(此邮件由 admin1@note.youdao.com 代发) 2013-12-3 18:21

Hello friends,

recently there is a known issue in SCN http://scn.sap.com/thread/3463117 that you cannot upload pictures in your local laptops when you write blogs.( The insert image button is disabled )
Currently the SCN guys are investigating on this issue.

So I have to insert the picture from the web.

I have to upload the pictures to http://www.flickr.com and paste the picture url to SCN blog.

Unfortunately in flickr website, we can only obtain url like http://www.flickr.com/photos/53067560@N00/2658147888/in/set-72157606175084388/. Once opended, you will find the url contains both the content of uploaded picture itself and the frame of flickr website. Such url could not be used in SCN.

If we right click on the uploaded picture, we can see see a couple of picture size choices. Clicking on “Original” means we would like to view the picture with original size.

on the new window, right click on picture and choose menu item “Properties”, then you can get the static url, which could be used in SCN blog.

If you have lots of picture to upload this inefficient operations will make you mad. So finally I write a small tool to do url conversion automatically.
It is written in JAVA but could easily be rewritten in ABAP.

Firstly parte all uploaded picture url into a text file in your laptop like below:

import attached java file into your Eclipse and execute it, it will convert the url for you:

You need to create an application in flickr website and then you can get your own application key.

Just fill the application key in JAVA class URLFetcher and that's all.


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