Twitch is a great platform to sit back, relax, and watch your favorite streamers play games and chat with their communities. If you’re bored of Twitch, however, you might want to disable or delete your account. Here’s how.

Twitch是一个绝佳的平台,可让您坐下来放松身心,观看自己喜欢的彩带玩游戏并与社区聊天。 但是,如果您对Twitch感到无聊,则可能要禁用或删除您的帐户。 这是如何做。

如何禁用Twitch帐户 (How to Disable a Twitch Account)

If you need a bit of time away from Twitch, you can disable your account first. This will allow you to temporarily pause your Twitch activity and hide your profile from view. You won’t be able to log in, chat, or use your account in any way unless you choose to enable it again.

如果您需要一点时间离开Twitch,可以先禁用您的帐户。 这将允许您暂时暂停Twitch活动并隐藏个人资料。 除非您选择再次启用它,否则您将无法以任何方式登录,聊天或使用您的帐户。

This is a good option if you want a bit of time away from the platform, but you’re thinking about coming back later. Don’t forget to end any active Twitch Prime subscriptions and any other paid channel subscriptions first to ensure that you don’t get charged while your account is disabled.

如果您想离开该平台有一点时间,但是您正在考虑稍后再回来,这是一个不错的选择。 不要忘了先终止所有活动的Twitch Prime订阅和任何其他付费频道的订阅,以确保您在帐户被禁用时不会被收取任何费用。

If you forget, don’t worry—Twitch should end these subscriptions automatically once they have expired. If you reenable your account before any subscriptions end, you can continue to enjoy the privileges attached to them.

如果您忘记了,请不要担心-Twitch应该在这些订阅到期后自动终止它们。 如果您在任何订阅结束之前重新启用帐户,则可以继续享受附加给他们的特权。

To disable your Twitch account, head to the Twitch website and sign in. You’ll need to do this from a web browser, as you won’t be able to disable your account using the Twitch app on desktop, iPhone, or Android.


Once you’re signed in, select your account icon in the top-right corner. From the drop-down menu, click the “Settings” option.

登录后,选择右上角的帐户图标。 在下拉菜单中,单击“设置”选项。

On the Twitch settings page, scroll to the bottom until you reach the “Disabling Your Twitch Account” section and then click the “Disable Account” link.

在“ Twitch设置”页面上,滚动到底部,直到到达“禁用Twitch帐户”部分,然后单击“禁用帐户”链接。

Make sure that the Twitch account you’re signed in with is the account you wish to disable. If you want, you can provide a reason in the “Tell us why you’re disabling your account” box, but this is entirely optional.

确保您登录时使用的Twitch帐户是您要禁用的帐户。 如果需要,可以在“告诉我们为什么要禁用帐户”框中提供原因,但这完全是可选的。

Once you’re ready to disable your account, click the “Disable Account” button.


Your account should now be disabled. You’ll be signed out of Twitch, and all activity on your account should be paused.

您的帐户现在应该被禁用。 您将退出Twitch,并且您帐户上的所有活动都应暂停。

If you want to reenable your account at any point, sign back in to Twitch from the service’s desktop website using your disabled account details.


You’ll be asked if you want to reactivate your account—click “Reactivate” to do so.


This will restore your account, allowing you to resume streaming or viewing other streamers.


如何删除Twitch帐户 (How to Delete a Twitch Account)

Disabling your Twitch account gives you an option to restore it if you want or need to later. If you want to delete your Twitch account, you can, but this will permanently delete everything attached to that account, including friends, subscriptions, and channel follows.

禁用Twitch帐户可让您选择是否需要恢复它。 如果您想删除您的Twitch帐户,可以,但是它将永久删除该帐户附带的所有内容,包括朋友,订阅和关注的频道。

You won’t be able to retrieve your account once you’ve deleted it, and other users will be able to claim your user ID once it has been recycled. If you’re unsure, disable your account first—you can always delete your account later.

删除帐户后,您将无法取回该帐户,其他用户将在您的用户ID回收后再声明您的用户ID。 如果不确定,请先禁用您的帐户-您以后可以随时删除帐户。

To delete your Twitch account, head to the account deletion page on the Twitch website. This link isn’t easily accessible, so you’ll have to click this link manually to access the page. If you’re not already signed in, you’ll need to do this first.

要删除您的Twitch帐户,请转到Twitch网站上的帐户删除页面 。 此链接不容易访问,因此您必须手动单击此链接才能访问该页面。 如果您尚未登录,则需要先执行此操作。

You can provide a reason for deleting your account in the box provided, but this is optional. Once you’re ready to delete the account, click the “Delete Account” button.

您可以在提供的框中提供删除帐户的原因,但这是可选的。 准备删除帐户后,请单击“删除帐户”按钮。

Twitch will confirm that your account is deleted with a message saying so. Once this appears, your Twitch account, settings, and all other relevant data will be deleted.

Twitch会显示一条消息,确认您的帐户已删除。 出现此消息后,您的Twitch帐户,设置和所有其他相关数据将被删除。

You won’t be able to retrieve your account once you’ve done this, but you can reregister your account using the same user ID, should you wish to do so.




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