

例子1:Enhancing slope one recommendation through local information embedding (目的:enhance the performance of an existing algorithm;技术:local information embedding)
例子2:Sentiment based matrix factorization with reliability for recommendation (目的: reliability for recommendation;技术: sentiment based matrix factorization)





(1) The description of the area and the problem. XXX is an important issue in XXX.
(2) Existing works. There are some 
(3) The drawback/limitation of the existing works. However, ...
(4) The content of the paper. In this paper, we propose ...
(5)~(7) Detailed explanation of our work. First, .... Second,.... Third, ....
(8)~(9) Experimental results ...
(10) The significance of the paper (maybe unnecessary).


Recommender systems guide their users in decisions related to personal opinions about items. Sentence 1, the problem statement.Most existing systems implicitly assume the recommender behavior as a binary classification. Sentence 2, existing work.That is, the incoming item is either recommended or not. Sentence 3, limitation of existing work.In this paper, we propose a framework integrating three-way decision and random forest to build recommender systems. Sentence 4, the main content.First, we consider both misclassification costs and teacher cost. Sentence 5, the first technique.Misclassification costs are paid for wrong recommendation behaviors, while teacher cost is paid to consult the user actively for her tendency. Sentence 5', more about the first technique.Second, with these costs, a three-way decision model is built and rational settings of $\alpha^*$ and $\beta^*$ are computed. Sentence 6, the second technique.Third, we build a random forest to compute the probability $P$ that a user likes an item. Sentence 7, the third technique. Fourth, $\alpha^*$, $\beta^*$ and $P$ are employed for determining the recommender behavior to users. Sentence 7', the fourth technique. The performance of the recommender is evaluated by the average cost. Sentence 7', more about the main content.Experiments results on the well-known MovieLens dataset show that the threshold pair (\alpha^*,\beta^*) determined by three-way decision is optimal not only on the training set, but also on the testing set. Sentences 8 and 9, the experimental setting and the result.




(1) Recommender systems attempt to guide users in decisions related to choosing items based on inferences about their personal opinions. Most existing systems implicitly assume the underlying classification is binary, that is, a candidate item is either recommended or not.

(2) Here we propose an alternate framework that integrates three-way decision and random forests to build recommender systems.

(3) With these costs, a three-way decision model is built, and rational settings for positive and negative threshold values \alpha^* and \beta ^* are computed.

(4) We next construct a random forest to compute the probability P that a user will like an item.

(5) Finally, \alpha^*, \beta ^*, and P are used  to determine the recommender’s behavior.










[1] 如何做研究、如何写论文,周志华,南京大学

[2] 机器翻译学术论⽂文写作⽅方法和技巧,刘洋,清华大学

[3] 张恒汝,闵帆,Three-way recommender systems based on random forests, Knowledge-Based Systems, 2016, 91: 275-286.

[4] 张恒汝,闵帆,石兵,Regression-based three-way recommendation,Information Sciences, 2017, 378, 444-461.

[5] 沈蓉萍,张恒汝,于洪,闵帆,Sentiment based matrix factorization with reliability for recommendation. Expert Systems with Applications, 2019.

[6] 张恒汝, 闵帆,吴彦学, 付卓林, 高磊, Magic barrier estimation models for recommended systems under normal distribution, Applied Intelligence, 2018: 1-8.


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