Atitit webshell选型

1. PHP Shell 2.4 1

1.1. 设置密码 4

2. 测试切换目录 4

2.1. 自己实现 5

1. PHP Shell 2.4

Please consult the READMEINSTALL, and SECURITY files for instruction on how to use PHP Shell.

If you have not created accounts for phpshell, please use pwhash.php to create secure passwords.

Copyright © 2000–2012, the Phpshell-team. Get the latest version at

INSTALL file for PHP Shell

Copyright (C) 2000-2012 the Phpshell-team

Licensed under the GNU GPL.  See the file COPYING for details.

Downloading PHP Shell


You can always get the latest version of PHP Shell from:



Installation is easy: first unpack the tarball or zipfile downloaded

from the above website into your webserver.  This will create a

subdirectory called phpshell-@VERSION@ for PHP Shell version @VERSION@.

Try loading the file ``phpshell.php`` in your browser and check that

you are served a page that asks you to authenticate yourself with a

username and a password.  If you do not see such a page, then please

check that you have entered the URL correctly and that PHP is working

on your server.



All configuration happens in the ``config.php`` file.  This is an

ini-file despite its name.  Ini-files consist of a number of sections,

each containing a number of 'key = "value"' pairs.  PHP Shell has tree

sections: '[users]' for configuring usernames and passwords,

'[aliases]' for configuring shell aliases, and '[settings]' for

general settings.

Setting usernames and passwords


As a security precaution PHP Shell has no default username and

password (people often forget to change them...).  To add the user

"alice" with password "secret" you simply add


alice = "secret"

to the file.  Note that you can add as many users as you want by

simply adding more lines like this.

This system works, but there is a better way --- a way so that the

password does not appear in clear text in the file.  For that you use

the supplied script ``pwhash.php`` to generate a hashed password.

Please see the instructions given in ``pwhash.php``.

With the above example the result could look like


alice    = "sha1:1a4861:a8640981d2a5f9452c75a7bb0491eac3ecd8bdc3"

You will not get exactly the same line if you try it out, this is a

feature of the system which means that both "alice" and "bob" could

have "secret" as their password, and you would not be able to tell

from just looking at ``config.php``.

Shell Aliases


As in a normal shell, PHP Shell supports alias expansion, albeit in a

simple form.  Aliases are defined by 'key = "value"' pairs in the

'[aliases]' section.  The "key" will be matched against the first

token of the command line and substituted with the "value" given.

Two convenient aliases are already defined:


ls = "ls -CvhF"

ll = "ls -lvhF"

General Settings


You can define some other settings in the '[settings]' section:

home-directory = "Path/to/some/directory":

what directory should be considered as home-directory, where should the

user be after startup and where will he return after a bare "cd" command.

safe-mode-warning = true (or false):

should PHP Shell print a warning, if PHP safe mode is detected? PHP Shell will

probably not work correctly if safe mode is enabled.

PS1 = "string"  (e.g.: "$ "):

What string should be used as standard prompt string.

file-upload = false (or true):

do you want to use the new file-upload feature?

Bugs?  Comments?


If you find a bug or miss something in PHP Shell, please take a look

at the Tracker System at SourceForge:

There you will find trackers for Bugs, Patches, and Feature Requests.

You are invited to add items to these so that they wont get lost.

You can also email the development list, found at:

This list is for discussion about all things PHP Shell and it is a

good place to discuss a feature or bug before adding it to one of the

SourceForge trackers.

1.1. 设置密码

2. 测试切换目录

2.1. 自己实现


Atitit webshell选型 1. PHP Shell 2.4 1 1.1. 设置密码 4 2. 测试切换目录 4 2.1. 自己实现 5 1.PHP Shell 2.4 Please co相关推荐

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