应用语言学 试题
● You have 90 minutes to finish this exam.
●The exam consists of 4 parts:
PartⅠ. Multiple Choice Questions (l0 items, 30 points,3 points for each)
Part Ⅱ. True or False Questions (10 items, 30 points,3 pointsfor each item)
PartⅢ.Matching(5 items, 10 points,2 points for each item)
PartⅣ.Short Questions(3 items, 30 points, IO points for each item)
● This is a closed exam. You are not allowed to consult any reference books or with other examinees.

PartⅠ I. Choose the best answer to complete the following statements. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 items, 30 points, 3 points for each item)
1. is the synchronic comparison of two languages.
A. Multilingual linguistics B. Conversation linguitiscs
C. Discourse linguistics D. Contrastive linguistics
2. The should always be the central figure of language teaching.
A. language objective B . language learner
C. language experience D. language activity
3. Psycholinguistics, as a (an) of cognitive science, has seen an enormous
A. major field B. sub-field
C. irrelevant field D. superior field
4. is the ability to recognize and use words in a language in the way that the native speakers of the language use them
A. Phonological competence B. Communicative competence
C. Lexical competence D. Discourse competence
5. Which of the following personality variables CANNOT distinguish successful from unsuccessful learners ? .
A. Positive task orientation B. High level of aspiration
C. Language aptitude D. Goal orientation
6. If a student,s score is interpreted with reference to the scores of other students or groups of students, we callit a .
A. norm-referenced test B. criterion-referenced test
C. placement test D. proficiency test
7. is defined as the study of the application of linguistics to language education in a narrow sense.
A. Sociolinguistics B. Applied linguistics
C. Psycholinguistics D. Corpus linguistics
8. is defined as the degree to which a program delivers what it claims to beoffering, as well as the degree to which what it is producing reflects good language teaching p ractice.
A. Relevant instruction B. Efficient instruction
C. Effective instruction D. Consistent instruction
9. All of the followings are the natures of applied linguistics EXCEPT .
A. interdisciplinary
B. experimentativeness
C. practice-oriented
D. culture-driven
10. Discourse analysis analyzes in terms of the linguistic and organizational structures in the text.
A. a text B. a word
C. a phrase D. a sentence
Part Ⅱ . Decide if the following statements are TRUE or FALSE according to what you have learned from the course book. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 items, 30 points, 3 points for each item)
11. The norm-referenced test (NRT) refers to a test which measures a student’ s performance according to a particular standard or criterion which has been agreed upon.
12. Applied Linguistics is bounded to present the description of an issue of practical language teaching and learning.
13. From a general linguistic perspective, languages can be inflectional or uninflectional.
14. It is now recognized that all learners fall back on their mother tongues, particularly in the early stages of language acquisitiom
15. The treatment of error by the same teacher is consistent all the time, but may vary from one teacher to another.
16. The acquisition of a second language requires the acquisition of a whole new umverse and a whole new way of looking at it at the same time.
17. Quantitative analysis focuses on the typical features of the data being studied
18. There is no sharp segregation between the practices of ordinary talk-in-interaction and the practices of talk in institutional settings.
19. Large-scale social and political issues has no effects on language use in a particular society.
20. One type of “avoidance” is that learners can anticipate that there is a problem, and has some ideas of what the correct form is like.
Part Ⅲ . Match the terms in Column A with the right descriptions or explanations in Column B. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. Note that there are more descriptions or explanations than necessary. (5 items, 10 points, 2 points for each item)

Part lV. Answer the questions below. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (3 items,30 points, 10 points for each item)
26. According to what you have learned from the course, name two roles that teachers may assume in the classroom7 What qualities do you think a good teacher should have?
27. According to what you have learned from the course, name two categories of tests in language testing community, and explain why language tests play a vital role in language teaching?
28. According to what you have learned from this course~ name two ways to orient teachers in a training program, which way do you think is more effective and why?

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