




`timescale 1ns / 1ps
module pulse_transfer(ttl_in    ,// mcu ttl inputsys_clk    ,// 100MHz clk inputreset_n ,// negtive reset inputttl_out,  // fpga ttl output             );/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  module port defination */
input                           ttl_in  ;
input                           sys_clk ;
input                           reset_n ;
output                          ttl_out ;parameter FRE_SYS       = 30'd100000000;//100MHz/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  module macro defination */
parameter MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_COUNT = 16'd20000; /*! max width  200us = 10ns*20000 */
parameter MAX_PULSE_PERIOD_COUNT = 30'd100000000;           /*! max period  1s */
parameter COUNT_OFFSET = 3'd2;
parameter TIME_1US = 8'd100;
parameter TIME_300NS = 8'd30;/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  get rise and fall edge  */
wire                            w_is_rise_trigger;
wire                            w_is_fall_trigger;
reg                             r_ttl_in_delay;
reg                             r_ttl_in_delay_1;
always  @  (   posedge sys_clk  or negedge reset_n )
beginif(    !reset_n )  beginr_ttl_in_delay     <=  1'b0   ;r_ttl_in_delay_1   <=  1'b0   ;endelsebeginr_ttl_in_delay     <=  ttl_in  ;r_ttl_in_delay_1   <=  r_ttl_in_delay  ;end
end //assign    w_is_rise_trigger =  ~r_ttl_in_delay&ttl_in;
//assign    w_is_fall_trigger =  ~ttl_in&r_ttl_in_delay;/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  synch rise and fall trigger  */
reg                             r_is_rise_trigger;
reg                             r_is_fall_trigger;
always  @  (   posedge sys_clk or negedge reset_n)
beginif(    !reset_n )  beginr_is_rise_trigger <= 1'b0;r_is_fall_trigger <= 1'b0;endelse if({r_ttl_in_delay,r_ttl_in_delay_1} == 2b'10)beginr_is_rise_trigger  <= 1'b1;r_is_fall_trigger <= 1'b0;endelse if({r_ttl_in_delay,r_ttl_in_delay_1} == 2b'01)beginr_is_rise_trigger <= 1'b0;r_is_fall_trigger <= 1'b1;endelse beginr_is_rise_trigger <= 1'b0;r_is_fall_trigger <= 1'b0;end
end/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  get start count trigger  */
reg                             r_count_start_trigger;
wire                            w_count_clear_trigger;
assign w_count_clear_trigger = r_is_rise_trigger;
always  @  (   posedge sys_clk or negedge reset_n )
beginif(    !reset_n )  r_count_start_trigger   <=  1'b0;elser_count_start_trigger <=  w_count_clear_trigger;
end /*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  get period and width count enable flag  */
reg                             r_is_pulse_period_count_enable;
reg                             r_is_pulse_width_count_enable;
always  @  (   posedge sys_clk or negedge reset_n)
beginif(    !reset_n )  beginr_is_pulse_period_count_enable = 1'b0;r_is_pulse_width_count_enable = 1'b0;endelse beginif( r_is_rise_trigger )beginr_is_pulse_period_count_enable = 1'b0;r_is_pulse_width_count_enable = 1'b0;endif( r_count_start_trigger )beginr_is_pulse_width_count_enable  = 1'b1;r_is_pulse_period_count_enable = 1'b1;endif( r_is_fall_trigger )r_is_pulse_width_count_enable = 1'b0;end
end /*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  pulse width and period count handle */
reg         [30:0]              r_pulse_period_count;
reg         [30:0]              r_pulse_period;
reg         [30:0]              r_pulse_width_count;
reg         [30:0]              r_pulse_width;
always  @  (   posedge sys_clk or negedge reset_n )
beginif(    !reset_n )  beginr_pulse_width_count <= 30'd0;r_pulse_width <= 30'd0;r_pulse_period_count <=  30'd0;r_pulse_period <= 30'd0;endelsebeginif( r_is_rise_trigger )begin                r_pulse_period_count <= 30'd0;r_pulse_width_count <= 30'd0;endif( r_is_pulse_width_count_enable )r_pulse_width_count <= r_pulse_width_count + 1'b1;elsebeginr_pulse_width <= r_pulse_width_count;endif( r_is_pulse_period_count_enable )r_pulse_period_count <= r_pulse_period_count + 1'b1;elsebeginr_pulse_period <= r_pulse_period_count;endend
end/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  output pulse handle */
reg         [30:0]          r_out_cnt;
reg                         r_ttl_out;
always  @  (   posedge sys_clk or negedge reset_n )
beginif(    !reset_n )  beginr_ttl_out <= 1'b0;r_out_cnt <= 1'b0;endelsebegin//if( r_pulse_period > MAX_PULSE_PERIOD_COUNT || r_pulse_width > MAX_PULSE_WIDTH_COUNT)//  begin//     r_ttl_out <= 1'b0;//       r_out_cnt <= 1'b0;//   end//elseif(r_pulse_period == 0 || r_pulse_width == 0)beginr_out_cnt <= 1'b0;endelsebeginif( r_pulse_width <= TIME_1US + 4'd10 )//*note in <1.1us casebeginif( r_out_cnt < TIME_300NS )//0.3usbeginr_ttl_out <= 1'b1;r_out_cnt <= r_out_cnt + 1'b1;endelse if ( r_out_cnt < r_pulse_period )beginr_ttl_out <= 1'b0;r_out_cnt <= r_out_cnt + 1'b1; endelsebeginr_ttl_out <= 1'b0; r_out_cnt <= 1'b0; endendelsebeginif( r_out_cnt < r_pulse_width - TIME_1US)//*note -1usbeginr_ttl_out <= 1'b1;r_out_cnt <= r_out_cnt + 1'b1;endelse if ( r_out_cnt < r_pulse_period )beginr_ttl_out <= 1'b0;r_out_cnt <= r_out_cnt + 1'b1; endelsebeginr_ttl_out <= 1'b0; r_out_cnt <= 1'b0; endendendend
end/*! -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*!  output assign handle */
assign  ttl_out = r_ttl_out;endmodule


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