
On Aug 13, 2020, AWS announced the General Availability of Amazon Braket. Braket is their fully managed quantum computing service. It is available on an on-demand basis, much like SageMaker. That means the everyday developer and data scientist can tinker around and kick the tires.

2020年8月13日, AWS宣布了Amazon Braket的全面可用性。 Braket是其完全托管的量子计算服务。 它像SageMaker一样按需提供。 这意味着每天的开发人员和数据科学家都可以修补和踢轮胎。

I wanted to take a look at the Braket Console and see how intuitive the experience was. Ease of use and friendly UI is crucial to me. I am a novice in the area of quantum computing, so I have much to learn. The introductory notebooks available make learning the basics easy. The very basics, I should say. The science behind the magic gets quite complicated, but it is interesting.

我想看一下Braket Console,看看这种体验有多直观。 易于使用和友好的用户界面对我至关重要。 我是量子计算领域的新手,因此我要学习很多东西。 可用的入门笔记本使学习基础变得容易。 我应该说非常基本的东西。 魔术背后的科学变得相当复杂,但这很有趣。

成本 (Cost)

My first order of business was to check out the cost. When I played around with some SageMaker projects, my AWS budget alarm kicked off early. I don’t want any $100 surprises, and I’m sure you don’t either. From what I gather, the cost is broken down differently in four areas. The notebooks are based on SageMaker pricing and billed as such. The larger your instance, the more it costs. The AWS Simulator runs at $4.50 an hour. The Quantum devices run at their own per ‘shot’ basis. And finally, you do send the output to S3, so there is a nominal storage fee. I was cautious to check my billing during this process. I knew I was running a tiny sample so that the costs would be low — less than $1.00. In the end, it cost me 23 cents.

我的第一笔生意是检查费用。 当我处理一些SageMaker项目时,我的AWS预算警报很早就开始了。 我不希望有$ 100的惊喜,而且我相信您也不会。 根据我的收集,成本在四个方面进行了不同的细分。 这些笔记本基于SageMaker的定价,并以此计费。 您的实例越大,成本就越高。 AWS模拟器每小时收费4.50美元。 Quantum器件以“发射”为基础独立运行。 最后,您确实将输出发送到S3,因此需要支付少量的存储费。 在此过程中,我非常谨慎地检查帐单。 我知道我正在运行一个很小的样本,因此成本较低-不到1.00美元。 最后,它花了我23美分。

23 cents to run on this geek eye candy? Not bad.

这款极客型眼糖果的价格为23美分? 不错。

准备 (Prep)

All of the information below assumes you have an AWS account set up, including billing. If you are setting up your account for the first time, there are some free tier options, though not for quantum devices.

以下所有信息均假设您已设置AWS账户(包括账单)。 如果您是第一次设置帐户,则有一些免费套餐选项 ,但不适用于量子设备。

Once you have an account, you’ll need to name an S3 bucket for your output. Other than that, you’re ready to go.

拥有帐户后,您需要为输出命名一个S3存储桶。 除此之外,您已经准备好了。

运行示例 (Running the example)

Sometimes jumping into the code is the best way to learn how the hardware works. Hands-on tutorials can be hard to find at this early stage. I started with the AWS blog itself. It has a step-by-step guide with screenprints.

有时,跳入代码是学习硬件工作方式的最佳方法。 在此早期阶段很难找到动手教程。 我从AWS博客本身开始。 它具有有关屏幕截图的分步指南。



It’s pretty straight forward in regards to running the sample notebooks.


I only had one small hiccup; I overlooked updating the S3 bucket variable. If you don’t update this value with the S3 bucket of your choosing, you will get this error:

我只有一个小小的打ic。 我忽略了更新S3存储桶变量。 如果不使用您选择的S3存储桶更新此值,则会出现以下错误:

“ValidationException: An error occurred (ValidationException) when calling the CreateQuantumTask operation: Caller doesn’t have access to amazon-braket-<##########> or it doesn’t exist.”

