I've read that this is a no-no, but I'm wondering if this is ALWAYS the case. I've got a list of "dining tables" that can accommodate an array of seats.


You can see in the image that table_num 12 will accommodate 2 OR 3 seats.

您可以在圖像中看到table_num 12將容納2 OR 3個席位。

So, now my current solution is to query all the table records (according to the user_index for undisclosed reasons) then loop through the results looking for tables that can fit 3 people (if it happens to be three people looking for a table).


I do that by using the array_implode() method (in php) on the 'seats' column of my return data. I feel like this is an easier solution than creating a separate 'seats' table and then assigning a table_index and user_index to each seating possibility, and then having to run a second query to find the table_num in the original 'tables' table.


Basically, by using array_implode() I am able to circumvent a second query. But, I don't know if that is less taxing. Or, possibly I am missing out on some awesome query language (like relational table lingo?)


3 个解决方案



If you removed the seats column from this table and then had a new seats table with three columns: id, table_index, and num_seats, where table_index relates to index in your existing table (many-to-one as there may be multiple entires per table in seats). The you could select the tables you want like so:


SELECT tables.* FROM tables

INNER JOIN seats ON tables.index = seats.table_index

WHERE seats.num_seats = ?



Create a table that's called something like TableSeats. In it, you'd have a table_num and a seats column. Use the table_num column as a foreign key. Then, to find tables that seat 3 people, it'd be like so:





tables t


exists (select 1 from tableseats s where s.seats = 3)

The magic here is the exists clause. Certainly, you could also do an inner join, but I'd recommend exists here, because this allows you to find any tables that can seat at least 7 people by saying where s.seats >= 7, or even a table that can seat between 5 and 8 people with where s.seats between 5 and 8.

這里的魔力是exists子句。當然,你也可以做一個內連接,但我建議在這里存在,因為這可以讓你找到任何可以容納至少7個人的桌子,說s.seats> = 7,甚至可以坐的桌子5到8人之間,其中s.seats在5到8之間。



Correct me if I am wrong, but this does not sound a list. It is more like a range (like, from 2 up to 3 seats). So you could have a better structure by replacing the seats field by the fields min_seats and max_seats. The queries are straight forward then.


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