1 需求

2 语法

AppOps service (appops) commands:helpPrint this help text.start [--user <USER_ID>] [--attribution <ATTRIBUTION_TAG>] <PACKAGE | UID> <OP> Starts a given operation for a particular application.stop [--user <USER_ID>] [--attribution <ATTRIBUTION_TAG>] <PACKAGE | UID> <OP> Stops a given operation for a particular application.set [--user <USER_ID>] <[--uid] PACKAGE | UID> <OP> <MODE>Set the mode for a particular application and operation.get [--user <USER_ID>] [--attribution <ATTRIBUTION_TAG>] <PACKAGE | UID> [<OP>]Return the mode for a particular application and optional operation.query-op [--user <USER_ID>] <OP> [<MODE>]Print all packages that currently have the given op in the given mode.reset [--user <USER_ID>] [<PACKAGE>]Reset the given application or all applications to default modes.write-settingsImmediately write pending changes to storage.read-settingsRead the last written settings, replacing current state in RAM.options:<PACKAGE> an Android package name or its UID if prefixed by --uid<OP>      an AppOps operation.<MODE>    one of allow, ignore, deny, or default<USER_ID> the user id under which the package is installed. If --user isnot specified, the current user is assumed.

3.1 示例

adb shell appops query-op COARSE_LOCATION allow

4 参考资料

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