prevail 流行,盛行 A similar situation prevails in Canada.

slap 拍,掌击 Sarah ~ed  Aaron across the face.

monetary 货币的,钱的 the government's tight monetary policy  紧缩的货币政策

deviate 背离,偏离

clip 简短,猛击,痛打 The hedges had just been clipped

maniac 疯子,躁狂者 He drove like a maniac to the hospital.

optical 视觉的,眼睛的,光学的

classify 分类,分等级

metaphor 隐喻,暗喻 She uses some wonderful images and ~s in her writing

slender 细长的,苗条的

desolate 荒芜的

wit 智力,才智 Alone and penniless,I was forced to live on my wits

dispatch 派遣,发送 Goods are normally ~ed within 24 hours

tangle 缠结,混乱 My hair ~s easily

slip 滑,失误 Wright slipped but managed to keep hold of the ball

retreat 车撤退

revelation 揭示,揭露

slab  板,片 a concrete ~

lobby 门廊,院外活动集团


throbbing 跳动的,悸动的 unequal ~ of her heart

lawn 草地,草坪

superstition 迷信,迷信行为 the old ~ that ......

exceedingly 非常的,极端的

pillar 柱,栋梁

spokesman 发言人

avert 避开,防止 the tragedy could have been ~ed

cash 现金

grin 露齿而笑,咧嘴一笑

applicant 申请者

wither 使枯萎,使凋谢 The flowers in room had been withered.

commuter 乘公交车上下班者

distribute 分发,分配,散布

excrement 排泄物,粪便

intelligible 可理解的,可明白的 His reply was barely ~

contempt 轻蔑,不尊敬,轻视

palm 手掌,棕榈 in the ~of his hand

trauma 损伤,精神创伤

shelter 隐蔽处,遮蔽,避难所

disregard 不理,漠视

perenial 中年的,四季不断的

antagonism 反对,不喜欢

provided 假如,如果

evoke 唤起,引起 ~ strong memories

clarity 清澈,清晰

charter 特许状

notation 一套符号

slit 裂缝,狭长的切口

hardware 硬件


gown 长袍,长外衣 wedding ~ 结婚礼服

filter 滤器,滤光器

fester 脓疮,淤积,恶化

doom 毁灭,死亡

dub 复制,授予

matrimony婚姻 They were joined toghther in holy  ~

equity 公平,公正

juvenile 青少年的,幼稚的 ~ crime

fend 抵挡 fend for oneself

longitude 经度

sting 刺痛

escalate 升级,逐渐发展 The fighting on the border is ~ing

cassette 磁带盒,照相软件盒

date 日期,约会

hedge 障碍,围树篱

hospitality 好客,殷勤

shed 棚,车库

sophisticated 老练的,有经验的,世故的,尖端的

exile 流放,离乡背井

recommendation 推荐,介绍

odyssey 长途旅行的;一连串的冒险  a apiritual odyssey

superficial 表面的,表皮的

probation 试用,见习 three year's ~

portfolio 公事包,文件夹 the foreign affairs ~

reinforce 增援,加强

champagne 香槟酒

loaf 块,团

pendulum 钟摆 the ~ will undoubtedly swing back

cripple 跛子,残疾人

touchy 暴躁的,易怒的

tap 龙头,轻拍

surplus 余款,盈余

righteous 正直的,正当的,公正的

outweigh 比更重要

shutter 百叶窗

courtesy 礼貌,谦恭

poke 戳,拨 give me a playful poke in the ribs

feast 筵席,宴请

propriety 正当行为,正当 with ~

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