
ADI innovates ceaselessly in signal processing area, success is remarkable.

ADI在信号措置区域不竭立异, 成就卓越.


ADI, main hydraulics systems, weapons control system store beacon, and others.

飞机装备控制面板包括备用ADI, 主液压系统, 武器控制系统, 灯光及其他.


Based on alternating - direction - implicit method , ADI - FDTD is an unconditionally stable FDTD method.

基于交变方向隐式的时域有限差分法(ADI -FDTD )是一种无条件稳定的FDTD算法.


The contaminant transport equation is solved by the ADI method.



Property characteristics of ADI and factors influencing properties of ADI were described.



The effect of nodule diameter on the water embrittlement of austempered ductile irons ( ADI ) was investigated.

研究石墨直径对等温淬火球铁 ( ADI )水脆化的影响.


In addition ADI has advantages of lower density , low cost low energy consumption, batter damping capacity.

此外ADI还 具有重量轻, 成本低,能源消耗低, 减震性好等特点.


Isothermally quenched ductile mm ( austempered ductile iron, ADI ) is a relatively new material to engineering industries.

等温淬火球铁 ( ADI ) 对工程界来说是一种相对较新的材料.


The effects of austenitizing temperature on mechanical properties of austmepered ductile iron ( ADI ) were researched.

研究了奥氏体化温度对 ADI 力学性能的影响.


The techniques of austempering and the factors of affect properties of ADI were introduced.

本文概述了ADI的 等温淬火工艺和影响ADI性能的因素.


So Adi Wang for the human family is always just a legend.



However, the ADI enzyme activity of JM 109 ( pBV 220 - cit ) had not been detected.

用42℃热激诱导JM109 ( pBV220-cit ) 精氨酸脱亚氨基酶的表达,但是未检测到酶活.


ADI , Attitude Direction Indicator , An electronic display of airplane attitude inFORMation in pitch and roll.

姿态指引仪, 用来显示飞机的俯仰姿态和坡度的电子显示.


The children put on a pair of Adi Wang, you have a pair of invisible wings.

孩子穿上这双阿迪王, 你就有了一双隐形的翅膀.


The fascinating cover story on Putin was written by deputy managing editor Adi Ignatius.




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