//不多说了,只是为了记录每次做的小东西 ,有需要的可以直接复制代码到开发工具查看比较清楚,上代码

<view class='container'><!-- 加入的商品列表 --><view class="addGoodsList"><view class="titTop"><view class="topLeft"><image bindtap="checkBtn" src="{{checked==true?'http://pics.jiuziran.com/FuxcLrK9xqVgbhbZPtqknbFW1v5K':'http://pics.jiuziran.com/FoMPtL4s9fwsN0EJvvHVIAAJna9Q'}}"></image> <image class="tXiang" src="http://pics.jiuziran.com/@//@wine_Com_Img_size:500/500/1568130900259"></image> <text>酒闪送<text>(顺昌城内)</text></text></view><view class="topRight"><text class="wholeTwo">编辑</text></view></view><view class="containBottom" wx:for="{{goodsList}}" wx:key="{{index}}" data-index="{{index}}"><image class="wImg" catchtap="checkBtnOne" data-index="{{index}}" src="{{item.checkedOne==true?'http://pics.jiuziran.com/FuxcLrK9xqVgbhbZPtqknbFW1v5K':'http://pics.jiuziran.com/FoMPtL4s9fwsN0EJvvHVIAAJna9Q'}}"></image><view class="goodsBox goodsBoxTwo"><view class="godLst"><image class="gImg" src="http://pics.jiuziran.com/@//@wine_Com_Img_size:500/500/1568130900259"></image><view class="goodsList goodsListTwo"><text class="gTitle ">{{item.title}}</text><view class="goodsNumber"><view class="godL"><text class="zpri">¥<text class="pri">{{item.prOne}}</text></text> <text class="pri2">{{item.prTwo}}</text></view><view class="num"><image  class="numImg1" bindtap="jianBtn" data-index="{{index}}" src="http://pics.jiuziran.com/Fqe7zzfze4RMeby12JlJ7iw4epGP"></image><text>{{item.num}}</text><image class="numImg2" bindtap="jiaBtn" data-index="{{index}}" src="http://pics.jiuziran.com/Fvhl1bsFLqYQMFViY2tSNm_5diTk"></image></view></view></view></view></view></view></view><!-- 加入购物车 --><view class="btnBox"><view class="Zprice"><text>¥{{price}}</text><text>含运费20元</text></view><text class="btn2">去结算</text></view><!-- 未加入购物车 --><!-- <view class="btnBox"><view class="Zprice ZpriceTwo"><text>购物车是空的</text></view><text class="btn2 needBtn">差20元起送</text><image class="gwcTwo" src="http://pics.jiuziran.com/FkYDvmvYdm09tiMW5hWon6XFLcV2"></image></view> -->

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未加入购物车 */
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  • 页面的初始数据
    data: {
    checked: true,//全选状态
    checkedOne: true,
    num: 0
    title: ‘盛堡小麦白德国啤酒德国啤’,
    prOne: 22.5,
    prTwo: 22.5,
    checkedOne: true,
    num: 0
    title: ‘盛堡小麦白德国啤酒德国啤’,
    prOne: 22.5,
    prTwo: 22.5,
    checkedOne: true,
    num: 0
    // 全选
    checkBtn: function (e) {
    var that = this
    // 全选ICON默认选中
    let checked = this.data.checked;
    // true ----- false
    checked = !checked;
    // 获取商品数据
    let goodsList = this.data.goodsList;
    // 循环遍历判断列表中的数据是否选中
    for (let i = 0; i < goodsList.length; i++) {
    goodsList[i].checkedOne = checked;
    // 页面重新渲染
    checked: checked,
    goodsList: goodsList
    // 单选
    var that = this;
    // 获取选中的单选框索引
    var index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index;
    // 获取到商品列表数据
    var goodsList = that.data.goodsList;
    // 默认全选
    that.data.checked = true;
    // 循环数组数据,判断----选中/未选中[selected]
    goodsList[index].checkedOne = !goodsList[index].checkedOne;
    // 如果数组数据全部为selected[true],全选
    for (var i = goodsList.length - 1; i >= 0; i–) {
    if (!goodsList[i].checkedOne) {
    that.data.checked = false;
    // 重新渲染数据
    goodsList: goodsList,
    checked: that.data.checked
    // 加数量
    jiaBtn: function (e){
    var that=this
    let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
    let goodsList=that.data.goodsList
    let num = that.data.goodsList[index].num
    goodsList: goodsList,
    addGoods: true,
    addGooding: false,
    jianBtn: function (e) {
    var that = this
    let index=e.currentTarget.dataset.index
    let goodsList=that.data.goodsList
    let num =goodsList[index].num
    if (num<=0){
    return false;
    num = num - 1
    goodsList[index].num = num
    goodsList: goodsList,
    count: that.data.goodsList[index].num,
    // 计算总价
    var that = this
    let goodsList=that.data.goodsList;
    var prc = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < goodsList.length; i++) {
    if (goodsList[i].checkedOne){
    prc += goodsList[i].num * goodsList[i].prOne;
    goodsList: goodsList,
    price: prc,
  • 生命周期函数–监听页面加载
    onLoad: function (options) {



  • 生命周期函数–监听页面初次渲染完成
    onReady: function () {



  • 生命周期函数–监听页面显示
    onShow: function () {
    // var that = this
    // var prc=0;
    // for (let i = 0; i < that.data.goodsList.length; i++) {
    // var money = that.data.goodsList[i].prOne;
    // var cot = that.data.goodsList[i].num;
    // prc += money * cot;
    // }
    // that.setData({
    // price: prc,
    // })


  • 生命周期函数–监听页面隐藏
    onHide: function () {



  • 生命周期函数–监听页面卸载
    onUnload: function () {



  • 页面相关事件处理函数–监听用户下拉动作
    onPullDownRefresh: function () {



  • 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
    onReachBottom: function () {



  • 用户点击右上角分享
    onShareAppMessage: function () {


小程序购物车全选反选 数量加减 总价钱 总数量相关推荐

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