
I’ve used BigQuery every day with small and big datasets querying tables, views, and materialized views. During this time I’ve learned some things, I would have liked to know since the beginning. The goal of this article is to give you some tips and recommendations for optimizing your costs and performance.

我每天都使用BigQuery处理大小数据集,用于查询表,视图和实例化视图。 在这段时间里,我学到了一些东西,从一开始我就想知道。 本文的目的是为您提供一些技巧和建议,以优化成本和性能。

基本概念 (Basic concepts)

BigQuery: Serverless, highly scalable, and cost-effective multi-cloud data warehouse designed for business agility [Google Cloud doc].

BigQuery :专为业务敏捷性而设计的无服务器,高度可扩展且经济高效的多云数据仓库[ Google Cloud doc ]。

BigQuery logo

GCP Project: Google Cloud projects form the basis for creating, enabling, and using all Google Cloud services including managing APIs, enabling billing, adding and removing collaborators, and managing permissions for Google Cloud resources [Google Cloud doc]. Each project could have more than one BigQuery Dataset.

GCP项目 :Google Cloud项目构成了创建,启用和使用所有Google Cloud服务的基础,包括管理API,启用计费,添加和删除协作者以及管理Google Cloud资源的权限[ Google Cloud文档 ]。 每个项目可能有多个BigQuery数据集。

GCP Project

Dataset: It’s similar to the Databases or Schema concepts in other RDBMS. There are located tables, views, and materialized views.

数据集 :它类似于其他RDBMS中的数据库或架构概念。 存在表,视图和实例化视图。

BigQuery’s Datasets

Slot: It’s a virtual CPU used by BigQuery to execute SQL queries. BigQuery automatically calculates how many slots are required by each query, depending on query size and complexity [Google Cloud doc]. This is the principal indicator if you are in flat-rate pricing because you make a slot commitment (minimum 500 slots).

插槽:这是BigQuery用于执行SQL查询的虚拟CPU。 BigQuery会根据查询的大小和复杂程度自动计算每个查询需要多少个广告位[ Google Cloud doc ]。 如果您采用固定费用定价,因为这是您承诺的广告位承诺(最少500个广告位),则这是主要指标。

Slot/ms: It’s the total amount of slots per millisecond used by a query. That’s the total number of slots consumed by the query over its entire execution time [Taking a practical approach to BigQuery slot usage analysis]. Notice that a query uses a different quantity of slots during all execution, for example, the number of slots when start making a join is higher than making a filter and also is the duration time.

插槽/毫秒:这是查询使用的每毫秒的插槽总数。 这是查询在整个执行时间内所消耗的插槽总数[ 采用实用的方法进行BigQuery插槽使用率分析 ]。 请注意,查询在所有执行过程中使用不同数量的插槽,例如,开始建立连接时的插槽数量要比创建过滤器的数量高,并且持续时间也要多。

Numer of byte processed: It’s the total bytes read when you run a query. This is the principal cost if you are in on-demand pricing.

已处理字节数 :运行查询时读取的总字节数。 如果您按需定价,这是主要成本。

Getaway of “Select * “

Partition: A partitioned table is a special table that is divided into segments, called partitions, that make it easier to manage and query your data [BigQuery partitioned table].

分区 :分区表是一种特殊的表,分为几部分,称为分区,这使管理和查询数据更加容易[ BigQuery分区表 ]。

A partitioned and clustered table

Clustering: A clustered table data is automatically organized based on the contents of one or more columns in the table’s schema [BigQuery clustered table].

集群 :集群表数据是根据表架构[ BigQuery集群表 ]中一个或多个列的内容自动组织的。

Resuming this two important concepts, I’ve made a simple image to understand visually how a table get organized.


费用建议 (Cost recommendations)

There is not a magic recipe, however, It’s important to understand the BigQuery’s cost structure and then what exactly I’m spending on it.


Cost Structure


  1. Storage [pricing]

    储存 [ 定价 ]

  • Active: A monthly charge for data stored in tables or in partitions that have been modified in the last 90 days. $0.020 per GB

    活跃:按月收费,用于存储在过去90天内已修改的表或分区中的数据。 每GB $ 0.020

  • Long-term: A lower monthly charge for data stored in tables or in partitions that have not been modified in the last 90 days. $0.010 per GB

    长期:对于过去90天内未修改的表或分区中存储的数据,每月收取的费用较低。 每GB $ 0.010


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