DeviceRepair是一个类,Device是DeviceRepair的属性,修改DeviceRepair.Device的时候报错:identifier of an instance of was altered from xxx to xxx

@Transactionalfun updateRepair(deviceRepair: DeviceRepair,request: DeviceRepairUpdateRequest):DeviceRepair{val existDeviceId = deviceRepair.device?.idval newDeviceId = request.deviceId ?: throw BadRequestException("deviceId不能为空")if (existDeviceId != newDeviceId){val result = this.deviceMapper.searchRepair(deviceIdIn = setOf(newDeviceId))if(result?.size != 0) {throw BadRequestException("该设备已报修")}else{deviceRepair.device?.id = newDeviceId}}deviceRepair.device = newDeviceId?.let{ this.find(it) }return}



@Transactionalfun updateRepair(deviceRepair: DeviceRepair,request: DeviceRepairUpdateRequest):DeviceRepair{val existDeviceId = deviceRepair.device?.idval newDeviceId = request.deviceId ?: throw BadRequestException("deviceId不能为空")if (existDeviceId != newDeviceId){val result = this.deviceMapper.searchRepair(deviceIdIn = setOf(newDeviceId))if(result?.size != 0) {throw BadRequestException("该设备已报修")}}deviceRepair.device = newDeviceId?.let{ this.find(it) }return}

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