); // remove zoom


Property Default Description
url false The url of the large photo to be displayed. If no url is provided, zoom uses the src of the first child IMG element inside the element it is assigned to.
on 'mouseover' The type of event that triggers zooming. Choose from mouseover, grab, click, or toggle.
duration 120 The fadeIn/fadeOut speed of the large image.
target false A selector or DOM element that should be used as the parent container for the zoomed image.
touch true Enables interaction via touch events.
magnify 1 This value is multiplied against the full size of the zoomed image. The default value is 1, meaning the zoomed image should be at 100% of its natural width and height.
callback false A function to be called when the image has loaded. Inside the function, `this` references the image element.
onZoomIn false A function to be called when the image has zoomed in. Inside the function, `this` references the image element.
onZoomOut false A function to be called when the image has zoomed out. Inside the function, `this` references the image element.

原文: http://www.jacklmoore.com/zoom/

本文: jQuery Zoom 图片聚焦或者点击放大A plugin to enlarge images on touch, click, or mouseover

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