机器学习或深度学习的第一步是获取数据集,一般我们使用业务数据集或公共数据集。本文将介绍使用 Bing Image Search API 和 Python 脚本,快速的建立自己的图片数据集。

1. 快速建立图片数据集,我们将使用 Bing Image Search API 建立自己的图片数据集。

首先进入 Bing Image Search API 网站:点击链接

点击“Get API Key”按钮

选择7天试用,点击“Get start”按钮


可以使用你的 Microsoft, Facebook, LinkedIn, 或 GitHub 账号登陆,我使用我的 GitHub 账号登陆。

注册完成,进入Your APIs 页面。如下图所示:

向下拖动,可以查看可以使用的API列表和API Keys,注意红框部分,将在后面部分使用到。

至此,你已经有一个Bing Image Search API账号,并可以使用 Bing Image Search API 了。你可以访问:

  • Quickstart: Search for images using the Bing Image Search REST API and Python
  • How to page through results from the Bing Web Search API

了解更多关于 Bing Image Search API 如何使用的信息。下面将介绍编写Python脚本,使用 Bing Image Search API 下载图片。

2. 编写Python脚本下载图片

首先安装 requests 包,在终端执行命令

$ pip install requests

新建一个文件,命名为 search_bing_api.py,插入以下代码

# import the necessary packages
from requests import exceptions
import argparse
import requests
import os
import cv2# construct the argument parser and parse the arguments
ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("-q", "--query", required=True,help="search query to search Bing Image API for")
args = vars(ap.parse_args())query = args["query"]
output = "/Users/simon/AI/dataset/" + query# set your Microsoft Cognitive Services API key along with (1) the
# maximum number of results for a given search and (2) the group size
# for results (maximum of 50 per request)
API_KEY = "YOUR Bing Image Search API Key"
GROUP_SIZE = 50# set the endpoint API URL
URL = "https://api.cognitive.microsoft.com/bing/v7.0/images/search"# when attempting to download images from the web both the Python
# programming language and the requests library have a number of
# exceptions that can be thrown so let's build a list of them now
# so we can filter on them
EXCEPTIONS = set([IOError, FileNotFoundError,exceptions.RequestException, exceptions.HTTPError,exceptions.ConnectionError, exceptions.Timeout])# store the search term in a convenience variable then set the
# headers and search parameters
term = query
headers = {"Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key" : API_KEY}
params = {"q": term, "offset": 0, "count": GROUP_SIZE}# make the search
print("[INFO] searching Bing API for '{}'".format(term))
search = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, params=params)
search.raise_for_status()# grab the results from the search, including the total number of
# estimated results returned by the Bing API
results = search.json()
estNumResults = min(results["totalEstimatedMatches"], MAX_RESULTS)
print("[INFO] {} total results for '{}'".format(estNumResults,term))# initialize the total number of images downloaded thus far
total = 0# loop over the estimated number of results in `GROUP_SIZE` groups
for offset in range(0, estNumResults, GROUP_SIZE):# update the search parameters using the current offset, then# make the request to fetch the resultsprint("[INFO] making request for group {}-{} of {}...".format(offset, offset + GROUP_SIZE, estNumResults))params["offset"] = offsetsearch = requests.get(URL, headers=headers, params=params)search.raise_for_status()results = search.json()print("[INFO] saving images for group {}-{} of {}...".format(offset, offset + GROUP_SIZE, estNumResults))# loop over the resultsfor v in results["value"]:# try to download the imagetry:# make a request to download the imageprint("[INFO] fetching: {}".format(v["contentUrl"]))r = requests.get(v["contentUrl"], timeout=30)# build the path to the output imageext = v["contentUrl"][v["contentUrl"].rfind("."):]p = os.path.sep.join([output, "{}{}".format(str(total).zfill(8), ext)])# write the image to diskf = open(p, "wb")f.write(r.content)f.close()image = cv2.imread(p)# if the image is `None` then we could not properly load the# image from disk (so it should be ignored)if image is None:print("[INFO] deleting: {}".format(p))os.remove(p)continue# catch any errors that would not unable us to download the# imageexcept Exception as e:# check to see if our exception is in our list of# exceptions to check forif type(e) in EXCEPTIONS:print("[INFO] skipping: {}".format(v["contentUrl"]))continue# update the countertotal += 1

以上为所有的Python下载图片代码,注意以下红框部分替换为自己的文件目录和自己的 Bing Image Search API Key。

3. 运行下载脚本,下载图片


$ mkdir dataset


$ mkdir dataset/pikachu


$ python search_bing_api.py --query "pikachu"
[INFO] searching Bing API for 'pikachu'
[INFO] 250 total results for 'pikachu'
[INFO] making request for group 0-50 of 250...
[INFO] saving images for group 0-50 of 250...
[INFO] fetching: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29200000/PIKACHU-pikachu-29274386-861-927.jpg
[INFO] skipping: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/29200000/PIKACHU-pikachu-29274386-861-927.jpg
[INFO] fetching: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33000000/pikachu-pikachu-33005706-895-1000.png
[INFO] skipping: http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33000000/pikachu-pikachu-33005706-895-1000.png
[INFO] fetching: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/31600000/Pikachu-with-pokeball-pikachu-31615402-2560-2245.jpg


下载 charmander

$ mkdir dataset/charmander
$ python search_bing_api.py --query "charmander"

下载 squirtle

$ mkdir dataset/squirtle
$ python search_bing_api.py --query "squirtle"

下载 bulbasaur

$ mkdir dataset/bulbasaur
$ python search_bing_api.py --query "bulbasaur"

下载 mewtwo

$ mkdir dataset/mewtwo
$ python search_bing_api.py --query "mewtwo"




至此我们已经建立自己的图片数据集了。下一节 深度学习入门(二)训练并使用Keras模型 模型中,我们将使用到这个图片数据集。



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