参考链接: Python输入,输出和导入

In this tutorial we will cover the basics of Python Input/Output and also how to import a module in python program. Previously we learned about Python Data types. You can learn that from Python Data types.

在本教程中,我们将介绍Python输入/输出的基础知识,以及如何在python程序中导入模块。 先前我们了解了Python数据类型。 您可以从Python数据类型中学到这一点。

Python输入输出 (Python Input Output)

I/O means Input and Output. We will learn about basic functions of python input and output.

I / O表示输入和输出。 我们将学习python输入和输出的基本功能。

将输出打印到屏幕 (Printing Output to the Screen)

We are already familiar with the print() function. It is used to print something to the screen.

我们已经熟悉print()函数。 它用于将某些内容打印到屏幕上。

print("Print something to the screen")

Moreover, we can pass two or more different strings in the print function separated by either commas (,) or plus (+) signs. Like this;

此外,我们可以在打印函数中传递两个或多个不同的字符串,并用逗号(,)或加号(+)分隔。 像这样;

print("This is first String " + "Followed by this string");

#Or can be written like this also

print("This is another String " , "Followed by another string");

接受用户输入 (Taking User Input)

Sometimes our program may need to read keyboard inputs given by user. For that reason we will use input() function. The input() function reads one line from standard input. Or in other words input function reads from keyboard input until a line feed is given ( i.e. Pressed Enter).

有时我们的程序可能需要读取用户提供的键盘输入。 因此,我们将使用input()函数。 input()函数从标准输入读取一行。 或者换句话说,输入功能从键盘输入中读取,直到给出换行符为止(即,按下Enter键)。

#takes input from keyboard and stores in a string

str = input("Enter your input: ");

#then we can print the string


If you run this program you will see a prompt like this below picture, waiting for you to give input. It will take as many characters as you type until Enter is pressed.

如果您运行此程序,则会在下图看到如下提示,等待您进行输入。 直到按Enter为止,它将占用您输入的尽可能多的字符。

Python I / O –文件操作 (Python I/O – File Operations)

Sometimes we need to read and write from files. For this reason there are some functions available.

有时我们需要从文件读取和写入。 因此,有些功能可用。

档案开启 (File Opening)

For opening a file we use open() functions. This is a built-in function in Python.

为了打开文件,我们使用open()函数。 这是Python中的内置函数。

f = open("input_file.txt")    # open "input_file.txt" file in current directory

f = open("C:/Python34/README.txt")  # specifying full path of a file

You can also specify the mode or purpose for opening that file.


f = open("input_file.txt",'r')    # open "input_file.txt" file to read purpose

f = open("input_file",'w')  # open "input_file.txt" file to write purpose

f = open("input_file",'a')  # open "input_file.txt" file to append purpose

文件关闭 (File Closing)

When we are done with a file, we need to close it. For that purpose, we will use close() function.

处理完文件后,需要关闭它。 为此,我们将使用close()函数。

f = open("input_file.txt")    # open "input_file.txt" file

#do file operation.


从文件读取 (Reading From a file)

For reading a file, there are several functions. In this below program, we will explore those functions.

为了读取文件,有几个功能。 在下面的程序中,我们将探索这些功能。

You can read a certain number of byte from the file with read() function.f = open("input.txt")    # open "input.txt" file

str=f.read(10) #read first 10 bytes from the file.

print(str)     #print first 10 bytes from the file.

f.close() 您可以使用read()函数从文件中read()一定数量的字节。  You can read file line by line with readline() function.f = open("input.txt")    # open "input.txt" file

str=f.readline() #read first line from the file.

print(str)     #print the first line.

str=f.readline() #read second line from the file.

print(str)     #print the second line.

f.close() 您可以使用readline()函数逐行读取文件。  You can also read all the lines at once and store the lines in a list of strings.f = open("input.txt")    # open "input.txt" file

str=f.readlines() #read all the lines from the file at once. and store as a list of string

print(str)     #print list of all the lines.

f.close() 您还可以一次读取所有行,并将这些行存储在字符串列表中。

写入文件 (Writing to a file)

For writing something into a file is pretty simple and similar to file read. We will use write() function.

将某些内容写入文件非常简单,类似于读取文件。 我们将使用write()函数。

f = open("output.txt",'w')    # open "output.txt" file

#write something in the file.

f.write("this is my first line\n")

f.write("this is my second line\n")


Python导入 (Python Import)

Whenever we want to use a package or module in our Python program, firstly we need to make it accessible. For that reason we need to import that package or module in our program.

每当我们想在Python程序中使用包或模块时,首先我们需要使其可访问。 因此,我们需要将该程序包或模块导入程序中。

Suppose, we have a number. we want to print it’s square root. So if we write this below program, it should work fine.

假设我们有一个数字。 我们要打印它的平方根。 因此,如果我们在下面的程序中编写此程序,则应该可以正常工作。

#get a variable having value 16


#square root this number.



But if we run this program, it will show errors like this-


This is because, sqrt() function is under module name “math”. So if we want to use this function, we need to make this module accessible by importing the “math” module. So the correct code will be like this –

这是因为sqrt()函数位于模块名称“ math”下。 因此,如果要使用此功能,则需要通过导入“数学”模块使此模块可访问。 因此正确的代码将如下所示–

#first import math module

import math

#get a variable having value 16


#square root this number.



So, that’s it for Python Input Output and Python Import. For more information about these topics you can check the official Python documentation from these below links. Python Documentation I/O Python Import

因此,Python输入输出和Python导入就是这样。 有关这些主题的更多信息,您可以从下面的这些链接中查看Python的官方文档。  Python文档I / O  Python导入

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/14056/python-input-output-python-import

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