当有大量的UE请求接入同一个基站时,各个UE的信号可能会互相干扰,导致无法被基站解码(视为噪音);即使有幸接入被解码但也会造成基站自身负载过大。在这种情况下,基站会限制请求接入的UE的数量,即接入控制Access Control。

1. 接受UE的初始化接入但网络发送拒绝消息(RRC Connection Reject/Attach Rreject);
2. 阻止UE自身尝试初始化接入 (即barring)
Type1:阻止UE任何类型的接入,甚至是紧急呼叫(由SIB1进行配置cellBarred notBarred,) 
Type2:阻止特定的UE(USIM中有特定标志EF ACC)获得特定的服务(由SIB2进行配置)

EF ACC存储access class,取值0-9(HPLMN+VPLMN),11-15(11,15 specified for HPLMN,12,13,14 specified for HPLMN MCC)
class 0~9    普通用户
class 11    PLMN管理
class 12    安全部门使用
class 13    公用事业部门(水、煤气等)
class 14    紧急业务
class 15    PLMN职员

ACC(access control class):随机分配一个normal class(必选,0~9)+ 特定分配specific class(可选,11~15)



Access Control by SIB1 : Cell Barring

Access Control by SIB2 : ac-Barring

You may easily guess the Access Control Mechanism by SIB2. You would see several different copies of the following structure. Just by looking at the name of the parameters, you may guess 'this is to allowing (or barring) a certain UE group (Access Class) to a certain service with only a certain probability'.


ac-BarringFactor: pXY (0)

ac-BarringTime: sA (0)

ac-BarringForSpecialAC: ABCDE (bitmap)

  • XXXXX here represents the name of the service (application).
  • ac-BarringFactor  represents the probability of allowance of the access.
  • ac-BarringForSpecialAC represents Access Class for UEs. A = 11, B = 12, C = 13, D = 14, E = 15

For example,

Let's assume that pXY is set to be p50 and ac-BarringForSpecialAC is set to be 01000.  This bitmap indicates the status of each Access Class as follows.

AC 11 = Not Barring
    AC 12 = Barring
    AC 13 = Not Barring
    AC 14 = Not Barring
    AC 15 = Not Barring

Therefore, this barring applies only to the UE that has Access Class 12 is set to be '1' in its USIM.

With this SIB settings, If a UE belonging to Access Class 12 sees this SIB parameter, it generate a random number between 0 and 1. If the number is lower than 0.5 (p50), it is allowed to get access. If the number is higher than 0.5, it should not get access. UE can retry this with the everage interval of A seconds set in ac-BarringTime when it is necessary.

ssac:Service Specific Access Control

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