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var video = document.querySelector('video'), container = document.querySelector('#video-container');var setVideoDimensions = function () {// Video's intrinsic dimensionsvar w = video.videoWidth, h = video.videoHeight;// Intrinsic Ratio// Will be more than 1 if W > H and less if W < Hvar videoRatio = (w / h).toFixed(2);// Get the container's computed styles//// Also calculate the min dimensions required (this will be// the container dimentions)var containerStyles = window.getComputedStyle(container), minW = parseInt( containerStyles.getPropertyValue('width') ), minH = parseInt( containerStyles.getPropertyValue('height') );// What's the min:intrinsic dimensions//// The idea is to get which of the container dimension// has a higher value when compared with the equivalents// of the video. Imagine a 1200x700 container and// 1000x500 video. Then in order to find the right balance// and do minimum scaling, we have to find the dimension// with higher ratio.//// Ex: 1200/1000 = 1.2 and 700/500 = 1.4 - So it is best to// scale 500 to 700 and then calculate what should be the// right width. If we scale 1000 to 1200 then the height// will become 600 proportionately.var widthRatio = minW / w, heightRatio = minH / h;// Whichever ratio is more, the scaling// has to be done over that dimensionif (widthRatio > heightRatio) {var newWidth = minW;var newHeight = Math.ceil( newWidth / videoRatio );}else {var newHeight = minH;var newWidth = Math.ceil( newHeight * videoRatio );}video.style.width = newWidth + 'px';video.style.height = newHeight + 'px';
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window.addEventListener('resize', setVideoDimensions, false);


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  6. OpenCV4学习笔记(31)——视频背景、前景提取分离及运动检测

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  7. android 视频背景图片,安卓手机怎么给视频添加背景图片 上下图片中间视频画面的小视频制作...

    狸窝是帮助用户解决问题 提供教程解决方案 在这个过程中有使用我们自己开发的软件 也有网上找的工具 只要帮助用户解决问题就好!同意则往下继续了解学习 ... 注意此教程方案是:『安卓手机端教程方案』.很 ...

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  9. 几行代码就能去除图像和视频背景,还用啥PS

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