终于看了两天才摸 熟悉,还是有点笨啊。。。


import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;public class GameHelper {int comCount = 0;public String getUserInput(String prompt) {String inputLine = null;System.out.println(prompt + " ");try {BufferedReader is = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));inputLine = is.readLine();if (inputLine.length() == 0 ) return null;} catch (IOException e) {System.out.println("IOException: " + e);}return inputLine.toLowerCase();}public ArrayList<String> placeDotCom(int comSize) {final String alphabet = "abcdefg";int gridLength = 7;int gridSize = 49;int [] grid = new int[gridSize]; ArrayList<String> alphaCells = new ArrayList<String>();String temp = null;int [] coords = new int[comSize];int attempts = 0;boolean success = false;int location = 0;int incr;if (((int) (Math.random() * 2) % 2) == 1) {incr = gridLength;} else {incr = 1;}//System.out.println("incr is: " + incr);while ( !success & attempts++ < 200) {location = (int) (Math.random() * gridSize);//System.out.println("location: " +location);int x = 0;success = true;while (success && x < comSize) {if (grid[location] == 0) {coords[x++] = location;location += incr;//System.out.println("location: " +location);if (location >= gridSize) {success = false;}if (x > 0 && (location % gridLength == 0)) {success = false;}} else {success = false;}//System.out.println("sucess status is :" + success);//System.out.println("x value is :" + x);
            }}//System.out.print("coords array is :");//for (int item : coords) {//    System.out.print(item + " ");//}//System.out.println("");int x = 0;int row = 0;int column = 0;while (x < comSize) {grid[coords[x]] = 1;row = (int) (coords[x] / gridLength);//System.out.println("row value is :" + row);column = (int) (coords[x] % gridLength);temp = String.valueOf(alphabet.charAt(column));//System.out.println("temp value is :" + temp);
            alphaCells.add(temp.concat(Integer.toString(row)));x++;}//for (String item : alphaCells) {//    System.out.print(item + " ");//}return alphaCells;}}


import java.util.*;public class DotCom {private ArrayList<String> locationCells;private String name;public void setLocationCells(ArrayList<String> loc) {locationCells = loc;}public void setName(String n) {name = n;}public String getName() {return name;}public String checkYourself(String userInput) {String result = "miss";int index = locationCells.indexOf(userInput);if (index >= 0) {locationCells.remove(index);if (locationCells.isEmpty()) {result = "kill";System.out.println("Ouch! You sunk " + name + " :(");} else {result = "hit";}}return result;}}


import java.util.*;public class DotComBust {private GameHelper helper = new GameHelper();private ArrayList<DotCom> dotComsList = new ArrayList<DotCom>();private int numOfGuesses = 0;private void setUpGame() {DotCom one = new DotCom();one.setName("Pets.com");DotCom two = new DotCom();two.setName("eToys.com");DotCom three = new DotCom();three.setName("Go2.com");dotComsList.add(one);dotComsList.add(two);dotComsList.add(three);System.out.println("Your goal is to sink three doc coms.");System.out.println("Pets.com, eToys.com, Go2.com");System.out.println("Try to sink them all in the fewsest number of guesses.");for(DotCom dotComToSet : dotComsList) {ArrayList<String> newLocation = helper.placeDotCom(3);dotComToSet.setLocationCells(newLocation);for (String item : newLocation) {System.out.print( item +" ");}System.out.println(dotComToSet.getName());System.out.println();}}private void startPlaying() {while (!dotComsList.isEmpty()) {String userGuess = helper.getUserInput("Enter a guess");checkUserGuess(userGuess);}finishGame();}private void checkUserGuess(String userGuess) {numOfGuesses++;String result = "miss";for (DotCom dotComToTest : dotComsList) {result = dotComToTest.checkYourself(userGuess);if (result.equals("hit")) {break;}if (result.equals("kill")) {dotComsList.remove(dotComToTest);break;}}System.out.println(result);}private void finishGame(){System.out.println("All Dot Coms are dead! Your stock is now worthless.");if (numOfGuesses < 18) {System.out.println("It's only took you " + numOfGuesses + " guesses.");System.out.println("You got out before your options sank.");} else {System.out.println("Took you long enough." + numOfGuesses + " guesses.");System.out.println("Fish are dancing with you options..");}}public static void main (String[] args) {DotComBust game = new DotComBust();game.setUpGame();game.startPlaying();System.out.println("Finish");}}


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