
by Princiya


如何将React连接到Redux —图解指南 (How to connect React to Redux — a diagrammatic guide)

This post is aimed at people who already know React and Redux. This will aid them in better understanding how things work under the hood.

这篇文章针对的是已经了解React和Redux的人。 这将帮助他们更好地了解引擎盖下的工作方式。

When I first got into the React universe ?, ~3 years ago, I had a very hard time understanding how Redux’s mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps worked and were available to the React component. Here is a diagrammatic guide to better understand how Redux’s connect works with React.

大约3年前,当我第一次进入React世界?时,我很难理解Redux的m apStateToProps和m apDispatchToPropsapDispatchToProps工作的,并且可用于React组件。 这是一个图解指南,可以更好地了解Redux的c onnect如何与React onnect工作。

Let’s say we have a Search component.


And a classic Redux store.


Let’s populate the Redux store with Action dispatchers and the Reducer state.


The Reducer’s defaultState looks like this. The action parameter inside the Reducer function comes from the dispatchedAction.

Reducer的defaultState如下所示。 Reducer函数内部的action参数来自调度的Action.

Let’s connect the React search component with the Redux store. The React-Redux library has official React bindings for Redux.

让我们将React搜索组件与Redux存储连接起来。 React-Redux库具有Redux的官方React绑定。

It provides the connect function to connect the component to the store.


mapDispatchToProps means map the Action’s dispatch function to React component’s this.props .


The same applies to mapStateToProps , where the Reducer’s state is mapped to React component’s this.props .

这同样适用于mapStateToProps ,其中Reducer的状态映射到React组件的this.props

  1. Connect React to Redux.将React连接到Redux。
  2. The mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps deals with the Redux store’s state and dispatch, respectively.


  3. Reducer’s state and the Action’s dispatch are available via this.props to the React component.

    通过this.props ,React组件可以使用this.propsstate和Action的dispatch

Let us summarize the entire React to Redux connect workflow via a button click from the React search component.

让我们通过单击React搜索组件中的按钮来总结整个React to Redux连接工作流程。

  1. Click the submit button on the React search component


  2. The click function dispatches an Action. The Action dispatch function is connected to the search component via mapDispatchToProps and is made available to this.props

    click函数调度一个Action。 Action dispatch功能通过mapDispatchToProps连接到搜索组件,并且可用于this.props

  3. (out of scope for this post) The dispatched action is responsible to fetch data and dispatch another action to update the Reducer state


  4. The Reducer state updates itself with the new search data available from Step 3.Reducer状态使用第3步中可用的新搜索数据进行更新。
  5. The Reducer state is already connected to this.props in the search component via mapStateToProps


  6. this.props has the latest search data and the view now re-renders to show the updated search results




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