If you want to run a quick test to be sure you have all of your configurations correct, below is a simple single-cell script. Based on the SuperDense example, it covers using a local simulator (that comes with the SDK), the AWS simulator, and the one quantum device (ionQ) that was available in my region at the time of my test.

如果要运行快速测试以确保所有配置正确,下面是一个简单的单单元脚本。 基于SuperDense示例,它涵盖了使用本地模拟器(SDK附带),AWS模拟器以及测试时在我所在地区可用的一个量子设备( ionQ )。

# !pip show amazon-braket-sdk | grep Version# Import Braket librariesfrom braket.circuits import Circuit, Gate, Momentsfrom braket.circuits.instruction import Instructionfrom braket.aws import AwsDeviceimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport boto3import timefrom braket.devices import LocalSimulator# Please enter the S3 bucket you created during onboarding in the code below,# or create a new bucket named as ‘amazon-braket-<your account number>’ to run the below code without changes.aws_account_id = boto3.client(“sts”).get_caller_identity()[“Account”]my_bucket = f”amazon-braket-{aws_account_id}” # the name of the bucketmy_prefix = “simulation-output” # the name of the folder in the buckets3_folder = (my_bucket, my_prefix)# Run local simulatordevice = LocalSimulator()bell = Circuit().h(0).cnot(0, 1)print(bell)print(‘local simulator results: ‘ + str(device.run(bell, shots=100).result().measurement_counts))# Run AWS simulatordevice = AwsDevice(“arn:aws:braket:::device/quantum-simulator/amazon/sv1”)bell = Circuit().h(0).cnot(0, 1)print(‘aws simulator results: ‘)get_result(device, bell, s3_folder)

My output:


image by author

支架示例笔记本 (Braket Example Notebooks)

Advanced Circuits Algorithms


  • Grover’s quantum algorithm格罗弗的量子算法
  • Quantum Amplitude Amplification (QAA)量子振幅放大(QAA)
  • Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)量子傅立叶变换(QFT)
  • Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE)量子相位估计(QPE)

Hybrid Quantum Algorithms


  • Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm (QAOA)量子近似优化算法(QAOA)
  • Transverse Ising Model with Variational Quantum Eigenvalue Solver (VQE)具有变分量子特征值求解器(VQE)的横向Ising模型

Quantum Annealing


  • Anatomy of Quantum Annealing with D-WaveD波的量子退火解剖
  • D-Wave Graph Partitioning — Quadratic Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO)D波图分区—二次无约束二进制优化(QUBO)
  • D-Wave Maximum Cut Problem (MaxCut)D波最大切割问题(MaxCut)
  • D-Wave Minimum Vertex Cover ProblemD波最小顶点覆盖问题

Simple Circuits Algorithms +++ start here


  • Anatomy of quantum circuits量子电路的解剖
  • Backend Devices — GHZ state Preparation后端设备-GHZ状态准备
  • Backend Devices — Bell state Preparation后端设备-响铃状态准备
  • Superdense Coding超密编码

总体 (Overall)

I was pleased to see such detailed and educational notebooks right within the notebook instance. These are not entry-level concepts, but break down the workflow nicely. It is a good intro to the platform. Above, I have listed the different folders of examples provided. I’d recommend starting with the Simple Circuit Algorithms. The instructions walk you through the building of the circuit. The circuit visualization options aren’t as nice as some other platforms, but I imagine this will improve over time. AWS is known for getting the meat of the product to market then adding in the friendlier features in subsequent releases. The price is right, so give it a try.

我很高兴在笔记本实例中看到如此详细且具有教育意义的笔记本。 这些不是入门级的概念,但可以很好地分解工作流程。 这是该平台的一个很好的介绍。 上面,我列出了提供的示例的不同文件夹。 我建议从简单电路算法开始。 这些说明将引导您完成电路的构建。 电路可视化选项不如其他平台好,但我认为随着时间的推移,这种情况会有所改善。 AWS以将产品推向市场然后在后续版本中添加更友好的功能而闻名。 价格合适,请尝试一下。

与往常一样-记住停止并删除您的笔记本实例。 (As always — remember to stop and delete your notebook instances.)

image by author

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/quantum-computing-for-23-cents-917e1f664cea




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