
'Shepp-Logan'            A test image used widely by researchers in


'Modified Shepp-Logan'   (default) A variant of the Shepp-Logan phantom

in which the contrast is improved for better

visual perception.

N is a scalar that specifies the number of rows and columns in P.

If you omit the argument, N defaults to 256.

P = PHANTOM(E,N) generates a user-defined phantom, where each row

of the matrix E specifies an ellipse in the image.  E has six columns,

with each column containing a different parameter for the ellipses:

Column 1:  A    the additive intensity value of the ellipse

Column 2:  a    the length of the horizontal semi-axis of the ellipse

Column 3:  b    the length of the vertical semi-axis of the ellipse

Column 4:  x0   the x-coordinate of the center of the ellipse

Column 5:  y0   the y-coordinate of the center of the ellipse

Column 6:  phi  the angle (in degrees) between the horizontal semi-axis

of the ellipse and the x-axis of the image

For purposes of generating the phantom, the domains for the x- and

y-axes span [-1,1].  Columns 2 through 5 must be specified in terms

of this range.

[P,E] = PHANTOM(...) returns the matrix E used to generate the phantom.

Class Support


All inputs must be of class double.  All outputs are of class double.



For any given pixel in the output image, the pixel's value is equal to the

sum of the additive intensity values of all ellipses that the pixel is a

part of.  If a pixel is not part of any ellipse, its value is 0.

The additive intensity value A for an ellipse can be positive or negative;

if it is negative, the ellipse will be darker than the surrounding pixels.

Note that, depending on the values of A, some pixels may have values outside  the range [0,1].


shepp logan matlab,怎么用MATLAB生成一个三维的Shepp-Logan头骨模型并保存下来,谢谢了...相关推荐

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