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Recently, I got a blast from the past when I read that Adobe’s Dreamweaver is making a comeback. I was a regular Dreamweaver user in my time, but since moving on (when I made the switch to Linux) I had more or less forgotten about its existence. This made me curious as to which other web authoring tools I have used throughout my career, so I decided to take a look.

最近,当我看到Adobe的Dreamweaver即将卷土重来时,我从过去开始大吃一惊 。 我当时是Dreamweaver的常规用户,但是自从继续使用(当我转向Linux)以来,我或多或少地忘记了它的存在。 这使我对我在整个职业生涯中使用过哪些其他Web创作工具感到好奇,因此我决定看看。

A quick rummage in my bookshelf produced this gem — Frontpage 2000 Made Simple. Frontpage (now discontinued) was an editor by Microsoft and the tool I used to create my first ever web page. Its WYSIWYG approach made it appealing to novices (and in those days, most people were novices), as did its tight integration with Microsoft’s range of Office products. Unfortunately, it produced very messy and invalid code, with pages tending to be optimized for Internet Explorer. As soon as I realized that I was serious about web development, I knew it was time to move on.

在我的书架上快速浏览时就产生了这种宝石-Frontpage 2000 Made Simple 。 Frontpage(现已停产)是Microsoft的编辑器,也是我用来创建我的第一个网页的工具。 它的所见即所得方法使它吸引了新手(在那时,大多数人是新手),并且与Microsoft Office系列产品的紧密集成也是如此。 不幸的是,它产生了非常混乱且无效的代码,页面倾向于针对Internet Explorer进行优化。 一意识到我对Web开发很认真,我就知道该继续前进了。

When I landed my first job working with the web, I was given a copy of Dreamweaver. This was definitely a step up from Frontpage and was packed full of features I loved, such as a site-wide search and replace, code suggestion and a file manager. For a while, I was a happy and productive Dreamweaver user, until it dawned on me that it came with a tarnished reputation. The main gripe people had was that (like Frontpage) Dreamweaver packed a WYSIWYG editor which facilitated the production of invalid markup and bloated code. Although I was only using the WYSIWYG to enter the occasional bit of content, this still made me realize that code maintainability was a thing and more importantly, a thing I should care about.

当我找到第一份使用Web的工作时,得到了Dreamweaver的副本。 这绝对是从Frontpage迈出的一步,并且包含了我喜欢的功能,例如站点范围内的搜索和替换,代码建议和文件管理器。 有一阵子,我是一个快乐而富有成效的Dreamweaver用户,直到我意识到它的声誉受损。 人们最主要的抱怨是(例如Frontpage)Dreamweaver打包了一个所见即所得(WYSIWYG)编辑器,该编辑器有助于生成无效的标记和膨胀的代码。 尽管我只是使用所见即所得输入偶尔的内容,但这仍然使我意识到代码可维护性是一件事,更重要的是,我应该关心的事情。

I bid farewell to Dreamweaver when I made the switch from Windows to Linux. Saying goodbye was hard and I even went as far as to get Dreamweaver working with Wine (but luckily, soon realized the folly of this approach). While getting to grips with my new OS, I spent a while exploring some of the common Dreamweaver alternatives (namely Bluefish, KompoZer and NVU). These were all great tools in their own right, but sadly none of them quite hit the mark and I found it difficult to use them in a productive manner.

从Windows切换到Linux时,我告别了Dreamweaver。 说再见很难,我甚至竭尽全力让Dreamweaver与Wine一起工作(但幸运的是,很快就意识到了这种方法的愚蠢)。 在掌握新操作系统的同时,我花了一些时间探索一些常见的Dreamweaver替代产品(即Bluefish,KompoZer和NVU)。 这些工具本身就是很好的工具,但是遗憾的是,这些工具都没有达到标准,我发现很难有效地使用它们。

Eventually, I decided to invest the time to get to grips with a text editor. By this point I had started programming for the web (mostly Ruby in those days) and had been using something called SciTE on Windows (which was OK, but seemed a little rudimentary). After some deliberation I settled on Sublime Text as my editor of choice and I haven’t looked back since (I must admit that I did try and get to grips with Vim for a while, but I found it too esoteric and gave up). Anyway, Sublime Text is completely customizable and has plugins for just about anything you could imagine (here’s a good list for JavaScript developers). It comes packed full of features, such as multi-edit (which lets you simultaneously edit all of the occurrences of a string in a file) or goto anything (a great way of hopping between methods in large files). This all seemed like black magic at first, but once mastered is something you’ll wonder that you were able to live without.

最终,我决定花一些时间来熟悉文本编辑器。 至此,我已经开始为Web编程(当时主要是Ruby),并且已经在Windows上使用了名为SciTE的东西(虽然还可以,但似乎有点初级)。 经过深思熟虑后,我选择了Sublime Text作为我的首选编辑器,此后我再也没有回过头(我必须承认我确实尝试过和Vim交往了一段时间,但是我发现它太深奥了,所以放弃了)。 无论如何,Sublime Text是完全可定制的,并且具有几乎可以想象的任何插件(这是JavaScript开发人员的一个不错的清单 )。 它包含了很多功能,例如多重编辑(使您可以同时编辑文件中所有出现的字符串)或转到任何内容(在大文件中的方法之间进行跳转的一种很好的方式)。 乍一看,这一切似乎都是黑魔法,但是一旦掌握了某些东西,您会想知道自己是否可以活下去。

So there you have it: I started on FrontPage, grew up on Dreamweaver and ended up with Sublime Text. But what about you? What kind of tools have you used to produce web pages throughout the years? What’s been your favorite and what sucked most? And what about IDEs — do they have a place in the world of JavaScript development? Let me know in the comments below.

这样就可以了:我从FrontPage开始,在Dreamweaver上长大,最后得到Sublime Text。 那你呢 这些年来,您使用哪种工具来生成网页? 你最喜欢什么,最吸引什么? 那么,IDE呢?它们在JavaScript开发领域中占有一席之地吗? 在下面的评论中让我知道。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/best-worst-web-design-tools/


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